
yà lóng wān
  • Yalong Bay
  1. 亚龙湾一道亮丽的风景:三亚喜来登酒店设计

    Brilliant landscape at Yalong Bay : Design of Sheraton Hotel Sanya

  2. 三亚亚龙湾铂尔曼度假酒店为您等待

    Pullman Sanya Yalong Bay Resort & Spa is waiting for you

  3. 三亚亚龙湾旅游度假区冰蓄冷区域供冷技术的应用

    Technology application of ice-storage district cooling in Sanya Yalong Bay Resort District

  4. 亚龙湾如此大受青睐,但给人的感觉并不拥挤。

    In spite of Yalong 's popularity , it doesn 't feel crowded .

  5. 政府的目标是把三亚和亚龙湾发展成重要的度假区。

    The government has targeted Sanya and Yalong Bay as major resorts areas .

  6. 已经下了深刻的印象完善环境和自然风光的亚龙湾。

    Was already impressed by the perfect environment and natural beauty of Yalong Bay .

  7. 亚龙湾的沙滩和海水是世界最棒的。

    The beach and the seawater of Yalong Bay is the best in the world .

  8. 亚龙湾上也有另一种生活。

    Yalong Bay also has another life .

  9. 在三亚的亚龙湾,我们经营着中国最昂贵的度假酒店。

    We run the most expensive resort in China , in Sanya , on Yalong Bay .

  10. 在亚龙湾,婆娑的椰林、碧蓝的大海和明媚的阳光构成了一个天堂的海岛。

    Coconut tree groves , blue ocean and bright sunlight make up an earthly paradise that is Yalong Bay .

  11. 这里的海滨酒店有着整洁优美的花园,居高临下俯瞰着绿树阴翳的亚龙湾海景。

    Its beachfront hotels have immaculate , landscaped gardens with a commanding view of the waters of sheltered Yalong Bay .

  12. 三亚最美的地方当属距离市区半小时车程的亚龙湾。

    But Sanya 's grand strand lies half an hour by car to the east of the city at Yalong Bay .

  13. 位于海南三亚亚龙湾的红树林度假酒店是中国唯一具巴厘岛热带风情的度假酒店。

    The Yalong Bay Mangrove Tree Resort is the only luxury resort in China designed in truly " Balinese style " .

  14. 20世纪90年代中期之前,亚龙湾一直由中国海军控制,不得开发,如今,在这片绝佳的海滩上排列着16家豪华酒店。

    The Chinese navy controlled Yalong and kept developers away until the mid-1990s , but now16 luxury hotels line a sparkling beach .

  15. 酒店简介地处亚龙湾国家旅游度假区内并拥有全中国最白晰绵软的沙滩和蔚蓝的海水。

    Hotel Inn Resort , Yalong Bay is located in Yalong Bay , one of most beautiful tropical seacoasts in the world .

  16. 这里有亚龙湾中心广场、蝴蝶谷、海壳博物馆、网球俱乐部、高尔夫球场、海滨浴场等。

    There is Yalong Bay Central Square , Butterfly Park , Sea Shell Museum , Tennis Club , Golf Course , Beach Spa etc.

  17. 在时尚店铺、高档餐厅以及五星级度假村(如三亚附近亚龙湾的希尔顿酒店)旁,新建船坞如雨后春笋般涌现。

    New marinas have popped up alongside designer stores , fine-dining restaurants and five-star resorts like the Hilton in Yalong Bay near Sanya .

  18. 在三亚湾近海的西岛和亚龙湾附近的蜈支州岛有浮潜和帆板项目。

    Visitors to Sanya can also find snorkeling and windsurfing on West Island , off the shores of Sanya Bay , and Wuzhizou Island near Yalong .

  19. 隶属于亚龙湾热带天堂森林公园的豪华酒店——鸟巢度假村,就构建在郁郁葱葱的树冠之上。

    Attached to the park is a luxury hotel , the Bird 's Nest Resort , which is built on top of the thick forest canopy .

  20. 为了更好的迎接博鳌亚洲论坛的领导到来,亚龙湾红树林度假酒店高度重视此次的接待工作。

    In order to warm welcome the leadership of the Boao Asia Forum , Yalong Bay mangrove resort has pay highly attention for the preparation work .

  21. 唯一的海滩泻湖和基层网球场设施,亚龙湾,您可以享受一个既轻松又有趣的留在亚龙湾高尔夫球会。

    With the only beach lagoon and grass tennis court facility in Yalong Bay , you can enjoy a relaxing and fun stay at Yalong Bay Golf Club .

  22. 在三亚的东面,往博鳌的方向去,是拥有21公里沙滩的海棠湾&比亚龙湾要长出好几倍。

    A bay called Haitangwan , farther along the eastern coast toward the city of Boao , boasts a21-kilometer beach & several times as long as the one at Yalong .

  23. 屡获殊荣的金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店继续其音乐之旅,鼠年的第一场沙滩音乐会将在美丽的亚龙湾边举行。

    The award-winning Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa continues its musical journey for the2nd year with the first concert in the Year of the Rat , staring top Singaporean singer Shaun and his band .

  24. 海南岛最南端的三亚亚龙湾,是原始的热带天堂,洁白闪亮的沙滩在南海边绵延。

    Sanya 's Yalong Bay , situated at the southernmost tip of China 's Hainan Island , offers an unspoiled tropical paradise , with pristine beaches extending farther and farther along the South China Sea .

  25. 亚龙湾热带天堂森林公园是冯小刚执导的影片《非诚勿扰2》的拍摄地,在那儿,你可以尽情领略自然风光。

    Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park is the filming site of Director Feng Xiaogang 's Movie - " If You Are the One II , " where you would enjoy the nature of beauty .

  26. 亚龙湾坐落于海南岛的最南端,距三亚25公里,以坐拥当代旅游五大要素而著称,即大海、沙滩、阳光、葱翠绿树和清新空气。

    Yalong Bay is situated in the southernmost part of Hainan Province , 25 kilometers away from Sanya and boasts the five essential elements of modern tourism : sea , sands , sunshine , lush green plants and fresh air .

  27. 尽显海湾的独霸尊贵。在太阳石顶峰鸟瞰,东可饱览亚龙湾、海棠湾的风光,西可以一览三亚的城市全貌。

    You can stand at the peak of the Sunny Stone for a bird 's eye view of the sea and see the beautiful scenes of Yalong Bay and Haitang Bay on the east and the urban panorama of Sanya City on the west .

  28. 三亚亚龙湾假日度假酒店地处中国最著名的度假海滩&海南岛三亚市亚龙湾度假区。

    Holiday Inn Resort Yalong Bay , Sanya is located on the most popular Chinese beach resort in Yalong Bay , Sanya , Hainan Island .