
  • 网络the Oriental Hawaii
  1. 被誉为天下第一滩、东方夏威夷、青岛后花园-威海银滩,它还是国家AAAA级旅游度假区。

    Known as the best in the world beach , the East Hawaii , the back garden , Qingdao-Weihai Silver Beach , It is also the State AAAA-class tourist resort .

  2. 新加坡是个四季温暖的东方夏威夷,海中游泳也应是吸引游客的一个主要项目。

    As the Hawaii of the East , swimming at the beaches of tropical Singapore should be one of its tourist attractions .

  3. 明珠海景酒店座落于素有东方夏威夷之称的海南三亚大东海之滨,斜倚风光绮丽的鹿回头风景区,为大东海区首家四星级海滨园林度假酒店。

    The Sanya Pearl Sea View Hotel is a4-star hotel located on the seashore in Da Dong Hai within the scenic zone of Luhuitou .

  4. 然而,随着旅游业蓬勃发展,热带岛屿海南很快获得了东方夏威夷的美名,三亚就位于海南岛,五星级度假酒店遍布。

    Yet business is booming and the tropical island of Hainan , where Sanya and its five-star resorts are located , is fast being dubbed the Hawaii of the east .