
  • 网络East London;East End;East End of London;ELS
  1. 这一决定会给东伦敦的经济复苏带来新的推动力。

    This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London

  2. 8年前,vonHagens博士在东伦敦一个剧场的观众前进行了一次解剖,这是170年来在公众前的第一次。

    Eight years ago , Dr von Hagens performed an autopsy in front of a theatre audience in East London , the first in public for170 years .

  3. 上周日1-3兵败东伦敦,达格利什对失利没有任何怨言。在本周末曼狗来访L4之前,红军主帅有一周的时间对症下药。

    Dalglish had no complaints at the3-1 scoreline in east London on Sunday and the Reds boss now has a week to put things right before Manchester United visit L4 next weekend .

  4. 昨日有消息称,伦敦美银美林实习生莫里茨•埃哈特(MoritzErhardt)上周被发现死于他在东伦敦住所的淋浴房内。

    Moritz Erhardt , an intern at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in London was found dead last week in his shower at his accommodation in east London , it emerged yesterday .

  5. 时间回到2000年,五兄弟买了小村HagaHaga旁边一块180公顷(约445英亩)的土地,此处距东伦敦市北60公里,是南非的门户,也是科萨族的心腹地带。

    Back in 2000 five friends bought a 180 hectare ( 445 acres ) piece of land near the small village of Haga Haga , 60km north of East London and on the door step of South Africa 's Xhosa heartland .

  6. 它通常泛指土生土长的东伦敦区工人。

    It 's usually taken to mean a working-class native Londoner .

  7. 获奖者是来自东伦敦斯特拉福德地区的罗齐米勒。

    Rosie Miller from stratford , East london , received the award .

  8. 包括东伦敦等未被改造地区的周边土地。

    East London , an area that has missed out on regeneration .

  9. 我希望赛季在东伦敦开始。

    I like to start the season in East London .

  10. 我们这些东伦敦人应当盼望伟大的事件发生吗?

    Should we east Londoners expect great things ?

  11. 但科尔不会在冬季转会期回归这支东伦敦俱乐部。

    But Cole will not be rejoining the east London club in the current transfer window .

  12. 这道菜是东伦敦的地道小吃,通常和馅饼、土豆泥一起出手。

    The dish is an East End of London delicacy , often sold with pie and mash .

  13. 新闻集团决定将它位于东伦敦瓦平的设施出售。

    News Corporation decided to put its facilities in Wapping , east London , up for sale .

  14. 复兴东伦敦地区是完全值得的只要我们想得出该如何去做。

    Regenerating East London is thoroughly worthwhile - if only we could work out how to do it .

  15. 9月份,一位经济学家在英国电视上声称,中国投资者正在东伦敦抢购住房。

    In September , an economist claimed on television that Chinese investors are snapping up homes in east London .

  16. 在乘长途汽车旅行时,母亲曾要我注意看东伦敦附近的那些白狮子。

    During the long car journey morn had told me to watch out for the white lions Near East london .

  17. 现在的伦敦人不太经常吃它,但还是能找到的,尤其是东伦敦。

    They are no longer commonly eaten in London , but can still be found , especially around the East End .

  18. 奥林匹克公园坐落于东伦敦斯特拉特福,这是最现代化的一个地铁站。

    The Olympic Park is at Stratford in East London , site of one of the Tube 's most modern stations .

  19. 他补充道,一系列交易为东伦敦带来了各机构的资本投资,使斯特拉特福区受益。

    The Stratford area is now benefiting from a series of deals bringing in capital investment from institutions into East London , he added .

  20. 这场盛大的闭幕式晚会共有超过4100名表演嘉宾,包括3500名成年志愿者和380名来自6个东伦敦市镇的学生。

    The performance features more than 41-hundred performers , including 3500 adult volunteers and 380 school children from the six east London Host Boroughs .

  21. 可能性更大的,是复兴工程会较为匆忙,以赶在奥运会相关的最后期限前完成,而奥运会将使官僚机构的优先关注点转移到东伦敦地区。

    More likely , the regeneration will be rushed to meet games-related deadlines , while the games will shift bureaucratic priorities in favour of east London .

  22. 印度洋:红海北部南至南非的东伦敦而且东至被延伸至鲨鱼湾的澳洲的西北部海岸;

    Indian Ocean : northern Red Sea south to East London , South Africa and east to the northwest coast of Australia , extending to Shark Bay ;

  23. 一个巨大的羽流,黑烟升起了东伦敦星期一中午和报告说,大起火,在斯特拉特福地区。

    A huge plume of black smoke was seen rising over east London on Monday noon and reports said a large fire broke out in the Stratford area .

  24. 我在一份地方报纸做了三年东方队的报道,可以告诉你,很多东伦敦的阿森纳球迷把东方队作为他们第二支持的球队。

    I covered Orient for three years for the local paper and can tell you that lots of east-London based Gunners have the O 's as their second team .

  25. 来自政府的英格兰高等教育拨款委员会的数据显示,一些新兴的大学,如贝德福德郡和东伦敦大学将会缩减约1/8的招生名额。

    Data from the Government 's Higher Education Funding Council for England suggests some newer universities such as Bedfordshire and East London are expecting to lose around one-in-eight places .

  26. 他抡起双臂,咚咚地走下石梯,用东伦敦口音荒腔走调地喝道:埃文斯先生是个道地的伦敦人。

    He flung up his hands and tramped down the stone stairs , singing out of tune with a Cockney accent : Mr Evans is a Londoner born and bred .

  27. 如今,他正试图通过资本主义改变这个社会。他成立了一家公司,向东伦敦一些英国最贫穷的社区提供贷款和银行账户服务。

    Today he is trying to change the society through capitalism with a business that provides loans and bank accounts to some of the UK 's poorest communities in east London .

  28. 歌鸟持有东伦敦房地产开发商金丝雀码头集团60%的股份。该公司之所以要进行再融资,是为了在明年偿还从花旗集团借入的一笔8.8亿英镑的贷款。

    Songbird , which owns 60 per cent of Canary Wharf Group , the developer of the east London estate , needed to refinance a 880m loan with Citigroup next year .

  29. 确实,要想感受一下未来商店会是什么样子,那就去东伦敦堪星顿大街上新开张的美国饰品批发市场看看吧。

    Indeed , for a taste of what the future might look like in every store , visit the giant new American Whole Foods Market in Kensington High Street , West London .

  30. 伦敦的穆斯林中心位于东伦敦的白教堂,在这个吉庆的活动中,人们向那些斋戒的人以及没有斋戒的人提供免费的矿泉水和多汁的枣子。

    During a celebratory launch event at the London Muslim Centre in Whitechapel , east London , free mineral water and succulent dates were distributed to the fasting and non fasting public .