
  • 网络Donghe District
  1. 包头东河区北梁旧城改造的规划策略分析

    An analysis on planning tactics in renewing old urban districts

  2. 据警方说,6月6日,有人发现魏刚的遗体悬挂在东河区金驼酒店的一间客房内。

    On June 6 , Mr. Wei 's body was found hanging in his room at the Jintuo Hotel in Donghe , according to police .

  3. 唐纳德?特朗普出生于纽约东河对面皇后区的一户中产阶级家庭。

    Donald Trump was born across the East River in the Borough of Queens , into a middle-class family .

  4. 用户对煤炭质量有特殊要求的,由供需双方在煤炭购销合同中约定。唐纳德?特朗普出生于纽约东河对面皇后区的一户中产阶级家庭。

    Where customers have special requirements for coal quality , they shall have to reach an agreement with the seller in a purchase and sale contract . Donald Trump was born across the East River in the Borough of Queens , into a middle-class family .

  5. 过去我总是支支吾吾,咕哝一些“Priceline网上竞价”之类的话,但现在我有了一个新答案:住在东河对岸的皇后区长岛市(LongIsland­City,Queens)。

    I used to hem and haw and mumble something about Priceline bidding , but now I have a new answer : Stay in Long Island ­ City , Queens , just across the East River .

  6. 在东河对岸的皇后区长岛市,埃里克在他参与创建的Songza公司担任首席内容官,提供经过策划的流媒体音乐服务。

    Across the East River in Long Island City , Queens , Eric works as chief content officer for songza , a company he co-founded that offers a streaming music service of curated playlists .