
  • 网络Hainan District
  1. 海南保护区建设的展望

    The perspective of the construction of protected areas in Hainan Province

  2. 海南保护区的生态旅游

    Ecotourism in the Nature Preservation Zone of Hainan Province , China

  3. 海南生态区植物根际解磷细菌的筛选及分子鉴定

    Screening and molecular identification of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in rhizosphere soils in Hainan ecosystem

  4. 海南植物区系的多样性

    The Diversity of the Hainan Flora

  5. 海南山林区一起流动人口疟疾点状暴发调查处理

    Analysis of a sporadic outbreak of malaria in mobile population in mountainous area of Hainan Province

  6. 聚合链酶反应对海南疟区儿童带疟原虫的调查

    Children infected with malaria parasites detected by PRC method in the epidemic area of malaria in Hainan

  7. 对海南主产区该四种南药农残与重金属含量的现状进行了调查,计算出了该四种南药农残与重金属含量的现状水平;

    The fundamental value of pesticide residue and heavy metal content of the four kinds of southern herbs is determined in the end .

  8. 指出广东、广西、海南三省区七民族(包括汉族五民系)等子文化中的本土音乐,共构成多元一体的岭南音乐。

    The article suggests that native musics in sub-cultures of seven nationalities in Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan provinces jointly form integrative music of plurality .

  9. 海南方言区的人们在讲普通话时,由于在语音、词汇和语法等方面存在着诸多不规范之处,使得他们的普通话带有明显的海南腔,被称为海南腔普通话。

    Because of many substandard usage in pronunciation , vocabulary and grammar , Hainan natives speak mandarin with a strong accent , often known as mandarin with Hainan accent .

  10. 海南东北区中药资源及南药生产发展策略浅谈药品生产企业在药品生产过程中的偏差管理

    Traditional Chinese medicine resources and measures for medical herbs production in the northeast of Hainan ; Discussion On the Management of Deviations in the Process of the Pharmaceutical Production by the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

  11. 因此,创建包括香港和澳门两个特别行政区,广东、广西、海南三省区的华南金融合作区对促进本地区经济与金融的融合生长、建立华南经济都意义非常。

    Therefore , to construct the finance co operation area among Hong Kong , Macao , Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan is significant to the development of economy and formation of a united economic region in South China .

  12. 房地产中介公司和开发商报告称,短短几周内,海南旅游区内一些新楼盘的涨幅已高达50%。购房者如潮水般涌入海南,其中许多人用现金支付房款。

    Prices in some new developments in tourist areas of the island have increased by as much as 50 per cent in just a few weeks , real estate agents and developers report , as Hainan has been inundated with buyers , many paying in cash .

  13. 海南省旅游区发展分布式供能的可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis of Distributed Energy Supply in Hainan Tourist Resort

  14. 运用地震地质信息发现海南8井区灰岩潜山

    Detect limestone buried - hill in Hainan 8 well area from seismic data

  15. 海南3井区清防蜡工艺体系的建立与完善

    Establishment and improvement of wax removal and control process in well Hainan 3

  16. 海南红树林植物区系与耐盐生物学研究

    The Flora of Mangrove Forest of Hainan Island and Salt-tolerant Biology of Mangrove Plants

  17. 海南岛植物区系与热带植被性质的背景分析

    A background analysis of the flora and the characteristics of tropical vegetation in Hainan Island

  18. 海南南部区;Ⅰb。

    South Hainan Island region ⅰ b.

  19. 海南洋浦开发区将动工兴建一批工业项目

    Hainan 's Yangpu Development Zone to start work on construction of a number of industrial projects

  20. 海南岛被子植物区系

    The Angiospermous Flora of Hainan

  21. 东海南部黑潮区春季温盐度垂直分布类型及其逆现象成因的初步分析

    Preliminary analyses of vertical distribution types and the cause of reverse phenomenon of temperature and salinity in spring in the Kuroshio area of the East China Sea

  22. 我们于19781980年对黄海南部近海区春季(46月)的盐度分布预报试验研究,得出两种比较适用于本海区的盐度预报方法。

    Based on the prediction experiments on the salinity distribution of the southern Huanghai Sea in spring ( April-June ) from 1978 to 1980 , two salinity-prediction methods suitable for the region are obtained .

  23. 在榜单中,包括北京故宫博物院、海南南山旅游区、云南丽江古城在内的部分景区因管理得力、秩序平稳而受到表扬。

    In the ranking , some attractions , including the Palace Museum in Beijing , the Nanshan Tourism Zone in Hainan and the ancient town of Lijiang in Yunnan , were praised for their management and smooth operation .

  24. 海南省自然保护区生态服务价值评估

    Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value of Natural Reserve in Hainan Island

  25. 海南省自然保护区生态补偿机制初探

    Socio-Economic Impact and Eco-Compensation Mechanism in Natural Reserves of Hainan Province

  26. 海南南湾自然保护区等翅目昆虫的生物多样性

    Biodiversity of Isoptera at Nanwan nature reserve , hainan , China

  27. 海南岛凤蝶的区系与生态分布的研究

    A study in fauna and ecological distribution of swallowtail in Hainan Island

  28. 抽油泵的优选研究在海南3断块区中的应用

    The Application of Pump Screening Study in Hainan - 3 Fault Block

  29. 用逐步判别分析法对海南岛林业气候区的划分

    Division of forest climatic regions in Hainan Island by stepwise discriminatory analysis

  30. 海南洋浦经济开发区的环境背景与面临的问题

    Environmental Settings and Issues in Yangpu Economic Development Zone , Hainan Island