
  • 网络AZUR;Blue Coast
  1. 四条路线的主题分别是蓝色海岸、田园风光、向日葵之旅、薰衣草之旅。

    The theme of the four routes are blue coast , rural scenery , sunflower tours , lavender trip .

  2. Coted'Azur(蓝色海岸)这个词让人联想到地中海咖啡馆阳光明媚的日子。

    The words ' Cote d'Azur ' conjure up images of sunny days in Mediterranean cafes .

  3. 事实上,尼斯副市长、蓝色海岸地区的政治掮客克里斯蒂安•埃斯特罗西(ChristianEstrosi)就一再表示,海滩上女性遮盖身体是一种挑衅——不管是用布基尼还是大T恤,长裤还是穆斯林头巾——它们暗含着对法国秩序的挑战。

    Indeed , the deputy mayor of Nice , Christian Estrosi , who is a political power broker on the Cote d'Azur , has repeatedly referred to the covering of women on the beach - whether in a burkini or a large T-shirt , pants and hijab - as a provocation , suggesting a challenge to the French order .

  4. 科特迪瓦蓝色海岸大区,在法国南部,是另一个热门的目的地。

    Coted'Azur , in the south of France , is another popular destination .

  5. 由此而来的设计混合了19世纪欧洲建筑-正如蓝色海岸-和超后现代建筑与东方的细节设计。

    But the resulting designs are a mixture of19th century European architecture – like the Coted'Azure – and hyper postmodern buildings with orientalist detailing .

  6. 中国某公司带着6400名员工在法国进行了豪华四日游,旅行团下榻巴黎140家酒店,订下蓝色海岸4700个房间。

    A Chinese company has treated 6400 members of staff to a four-day holiday in France , booking 140 hotels in Paris and 4700 rooms on the Cote d'Azur .

  7. 直到1920年,人们因沙滩度假而脱去衣服时,还是会穿着长裙,长筒袜,和鞋子,到1920年,时装设计师可可·香奈儿在蓝色海岸的出格行为说服了时尚女性,不再让自己的身体躲避阳光。

    Stripping down for the beach still meant donning long skirts , stockings , and shoes until the 1920s , when fashion designer Coco Chanel 's Cote d'Azure escapades convinced fashionable women to stop shunning the sun .

  8. 要前往世界上第二小的国家摩纳哥--排名仅次于梵蒂冈--你得经由位于法国尼斯市的蓝色海岸国际机场,而该机场距人口只有3.85万的摩纳哥只有25分钟的车程。

    To visit Monaco -- the second-smallest country in the world , right behind the Vatican -- you 'll have to go through France 's Nice Cote d'Azur International Airport , which is just a 25-minute car ride away from Monaco , which has a population of just 38500 .

  9. 或者这个巨大的蓝色坑洞,伯利兹海岸一个水下天坑。

    Or the great blue hole , an underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize .

  10. 城市生态廊道如城市绿色通道、蓝色通道和绿色海岸线等;

    The third was the ecological corridor in the city , which was made up of green corridor , blue corridor and blue coastline in the city .