
  • 网络lumbini
  1. 此次活动也提供了一个去佛陀出生地蓝毗尼观光旅游的机会。

    The programmes also offers an optional tour to Lumbini , the birthplace of Lord Buddha .

  2. 加德满都大学孔子学院创办四年来,不断发展壮大,现已在加德满都、博克拉、蓝毗尼、奇达旺等多地开设了分门别类的中文教学班,培训学生达3000多名。

    The Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University , which was established 4 years ago , has grown into a strong institution providing different kinds of Chinese classes all over Nepal including Kathmandu , Pokhara , Lumbini and Chitwan with more than 3000 students .