
  • Blues;R&B;Blue Note
  1. 例如,蓝调和爵士乐。

    For example , blues and jazz .

  2. 大约有三分之一的爵士乐采用蓝调形式,一首歌有12小节,使用“蓝音”,即把第三、五、七个音阶降半音(如C大调的E、G、B)。

    About one third of jazz is in blues form with twelve measures in a song and uses --- blue notes , " the flatted third , fifth , and seventh notes of the musical scale .

  3. 布鲁斯(blues)又称蓝调,是上世纪初期美国黑人创造的一种音乐样式。

    Blues is a music form created by African American in the early twentieth century .

  4. 吃完晚餐,在华盛顿广场公园(WashingtonSquarePark)散散步,然后穿过格林威治村,来到西3街(West3rdStreet)的蓝调爵士俱乐部(BlueNoteJazzClub)。

    After dinner and a stroll around Washington Square Park and through Greenwich Village , pop in to Blue Note Jazz Club on West 3rd Street .

  5. 刚出道的时候,美渣就十分热爱蓝调。许多粉丝至今还对他在电视真人秀节目《X音素》中的表现记忆犹新。

    Even in his earliest days as a musician , Malik loved R & B. Many of his fans still remember when Malik appeared as a contestant on the reality TV show , The X-Factor .

  6. L’Offset是一处形状不规则的粗陋水泥建筑,随处可见暴露在外的管道和工厂一般的吊灯,这里为顾客提供杯装的隆河谷村庄级(Villages)红酒(一杯3.30欧元)和爵士、蓝调、法式经典的现场演出。

    L'Offset , a sprawling raw concrete space with exposed ducts and factory-style lamps , provides glasses of Villages wine ( 3.30 euros ) and live jazz , blues and French classics .

  7. 杰克逊与上述两张专辑的制作人昆西琼斯(QuincyJones)一道,发明了一种将灵乐、节奏蓝调(RB)与迪斯科杂糅起来的欢快的音乐形式,开创了当今的高科技机械舞。

    Together with Off the Wall and Thriller 's producer Quincy Jones , he devised an upbeat musical blend of soul , RB and disco that ushered in the high-tech dance-pop of today .

  8. 在他影响深远的《顿足蓝调》(StompingtheBlues)中,穆瑞以特有的生动笔触探讨了蓝调音乐和“顿足”这一美国黑人俚语之间的关系,而两者都充分表达了黑人生活的神髓和多样性。

    With characteristic brio , his seminal " Stomping the Blues " explores that music as the African-American idiom through which the spirit , mood and variety of black experience finds expression .

  9. 《KeystoneCompanians》四张盘中的音乐正是你所期望的杰里·加西亚所擅长的曲风:用一些蓝草和灵魂音乐混合摇滚,蓝调及爵士。

    The music on " Keystone Companians " ' four discs is exactly what you 'd expect from a Jerry Garcia side project : a mix of rock , blues and jazz with some bluegrass and soul mixed in .

  10. 艾灵顿公爵说他是“我所认识的人中最特立独行的”。上大学的时候,穆瑞在芮妮大妈(MaRainey,美国蓝调歌手,被誉为“蓝调之母”——译注)的家中度过一晚。

    Duke Ellington called him " the unsquarest man I know . " During his college days , he spent a night at Ma Rainey 's house ;

  11. 我们为观众营造了独一无二的音乐氛围,独奏部分主要由洛文杰深情款款的萨克斯和Woodie委婉忧伤的钢棒吉他演奏组成。钢棒吉他是一种非同寻常的乐器,在美国乡村乐和蓝调音乐中的地位举足轻重。

    We have a unique sound , with most of the solos coming from Dave 's soulful sax and Woodie 's mournful lap steel guitar , an unusual instrument which figures prominently in American country and blues music .

  12. “蓝调列车”可以赚钱取乐。

    The blue train was about having fun , making money .

  13. 专辑中的其他歌曲风格偏向蓝调和乡村。

    The rest of the album leans toward blues and country-rock .

  14. 还有蓝调,这就是我。

    And blues all my life . it 's who I am .

  15. 我们和古典、爵士及蓝调女艺人合作

    We 're working with a bunch of classic jazz and blues ladies

  16. 她的电影,重庆蓝调,未能获得任何奖项。

    Her film , Chongqing Blues , failed to win any awards .

  17. 她的嗓音圆润、浑厚,他的蓝调布鲁斯和民谣非常罗曼蒂克,非常有古典美。

    Her smooth R & B balladry is very moving .

  18. 很柔和,有点蓝调色彩,对不对?

    That 's pretty mellow , kinda bluesy , isn 't it ?

  19. 大部分是听古典音乐,不过我也喜欢爵士乐和蓝调。

    Classical music mostly , but I also enjoy Jazz and Blues .

  20. 都把孟菲斯叫作蓝调的家乡。

    In memphis , they call it the home of the blues .

  21. 参照发“蓝调列车”传单的人的指纹。

    Using a reference print from the blue train flyer .

  22. (指爵士乐)具有早期蓝调音乐的深情感觉。

    ( of jazz ) having the soulful feeling of early blues .

  23. 我也可以唱乡村音乐、蓝调音乐和情歌。

    And I can do country music , blues and love songs .

  24. 休劳瑞要认真对待蓝调音乐了。

    Hugh Laurie is getting serious about the blues .

  25. 我们要听吉他手巴蒂盖伊唱蓝调

    We listen to guitarist Buddy Guy singing the blues

  26. 我很喜欢你处理蓝调的风格。

    I love how you did that bluesy thing .

  27. 第一首是蓝调歌曲《密西西比小伙》。

    First up is the Blue song'Mississippi Lad ' .

  28. 他介绍了她的蓝调音乐家博拉姆齐。

    He introduced her to blues musician Bo Ramsay .

  29. 它看起来像是斯嘉丽在唱蓝调。

    It looks like Scarlett is singing the blues .

  30. 你确定不在“蓝调列车”上吗?

    Sure you weren 't on the blue train ?