
  • 网络soul;Soul music;Blue-Eyed Soul
  1. 今天是世界音乐界的悲痛之日,灵魂乐的教父詹姆斯布朗与世长辞。

    Sad day for the world of music , the Godfather of Soul , James Brown has died .

  2. 罗伊:嘿兄弟,我能借你那张《嘿灵魂乐经典》听听么?

    Lloyd Dobler : Hey my brother , can I borrow a copy of your " Hey Soul Classics "?

  3. 你拿我JamesBrown的唱片做什么?(美国Funk音乐鼻祖灵魂乐教父)

    Uh-uh , what are you doing with my James Brown album ?

  4. 她的音乐主要有爵士乐,灵魂乐和流行乐。

    Andrea : The music she 's writing is jazz , soul and pop in style .

  5. 一路走来,巴布?马利写出了20世纪最伟大的通俗灵魂乐歌曲。

    Along the way , Marley wrote the greatest popular spiritual music of the twentieth century .

  6. 海伦:那是什么音乐?灵魂乐?豪斯乐?饶舌音乐?乡土爵士乐?告诉我吧。

    Helen : So what type of music is it ? Soul ? House ? Rap ? Funk ? Tell me .

  7. 融合了节奏布鲁斯、电子、灵魂乐和摇滚的曲风才是这位全才的全英音乐奖得主的音乐标签。

    The multi-talented Brit Award winning musician 's trademark musical style usually combines R & B , electro , soul and rock .

  8. 这位灵魂乐教父以其独创性的节奏,粗犷的嗓音和华丽的舞步影响了好几代的说唱和摇滚歌手。

    The Godfather of Soul influenced generations of musicians across a range of genres from rap to rock with his revolutionary rhythms , rough voice and flashy footwork .

  9. 他的音乐总是各种风格的多变混合:摇滚、卡巴莱特和爵士,以及他所谓的“塑料灵魂乐”,但其中灌注了真正的灵魂。

    His music was always a mutable blend : rock , cabaret , jazz and what he called " plastic soul , " but it was suffused with genuine soul .

  10. 后来,随着越南战争,美国的影响也开始增大1969年,美国开始轰炸柬埔寨,当时它是中立国粗犷的摇滚乐与灵魂乐盛行一时。

    Later , with an increased American presence from the Vietnam War in 1969 the United States began bombing Cambodia , then a neutral country harder-edged rock and soul flourished .

  11. 摇滚乐是60年代反叛文化的灵魂。摇滚乐无论从内容上还是形式上都是青年异化,群体意识和反叛的表现。

    Rock music was the soul of rebellious culture in 1960s . Rock music , in both its form and its content , was an expression of alienation , group consciousness , and revolt .

  12. 灵魂的问题要是能像灵魂乐那样容易归类就好了。奇怪的是,在某一方面,我同意达芬奇的说法。

    It 's so much easier to limit soul to a category of music.But oddly I 'm with Da Vinci in one respect .