
líng tái
  • Lingtai;heart;spirit;soul;a platform for a bier
灵台 [líng tái]
  • (1) [heart;soul;spirit]∶指心;心灵

  • 不可内于灵台。--《庄子.庚桑楚》

  • (2) [a platform for a bier]∶放灵柩或死者遗像、骨灰盒的台

  • 灵台左右排列着花圈

灵台[líng tái]
  1. 2.5Ma以来黄土高原灵台剖面黄土-古土壤~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr比值的变化

    Variations in ~ ( 87 ) Sr / ~ ( 86 ) Sr Ratios of Loess-Paleosols of Lingtai Section over the Past 2.5 Ma

  2. 本文利用天水地震区成县西吉和灵台阿木去乎二条人工地震测深剖面取得的7个相遇系统Pg波资料,研究测线下方地壳浅层结构。

    The shallow crust structure beneath Tianshui earthquake area has been studied by the Pg data of seven inversion groups aquired in Chengxian Xiji and Lingtai Amuquhu deep seismic sounding profile .

  3. 综上,如果在神道穴存在压痛,在灵台、至阳穴存在强烈压痛可以考虑是GERD的可能。

    In summary , if there is tenderness in the Shinto temple acupuncture point , the existence of a strong tenderness in Ling-tai and Zhiyang acupuncture points may be used to consider the possibility of GERD .

  4. 目的:本课题从经穴与脏腑相关角度,通过电针灵台、神道穴,观察对冠心病心电图下壁和前侧壁心电图ST-T影响的即时效应差异,为临床优选腧穴提供客观依据。

    Objective : This study , based on theory of acupoint and viscera correlation , is to observe the immediate effect of the ST-T segment on EKG in the inferior and lateral heart wall of the coronary heart disease and to provide objective evidence for optimization of clinical acupoints selection .

  5. 冬小麦新品种灵台2号选育报告

    Breeding and Selection of a New Winter Wheat Variety , Lingtai 2

  6. 王灵台运用大黄治疗慢性肝病的经验

    Wang Lingtais Experience of Applying Rhubarb to Treat Chronic Hepatopathy

  7. 灵台青铜器保护方法述要青铜器保护机理与工艺研究

    Studies and review on protection methods of lingtai bronzes

  8. 系黍类食粮,黏性大,陇东惟灵台盛产。

    Department of millet food type , viscosity , and Longdong Lingtai but rich .

  9. 甘肃灵台黄土-红粘土序列中坡缕石的分布及其古气候意义

    The distribution of palygorskite in Lingtai section of Chinese Loess Plateau and its paleoclimate significance

  10. 民族的珍宝&灵台

    Treasure of our nationality & Lingtai

  11. 灵台黄土-红粘土序列的磁性地层及粒度记录

    Magnetostratigraphy and grain size record of a thick red CLAY-LOESS sequence at lingtai , the Chinese Loess Plateau

  12. 灵台红粘土和黄土-古土壤序列的地球化学演化

    A seven million geochemical record from Chinese red-clay and loess-paleosol sequence : weathering and erosion in northwestern China

  13. 对黄土高原的灵台和泾川黄土-红粘土序列进行了磁性地层学和沉积学研究。

    In this study , two thick loess-red clay sequences located at Lingtai and Jingchuan , the Chinese Loess Plateau , are studied with emphases on magnetostratigraphy and sedimentology .

  14. 通过对甘肃灵台县和上海市奉贤县水产养殖场患病鳖病原菌的分离、培养、鉴定,两地菌株均为嗜水气单胞菌。

    Diseased Trionyx sinensis from Lingtai county of Gansu province and Fengxian county of Shanghai city were isolated , incubated and identified that the bacteria from the two places were Aeromonas hydrophila .

  15. 空间尺度上,2008、2009年4-9月份,湿润和极湿润主要分布在三个区域:庄浪和华亭县的交接区域;平凉崇信县及灵台县部分区域;陇东东部部分区域。

    On the spatial scale , moist and very moist mainly distributed in three regions , it is Zhuanglang and Huating handover region , part of Pingliang Chongxin and Lingtai , Longdong eastern part of the region .

  16. 种植面积最大的是镇原、宁县、西峰、崆峒、灵台、泾川、庆城、合水等县(区),平均产量2250~3750kg/hm~2。

    The largest areas are Zhenyuan , Ningxian , Xifeng , Kongtong , Lingtai , Jingchuan , Qingcheng , Heshui and so on , the average production is 2250-3750kg / hm ~ 2.The district belongs to temperate zone semi-arid semi-moist dry continent monsoon climate .

  17. 对法瑞尔·威廉姆斯来说,这本书醍醐灌顶,让他灵台清明,让他能够回顾自己的生活,并意识到他应对那些帮助他书写自己传奇的人心怀感激。

    As for Pharrell Williams , he said the book was like an epiphany to him . He was able to look back at his life , and he realized that he was so thankful for everyone who helped him get to that point in his Personal Legend .

  18. 在灵台上祭天礼地的主要是胡巫,这喻示了胡巫可能是沟通周人与西北游牧民族天神信仰的使者。

    The people in charge of the ceremony were mainly wizards from the non han nationalities , which shows that those wizards might be the missioners who served as linkage of the people of the Zhou Dynasty and the heavenly god worshiped by the non Han nomadic people .