
  • 网络lingshan county;Lingshan
  1. 灵山县冬季气温空间分布特点的初步分析

    Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Winter Temperature in Lingshan County

  2. 广西特色水果业的产业化发展探讨&以灵山县水果业产业化发展为例

    The Discussing on the Characteristic Fruit Industrialization in Guangxi & Take Fruit Industrialization in Lingshan County for Instance

  3. 高喷灌浆技术在灵山县长安水库加固中的应用

    Application of high-pressure jet grouting technology in Changan reservoir reinforcement project

  4. 灵山县乙型脑炎媒介蚊虫的调查及控制方法

    Survey and control of the vector mosquitoes of Japanese B encephalitis in Ling

  5. 三带喙库蚊是灵山县的优势蚊种,也是这次乙脑流行的主要传播媒介。

    Tritaeniorhynchus is the dominant species in the mosquito population , it is also the main vector of Japanese B encephalitis .

  6. 灵山县是广西久负盛名的水果之乡,其水果产业化发展的现状与未来,对整个广西水果业的产业化发展具有很强的借鉴意义。

    As a eminent fruit producing area of Guangxi , the current situation and future of Lingshan county 's fruit industrialization are very important to Guangxi for reference .

  7. 灵山岩体位于河南省信阳市、灵山镇、罗山县和湖北省大悟之间,地处大别造山带北麓中。

    The Lingshan granite is located between Henan province of xinyang , lingshan , luoshan and the Hubei province dawu in the northern Dabie orogenic belt .