
  1. 为此,分析影响灵活就业人员养老保险政策实施因素以及实施效果,推进灵活就业人员养老保险政策的不断完善,进而实现可持续发展的养老保险制度,将更多灵活就业人员纳入其中。

    Therefore , the analysis of influence factors of the flexible employment pension insurance policy and implementation effect , promote the flexible employment pension insurance policy of continuous improvement , and realize the sustainable development of the endowment insurance system , will be more flexible employment personnel involved .

  2. 本文主要研究的是中低收入的灵活就业人员的养老保险问题。

    This research is mainly targeted at the issue of endowment insurance of flexible employees with mid-or-low income .

  3. 在原因分析的基础上,笔者提出了提高吉林省灵活就业人员社会养老保险参保率的相关对策。

    Based on the analysis in the cause , the author proposed to improve the province flexible employment rate of social pension insurance-related measures .

  4. 因此,制定灵活就业人员的养老保险制度便提到日程上来,应该尽快研究制定适合灵活就业人员特点和需要的养老保险制度已经成为一个急切的课题。

    Therefore , the development of flexible employment pension insurance system will be on the agenda should be developed as soon as possible for flexible employment characteristics and needs of the pension system has become a pressing issue .

  5. 这不仅损害了灵活就业人员参加基本养老保险的基本权益,也不利于我国社会保险事业的长远发展。

    This will damage the benefit of the flexible employees to attend endowment insurance and it is not good for the development insurance industry of our country .

  6. 然而,灵活就业人员在参加社会养老保险制度时,出现了灵活就业人员养老保险缴费率偏高、缴费年限偏低、灵活就业人员缴费能力有限等问题。

    However , the flexible employees participating in pension insurance system , the emergence of flexible employment pension insurance contribution rate high , low payment period , pay the limited capacity of flexible employment and other issues .

  7. 据此结论,笔者从现行社会养老保险制度设计因素、灵活就业人员的个人因素、以及其他因素等方面分析了导致灵活就业人员社会养老保险参保率低的原因。

    Accordingly conclusion , the author from the system design factors , personal factors , other factors , analysis of the resulting flexible employment rate of social pension insurance reasons .

  8. 为了保障灵活就业人员的老年基本生活,降低未来不确定性风险,应该建立和完善适合灵活就业人员的养老保险制度。

    In order to protect the flexible employment of the basic old age and reduce the risk of future uncertainty , we should establish and improve employment for flexible pension insurance system .