
  • 网络immortality;immortality of the soul
  1. 灵魂不灭的信念

    belief in the immortality of the soul

  2. 我不相信灵魂不灭的说法,自己也没有这种愿望。

    I do not believe in immortality , and have no desire for it .

  3. 灵魂不灭。

    The soul is immortal .

  4. 有人相信灵魂不灭。

    Some people believe that the spirit is immortal .

  5. 我的灵魂不灭,亲爱的,对你的思念永存。

    Dear , Time can take me away , but not my love .

  6. 佛教的自我观及对灵魂不灭论的批判

    The Concept on the Self of Buddhism and Its Critique on Immortal Soul

  7. 灵魂不灭的观念,构成了大凉山彝族的日常生活和各种礼仪的基础。

    The concept of the immortal Spirit and Soul constituted the foundation of Dalangshan Nuosu 's daily life and folkways .

  8. 丧葬礼俗在灵魂不灭观的前提上发展而来,但又充分反映了社会思想。

    The funeral customs not only bases on the view of immortal soul , but also fully reflects the social thinking .

  9. 葬礼作为生命的终极仪式,受到灵魂不灭观念的影响,在人类的仪式中有着重要的地位。

    As a ultimate ritual of personal life , funeral ceremony is affected by the concept of the immortality of the soul .

  10. 这个问题对于灵魂不灭特关重要,因为灵魂的不灭是被认为以灵魂的单纯性为条件的。

    The question is important as bearing on the immortality of the soul , which is supposed to depend on the absence of composition .

  11. 新有神论还鼓吹“灵魂不灭定律”、“元神不灭定律”,这是捏造科学!

    In addition , New Theism has coined " law of eternal soul " and " law of primordial spirit " to destroy modern science .

  12. 作为羌戎部族早期文化心理产物的西王母神话传说,它的仙话化演变是羌戎部族灵魂不灭的原始宗教思想影响下的产物;

    Hsi Wang Mu 's immortal changes are outcome which was influenced by the thinking of immortal anima belonged to the primal faith of Qiang Rong tribe .

  13. 第三,毕达哥拉斯和新毕达哥拉斯派以及柏拉图的灵魂不灭与轮回思想,为基督教爱的理论和末世学奠定了理论基础。

    Third , pythagoras , neo-Pythagoras as well as plato 's theory of unfinishable soul and samsara establishes the theoretical foundation for Christian theory of love and doomsday .

  14. 杨绛通过翻译及创作,对灵魂不灭、灵魂归宿及灵魂的归途进行了一次智性的探索,并表达了一种积极的生死观。

    With her translation and creation , she explores intelligently the immortal soul , the end-result of soul and its return journey expressing a positive view over life and death .

  15. 俑作为一种随葬明器,它的出现与灵魂不灭的丧葬观念有着密切的关系,属于丧葬文化的一部分。

    As a funerary ware , the appearance of tomb figures is closely related to the concept of " immortal soul ", and it is a part of the the funeral culture .

  16. 铁器时代的不列颠,凯尔特人是这个岛的主人,他们信奉以督伊德教为主的自然宗教,相信万物有灵、灵魂不灭。

    In the Iron-Age of Britain , the Celts are the owner of the British Isles . They believe in ' Natural Religion ', based on Druidism believe in animism and immortality .

  17. 蒙古族虽然早已熟习到性命的有限性和短暂性,但是,他们依然追求“性命”的无限与永恒,于是形成了“灵魂不灭”的观念。

    Although the Mongolian national minority already realizes to life finiteness and the temporary , They still pursue the life infinite and eternal , hence became the idea of " soul immortalization " .

  18. 佛教的转世投胎、灵魂不灭、因果报应等思想对其题材来源、思想内容、情节结构以及作家创作心态有一定的影响。

    Buddhist attitudes such as reincarnation reincarnated , the immortality of the soul and Karma have a great influence on the sources of materials , thoughts , plots and the author 's ideas .

  19. 二者是慧远在吸收了中国固有的灵魂不灭、报应思想的基础上,对佛教报应体系的补充与完善,这为佛学的中国化迈出了坚实的一步。

    The two are Hui Yuan as far back as not absorbing China 's inherent soul on the foundation of killing , retribution thought , to the supplementary and completion of the retribution system of Buddhism , this takes a solid step for China of Buddhism .

  20. 和谐理念是湘西土家族丧葬习俗的思想根源,灵魂不灭观、三才一体观、风水观、孝道观、和谐观、血亲感应观等是丧葬习俗形成的思想基础。

    Harmony is a Western concept of the ideological root of Funeral Customs , the soul is immortal concept , with God an embodiment of feng shui concept , filial piety , harmony , and so is the concept of genetic induction formed the ideological basis of Funeral Customs .

  21. 以基督教为代表的西方传统思想认为人的死亡是肉体的死亡,但是却灵魂是永恒不灭的。

    Western traditional ideology , the representative of which is christianism , believes that man 's death is the death of body , but the soul is immortal .

  22. 他就会分给你一个灵魂,而同时他自己的灵魂又能保持不灭。

    He would give a soul to you and retain his own as well ; but this can never happen .