
línɡ hún lùn
  • animism
  1. 根据灵魂论,他不是。

    According to the soul view , he 's not .

  2. 这三章都围绕灵魂论最开。

    All three chapters focus on the theory of soul .

  3. 这种矛盾现象在数论、灵魂论、和谐论中都有所体现。

    The contradictory phenomenon is represented in Numbers , Souls , and Harmonies .

  4. 灵魂论是对人类生存境况的直接描述。

    The theory of the psyche is the description of the existing circumstances .

  5. 如果你相信灵魂论,你也可以同时接受肉体论。

    Even if you believe in souls , you can accept the body theory .

  6. 如果真如人格同一性的灵魂论所说,那个人就不可能是我。

    If the soul theory of personal identity were right , that would not be me .

  7. 柏拉图灵魂论浅论

    On Plato 's Theory of Soul

  8. 但根据灵魂论,那都不是人格同一性的关键。

    But that 's not the key to personal identity , according to the soul view .

  9. 回顾我们讨论人格同一性的灵魂论,提到的关于战士的案例。

    After all , go back to the lock-in warriors about the soul theory of personal identity .

  10. 如果你相信灵魂论,你也会认为同样的灵魂是关键。

    And if you believe in souls , you 're likely to think same soul as well .

  11. 即使是相信灵魂论的人,也可以接受,人格同一性的人格论。

    Now that by the by that somebody who believes in souls could also accept the personality theory of personal identity .

  12. 以为根据灵魂论,对于个人同一性来说,要成为我,那个人要有我的灵魂。

    Because according to the soul theory of personal identity to be me that person 's got to have my soul .

  13. 而且很明显,如果你不信灵魂论,你就只能接受,人格同一性的肉体论了。

    And it certainly looks as though if you don 't believe in souls , you have to accept the body theory of personal identity .

  14. 如果我们不愿,接受这种结论,似乎,我们就需要拒绝承认,人格同一性的灵魂论。

    And if we are not willing to accept that implication , it seems as though we need to reject the soul theory of personal identity .

  15. 不像灵魂论,那么充满神秘,你如何去辨别肉体,或者,灵魂是否,持续在变化,并不那么神秘。

    And unlike souls , where it was all rather mysterious , how you could tell whether body whether souls swapping , was taking place or not .

  16. 因为根据灵魂论,要成为我,必须有我的灵魂,刚才说过了,而这不是我的灵魂。

    Because according to the soul view , to be me , it 's got to have the same soul and we just stipulated , not the same soul .

  17. 究竟我们是如何,检验是否是同样的肉体-,不管你有没有特意去检验,也不像灵魂论那么神秘。

    It is not all that mysterious how we check out to see whether & the same body has been around , even though you didn 't do it .

  18. 所以我们至少要强调,即使我们不相信灵魂论,我们还是可以相信死后复生的,可能,肉体死亡后复活的可能。

    So it 's at least worth emphasizing the fact that even if we don 't believe in souls , we could still believe in the possibility of surviving one 's death , the death of one 's body .

  19. 灵魂论,人格同一性的关键在于,同样的灵魂,肉体论,人格同一性的关键在于同样的肉体;,还有我觉得最好的版本,肉体论下的大脑论版本。

    The soul theory , key to personal identity is same soul ; the body theory , key to personal identity is same body ; while the best version I think is the brain version of the body theory .

  20. 在中世纪基督教伦理学中,神学视野(含神性论、神人关系论、灵魂论等视角)统辖哲学视野。

    In the medieval Christian ethics , philosophical horizon is subject to theological one that is made up mainly of perspectives of the theory of divine nature , of the theory of relationship between God and humans , and of the view of soul .

  21. 自然·良心·灵魂&论卢梭的道德化宗教观

    Nature , Conscience , Soul : The Commentary of Rousseau 's Ethical Religion

  22. 大部分时间我会,抛开灵魂存在论。

    For the most part that I 'm going to be putting aside soul talk .

  23. 求索蜕变的灵魂&论王兆军的自传体长篇小说创作

    A Soul that striving for Truth and Transmuted & On Wang Zhaojun 's " Autobiography " Novels

  24. 首先,我们设置的前提是,人格同一性的灵魂存在论,成为同一个人的关键在于,拥有同样的灵魂。

    The first , approach is this that we considered was the soul theory of personal identity , the key to being the same person is having the same soul .

  25. 佛教的自我观及对灵魂不灭论的批判

    The Concept on the Self of Buddhism and Its Critique on Immortal Soul

  26. 辨证论治是中医的优势与精华,耳鸣耳聋同样也离不开中医的灵魂一辨证论治。

    The superiority and soul of TCM are diagnosis and treatment , so are the tinnitus and deafness .

  27. 美国南方圣经地带怪诞的灵魂写手&论奥康纳和她的小说

    A Spiritual Writer of the Grotesque in the " Bible Belt " of the American South : Flannery O'Connor and her Novels

  28. 灵魂的错位&论中国现代知识女性的书写

    Misplacement of the Soul & The Intellectual Females ' Writing

  29. 一个孤独灵魂的觉醒&论凯特·肖邦的《觉醒》

    The Awakening of a Solitude Soul : On Kate Chopin s The Awakening ;

  30. 一个自由灵魂的奇遇&论李健吾的批评观念

    The Adventure of a Free Soul & On Li Jian wu 's Idea about Literary Criticism