
  1. 虽然他的年纪是我们的两倍,但他却成为了公司的灵魂人物。

    Although he was twice as old as us , he became the life and soul of the company .

  2. 他目前是世界上最成功的荷兰设计师之一,是“DroogDesign”的灵魂人物之一,他在后者1993年创始之初便已加入。

    He is one of the most internationally successful Dutch designers and a key exponent of Droog Design , in which he has been involved since it 's inception in1993 .

  3. 关于变化中的技术公司,以及它们富于远见卓识的领导的出版物名单中,如今又多了一本——写的是硅谷性格倔强的灵魂人物与可能的救星——雅虎的玛丽莎·梅耶尔(MarissaMayer)。

    To the list of books about transformative technology companies and their visionary leaders we can now add one about Silicon Valley 's wayward soul and would-be savior : Yahoo 's Marissa Mayer .

  4. 著名流行乐团黑眼豆豆的灵魂人物will.i.am,甚至将奥巴马早期竞选的一篇演讲编成了歌曲。

    Star musician will.i.am even turned one of Obama ` s early speeches into a song during the election campaign .

  5. 保罗麦·卡特尼(是的,还有Wings乐队)凭着邦德电影《生死关头》的主题曲闯出了一片新天地。007系列电影做出了一些更换,灵魂人物邦德改由罗杰·摩尔出演,因此影片选取了20世纪70年代的音乐声作为主题曲。

    Paul McCartney ( yes , yes , and also Wings ) ushered in a new era of James Bond movies with the theme to Live and Let Die , sending the series careening into a 1970s musical sound as the franchise rebranded itself with a new leading man , Roger Moore .

  6. 论《读者》灵魂人物的人格美

    PERSONAGE Aesthetic Personality of the Soul of " Readers "

  7. 菲利浦是所有宴会的灵魂人物。

    Philip is the life and soul of any party .

  8. 他们是我们教育制度的灵魂人物。

    They are the heart and soul of our system .

  9. 我们家的核心及灵魂人物

    the true heart and soul of our family home ,

  10. 南丁格尔是改革护理运动的灵魂人物。

    Florence Nightingale ws the soul of the movement to reform nursing .

  11. 通常山姆是这支勇士篮球队的灵魂人物。

    Normally , Sam was a strong player for the Warriors basketball team .

  12. 那四分后卫是他们队的灵魂人物。

    The quarterback was the key of their team .

  13. 你指定公司负责创新的灵魂人物了吗?

    Have you named your new innovation czar ?

  14. 蒙克莱梅利人常被称为是反抗军联盟的灵魂人物。

    The Mon Calamari are said to be the soul of the Rebel Alliance .

  15. 鲁迅是中国现代文学史中的领军人物和灵魂人物。

    Lu xun is the leader in the history of Chinese modern literature and soul .

  16. 家之一,披头士乐队的灵魂人物,诗人,社会活动家,反战者。

    Home , one of the beatles'soul , poet , social activist , anti-war person .

  17. 导游作为旅游活动的灵魂人物对旅游业的发展做出了重要的贡献。

    Tour guid , as the soul of the tourism industry has made important contributions .

  18. 1992年的今天,一场为纪念“皇后”乐队的灵魂人物佛莱迪·摩克瑞的全明星演唱会在伦敦的温布利体育场举行。

    1992-An all-star concert in memory of Queen frontman Freddie Mercury is held at Wembley Stadium in London .

  19. 数他得分最多,他可是场上的灵魂人物。

    He scored the most points and once again proved that he is the soul of the team .

  20. 德库宁是20世纪最伟大的画家之一,抽象表现主义的灵魂人物。

    De Kooning was one of the greatest painter and the soul of the abstract expressionism in the 20th century .

  21. 教育的大力发展,作为学校灵魂人物的校长有至关重要的作用。

    As the soul of a school , the principal is of highest importance to the vigorous development of education .

  22. 他是方正集团和中国印刷出版界、计算机界的灵魂人物。

    Also , he is soul in Founder Group , printing and publishing industry in China , and computer industry .

  23. 严谨细致、诙谐幽默,制作团队的灵魂人物,总带给大家创意的无限惊喜。

    Rigorous and meticulous , witty humor , heart and soul of the production team , we always bring creative Inspiration .

  24. 作为课程实施灵魂人物的教师,在专业领域更需要决策。

    Teachers , as the soul of educational reform and curriculum implementation , need to make decisions in their professional areas .

  25. 大家都知道斯蒂芬是我们的灵魂人物,但他需要进行手术。

    " Everyone knows Steven is a key player for us but he needed to have the operation ," added Benitez .

  26. 哈登是这个球队中最好的球员,最有价值球员,但是这个球队的领导者,大心脏和灵魂人物只能是保罗。

    Harden is the best player on the team and MVP but CP3 is the leader , heart , and soul .

  27. 我的目标是继续接受新任务,成为在线企业成功的灵魂人物。

    My goal is to continue to take on new responsibilities and be a key contributor to the success of an online venture .

  28. 在基金的投资运行管理中,作为其中灵魂人物的基金经理发挥着尤为关键的作用。

    In the operation and investment process , fund managers play a particularly crucial role as one of the soul of the fund .

  29. 哈莱姆文艺复兴的灵魂人物&兰斯顿·休斯是美国黑人文学史上一位举足轻重的作家。

    As the soul of the Harlem Renaissance , Langston Hughes is regarded as the most important black artist in the Afro-American literary history .

  30. 在近日的一场拍卖会上,一名美国收藏家以33万英镑(约合61.4万美元)购得甲壳虫乐队灵魂人物保罗·麦卡特尼用过的第一把吉他。

    LONDON ( Reuters ) - An American collector has bought Paul McCartney 's first acoustic guitar for330,000 pounds ( $ 614,000 ) at auction .