
líng huó
  • flexible;agile;nimble;quick;elastic;dexterity;clever
灵活 [líng huó]
  • (1) [nimble;agile;quick; clever]∶快捷;不死板

  • 体态轻盈灵活

  • (2) [flexible;elastic]∶不拘泥于固有模式,善于变通

  • 中国人的头脑是灵活的

灵活[líng huó]
  1. 她的双脚特别灵活。

    She was extremely nimble on her feet .

  2. 脚步轻盈灵活的瓦尔学会了跳探戈舞。

    Val , who was light and nimble on her feet , learnt to dance the tango .

  3. 他的公司为食品工业提供灵活的包装服务。

    His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry .

  4. 你的方法必须更加灵活,更富有想象力。

    You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach .

  5. 她以头脑灵活见称。

    She was known for the quickness of her wit .

  6. 他的脑子一点儿也不灵活,是不是?

    He 's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer , is he ?

  7. 那些游艇灵活地寻找位置。

    The yachts manoeuvred for position .

  8. 我们可以非常灵活,加入条件并非铁板钉钉。

    We can be very flexible ─ our entry requirements are not set in tablets of stone .

  9. 改组的目标是把IBM重组为一个灵活的、相互竞争的子公司联盟。

    The shake-up aims to recast IBM as a federation of flexible and competing subsidiaries .

  10. 这项工作是自愿的,所以时间上很灵活。

    Because the work was voluntary it was flexible , time-wise .

  11. 在家办公为人们提供了极其灵活的生活方式。

    Working from home offers the ultimate in flexible life styles .

  12. 他到处寻觅一家可灵活变通的公司。

    He shopped around for a firm that would be flexible .

  13. 自动化会使工作周缩短,也更为灵活。

    Automation would bring a shorter , more flexible working week .

  14. 对最新技术的灵活利用必将带来成功。

    Clever exploitation of the latest technology would be a sure formula for success

  15. 项目组合的方法会使成为管理人员的机会公开灵活。

    A portfolio approach would keep entry into the managerial profession open and flexible .

  16. 它给完全陌生的人提供了一个方便灵活的聊天话题。

    It provides perfect strangers with a ready-made and infinitely adaptable topic of conversation .

  17. 工人们坚持认为新制度太不灵活。

    Workers insisted the new system was too inflexible

  18. 日本人具有灵活的生产方式,故而能满足特定客户群的需求。

    The Japanese are able to supply niche markets because of their flexible production methods .

  19. 他们是仅有的那些头脑足够灵活来应对这些需要动脑筋的事的人。

    They are the only ones whose brains are supple enough for the mental gymnastics required .

  20. 保罗身体极其灵活,而且非常结实。

    Paul was incredibly supple and strong

  21. 大臣们正在考虑一个灵活的退休年龄机制,这样可以把男性和女性的养老金权益统一起来。

    A flexible retirement age is being considered by Ministers to unify men 's and women 's pension rights

  22. 祈祷书为各信仰之间建起了足够灵活的联系纽带,以期将各个不同教派凝聚在一起。

    The Prayer Book has provided a flexible enough nexus of beliefs to hold together the different church parties .

  23. 我们刚生下来时身体都很灵活,但随着年龄的增长,手脚会变得有些僵硬。

    We are all born flexible but as we grow older , we tend to seize up a little .

  24. 这些变化将带来更灵活的、接近15年的租期,而不是现行的常规为25年的租期。

    The changes will lead to more flexible leases , and leases nearer to 15 years than the present norm of 25 years .

  25. “他是那种能够灵活变通的人吗?”“嗯,希望如此。”

    ' Is he the kind of man who can be as flexible as he needs to be ? ' — ' Well , I hope so . '

  26. 我们将实行灵活的外交政策。

    We will carry out a flexible foreign policy .

  27. 他虽然70岁了,但头脑还很灵活。

    He is seventy years old , but his mind is still sharp .

  28. 我们的外交政策是灵活的。

    Our diplomatic policy is elastic .

  29. 他头脑灵活。

    He has a sharp mind .

  30. 那轮子现在转动得很灵活。

    The wheel turns freely now .