
yì shù xìnɡ
  • artistry;artistic quality
艺术性 [yì shù xìng]
  • (1) [artistic quality]∶以有欣赏力、鉴别力或判断力为特征的性质

  • (2) [artistry]∶效果或工艺的美学特性

  1. 他做的一切都具有艺术性。

    There is artistry in what he does .

  2. 但除此之外,作为教育的子集,ICT教育应当还与道德性和艺术性相关,才能体现出其育人的本质。

    In addition , as one of the subsets of education , ICT should also correlate with morality and artistry . Thus it can embody its essence of " educating people " .

  3. 她后退一步,鉴赏她作品的艺术性。

    She stepped back to appraise her workmanship .

  4. 那样插花看上去很有艺术性。

    That flower arrangement looks very artistic .

  5. 研究表明,左撇子具有创造性和艺术性。

    Research shows that left-handers are creative and artistic .

  6. 然后他父亲给他弄了些颜料,希望林能焕发艺术性的一面。

    Then his father got him some paints hoping that Lin 's artistic side would shine through .

  7. 静止BMP图象的艺术性再现与处理

    The Artistic Recover and Process of Static BMP Image

  8. 近年来,国际健美操联合会(IAF)几经修改竞技健美操竞赛规则,旨在强调健美操的艺术性和可观赏性。

    In recent years , the International Gymnastics Federation after several changes rules of the game competitive aerobics , aerobics seeks to highlight the artistry and ornamental .

  9. 然后,本文通过对逃逸时间算法和牛顿迭代法进行分析和研究,设计出多幅具有艺术性的Julia集分形图,并提出一种方法,将分形图应用于产品的设计。

    Then , this article gives several fractal patterns that are applied to product design by analyzing and researching the arithmetic of escape-time . And many fractal pictures based on Julia are worked out to apply on product design by a new method .

  10. 广告文体的独特性主要在于它的语言的说服力和艺术性。

    Its uniqueness lies chiefly in a forceful and artistic language .

  11. 经编织物图案设计的工艺性与艺术性

    Craftsmanship and Artistry of the Pattern Design of Warp Knitted Fabrics

  12. 科技翻译是否存在艺术性;

    Whether there exists artistic nature in the EST translation ?

  13. 只有具备高超艺术性的作品,才有成为经典的可能。

    Only those works with superb artistic quality may become a classic .

  14. 这种电视艺术性的大众接受效果,其直接形态便是收视率。

    The direct result of mass acceptance is audience rating .

  15. 最后要指出的是,精心设计的小说题名应该仍然显示出艺术性和文学性。

    Finally , the titles must show the artistic and literary quality .

  16. 史学艺术性视域下的中国传统史学研究

    Traditional Chinese History Study from the Perspective of Historical Artistry

  17. 形成与应用抗争心理谋略的艺术性特点。

    Artistic features of development and application of strategic psychology of fighting .

  18. 伍尔夫意识流小说整体感的艺术性建构

    The construction of wholeness in Virginia Woolf 's stream-of-consciousness novels

  19. 管理科学性与艺术性之边界问题研究

    The Study on the Boundary between Artistic and Scientific Characters of Management

  20. 科技翻译的艺术性及其艺术论

    The Artistic Nature of Science-technology Translation and an Artistic Approach to It

  21. 论新闻舆论导向的科学性与艺术性

    Discussion on science and art in public opinions about news

  22. 修辞具有两重性,即修辞的技术性和修辞的艺术性。

    Rhetoric has a dual nature , that is the technical and artistic .

  23. 体育的艺术性以及体育的欣赏价值正逐渐被人们所接受,表现出体育多元化、多功能向前发展的趋势。

    It shows the trend that sports is developing with multielement and multifunction .

  24. 数学的艺术性和艺术的数学教学

    The Artistry of Mathematics and the Artistic Mathematics Teaching

  25. 然而,这些作品在为其赢得了众多读者和更高知名度的同时却倍受评论界的漠视,认为过于强调思想性,而忽视了文学最重要的艺术性。

    However , these works have won numerous reader with higher famous degree .

  26. 第三部分提出了水彩教学效果及评价的艺术性。

    The third part deals with artistic elements in teaching effect and evaluation .

  27. 建筑群空间布局的艺术性

    The Artistry of Spatial Layout of Architectural Complex

  28. 新闻传媒语言的科学性与艺术性

    Scientific and Artistic Qualities of News Medium Language

  29. 论网络课件的艺术性

    Discussion on the Artistic Quality of Net Courseware

  30. 如何提高课堂教学的艺术性

    How to improve the artistry of classroom teaching