
  • 网络artistic view;Outlook on Arts
  1. 徐悲鸿的教学强调写实,对学生要求严格,在理论上,徐悲鸿强调学生坚定的写实艺术观。

    Xu Bei-hong emphasized student 's firm realism artistic view .

  2. 人神关系是泰戈尔艺术观的中心。

    The relationship between man and God is the centre of his artistic view .

  3. 她有非常明确的艺术观。

    She has very pronounced views on art .

  4. 德国平面设计师维丽娜眠腭(VerenaHennig)创作的Roll铝合金座椅是其二维空间艺术观的延伸。

    German graphic designer Verena Hennig 's powder-coated aluminium Roll seating is an extension of her two-dimensional art .

  5. 而这又和他的艺术观的变化有着很深的关系。

    And this again with his artistic change has deep relationship .

  6. (二)悖谬的模仿艺术观:再现性与表现性;

    Preposterous views of imitative arts : reappearance or manifestation ;

  7. 黄庭坚书法艺术观管见

    My Humble Opinion of Outlook of Huang Ting Jian 's Calligraphy Art

  8. 《洛丽塔》:纳博科夫美学观与艺术观的寓言阐释

    Lolita : Interpretative Fable of Nabokov 's View on Aesthetics and Art

  9. 介入与融合&现代陶艺的公共艺术观

    Intervention and Combination & the public art concept of modern China art

  10. 自由与创造:康德艺术观的基本问题

    Freedom and creation : the basic question of Kant 's art view

  11. 赫伯·里德的艺术观述评

    The Commentary on The Concept of Art of Herbert Read

  12. 西方意象派之意象观并非是对浪漫主义意象观的彻底否定,而是新古典主义和浪漫主义艺术观的折中妥协。

    It is instead an artistic compromise between Neo - classicism and Romanticism .

  13. 黑格尔独创性艺术观的批评与转化

    Criticism and Transformation of Hegel 's Art Concept of " Original Creation "

  14. 迈向21世纪的建筑艺术观

    Towards the 21st Century Concepts of the Architectural Arts

  15. 他的艺术观,简单地说,就是先有表现形式得艺术。

    His psyche , say simply , it is first to art form .

  16. 论康德艺术观的古典主义倾向

    On Kant 's Classic Tendency in His Artistic Viewpoint

  17. 从自然出发,迟子建形成了自己的生命观和艺术观。

    From nature , Chi formed her own view of life and art .

  18. 试比较康德与黑格尔艺术观的辩证统一性

    A Comparison of The Dialectical Unity of Kant 's and Hegel 's Artistic Views

  19. 对主体性失落的警惕&丰子恺的艺术观与科学观

    Alarm on Loss of Subjectivism : Feng Zi-kai 's View of Art and Science

  20. 他唯一的一部长篇小说和悲剧是这种艺术观影响下的典型作品。

    His only novel and tragedy are the typical product of this literary trend .

  21. 本文试从道家思想原理出发,探讨道的艺术观对中国传统建筑的影响。

    The complex of wood in the Chinese traditional architecture culture from negative sides ;

  22. 《书谱》对书法的人格主义批评也受儒家艺术观的影响。

    The criticism in Book Charts of persona is influenced by Confucian arts idea .

  23. 他完成了对唐人尚“法”思想的反叛,建立了自己独特的审美艺术观,开辟了宋书的新面貌。

    SU Shi 's distinctive aesthetic conceptions start the brand-new calligraphy of the Song Dynasty .

  24. 中国现代派诗歌与中学生现代艺术观的构建

    China 's Modern Poem and Middle School Student 's Construction of the Modern Artistic Temple

  25. 它的艺术观包括:一、满足审美需要,突出形象传达;

    Its artistic views include : 1 . meeting aesthetic needs and stressing image expression ;

  26. 论弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的后印象主义艺术观

    On Virginia Woolf 's Post-Impressionist Artistic Vision

  27. 儒家的艺术观在孙过庭的《书谱》里得到了比较完整的继承。

    Book Charts , composed by Sun Guoting , fully inherited the Confucian arts idea .

  28. 论文学翻译的艺术观

    On the Artistic Views of Literary Translation

  29. 论托马斯·阿奎那的艺术观

    On Thomas Aquinas ' Artistic Viewpoints

  30. 简论现代西方译论的艺术观与科学观

    A brief remark on the artistic and scientific approaches in the western modern theories of translation