
  • 网络Art and Life
  1. 本文则认为艺术与生活是可以并行不悖,和谐共生的。

    This article regards art and life can go hand in hand .

  2. 艺术与生活形式成为分析美学取之不竭的活水源头。

    Art and life form become inexhaustible source of living water of analysis aesthetics .

  3. 一种全新的loft生活方式:一种处理艺术与生活关系的新标准。

    A brand-new loft life style ; a new way of handling the relation of arts and life .

  4. 2,现代主义运动的困境:艺术与生活的距离越来越远。

    The predicament of modernism movement : art is parting from life .

  5. 这座城市是传统与现代、艺术与生活的完美结合。

    Moden skyscrapers and medieval architectures complement each other perfectly in the city .

  6. 一些画家使艺术与生活分离。

    Some painters divorce art from life .

  7. 艺术与生活:对你有什麽关系?

    Art and Life : What Matters ?

  8. 加深对艺术与生活的理解&提高艺术设计教育的水平

    Deepening the Understanding of Arts and Life : Enhancing the level of Education for Art Design

  9. 在电子媒介时代,艺术与生活的距离并没有消失。

    In the age of electronic media , the distance between art and life has not perished .

  10. 其次,反思唯美主义完全隔离艺术与生活关系可能带来的现实困境。

    In the second place , it may bring some the realistic dilemmas to separate art and life totally .

  11. 艺术与生活息息相关,诗人须投身社会生活,以提升诗歌的品质。

    Thirdly , the poet shall be involved with society to enhance poetry as art and life being corresponding .

  12. 他在艺术与生活中研究名利、流行文化和媒体的本质。

    Through both his art and lifestyle he explored the nature of fame , popular culture , and the media .

  13. 通过对艺术与生活之间微妙关系的探讨,论述影像装置艺术兼具先锋化和生活化的发展趋势。

    Through the delicate relationship between art and life , discusses the image installation art and life concurrently pioneer tendency of development .

  14. 由于文化在城市化进程中扮演的这种作用,所以让艺术与生活的自然融和,彰显城市文化性格将是我们一个时期内的文化策略。

    Because of this function of culture in the process of civilization , our culture strategy in a period is to display city 's culture character .

  15. 二是要以对艺术与生活的关系以及现实生活中人们的需求与歌曲所表达的人的欲望和意向之间的关系的正确深刻理解作为内在依据;

    Secondly , the relations of art and life , people 's need in real life and desire that song expresses should be handled very well .

  16. 写生,作为一种艺术与生活、自然密切相关的视觉表现形式,自有它存在的价值意义。

    Sketch , as a kind of art and life , nature is closely related to the visual expression form , has its own value and significance .

  17. 他着手打造了艺术与生活合一的现实家园,在古典的苏州园林重现了明代文人生活的精致品味。

    With his own hands , he created a realistic homestead combining art and life , recurring the delicate taste of literators at the time of Ming Dynasty in classical Suzhou gardens .

  18. 在这种立场之下,审美与功利,通俗与高雅,艺术与生活,艺术与自然都是可以一起为我们提供更好生活体验的伙伴而不是敌人。

    In this position , aesthetics and utility , pop art and high art , art and life , art and nature can be partners that provide better living experience for us .

  19. 当代新中式庭院的意境有很多误区,照搬、误用等都不可取,新中式庭院应该有新意蕴新气质&艺术与生活。

    Contemporary design of new Chinese style garden has a lot of misconceptions , copied , misuse is not desirable , new Chinese style garden should have a new connotation temperament-the art and life .

  20. 同时他又反对脱离生活的唯美主义,主张艺术与生活的结合、形式与内容的统一。

    But in the meantime he opposes the aestheticism , which is divorced from the life , and he advocates the combination of art and life , as well as the unity of form and content .

  21. 两者文化不同、时空不同、方式不同,但目的却有着惊人的相似,都是为了实现艺术与生活合二为一的人生自由理想境界。

    The two artists are in different culture , different time and they worked in different manners though their purposes were fabulously similar & for the ideal state of mind of the combination of art and life .

  22. 王尔德和詹姆斯关于艺术与生活的关系的理论,指出那种试图将生活纳入到艺术的完美形式的唯美主义倾向必将与自由冲突;

    Resorting to Oscar Wilde 's and James 's idea of the relationship between art and morality , it shows how the aesthetic tendency to shape life in the form of art can be morally dangerous when it conflicts with freedom .

  23. 第七章从马克思主义文艺理论中国化的视阈透析日常生活审美化论争,认为新的美学原则取消艺术与生活的距离,将物质现实直接等同于艺术,实质上是取消美学原则、取消艺术。

    In chapter seven I analyze Aestheticization of Everyday Life from the Chinese version of Marxist theory of literature and art . I think New Aesthetics Principle cancels difference of arts and life and equals life to arts , canceling aesthetics principle and arts in essence .

  24. 审美艺术与日常生活的关系演变经历了3个阶段:融合分离再融合。

    The relations between them two have undergone 3 periods : integration - separation-integration .

  25. 但在有些地方,人们并没有把艺术与日常生活分开。

    But in other places , art is not considered to be separated from everyday existence .

  26. 不过,对于这位艺术家来说,这种命中注定的感觉贯穿他的全部艺术与个人生活。

    For the artist , though , that sense of inevitability extends throughout his artistic and personal life .

  27. 如何正确认识壁画艺术与人类生活环境的联系,对于人类环境而言是必要的。

    It is very necessary for us to make a right cognition of the contact of mural art and human living environment .

  28. 坚创公司致力于研制新工艺材料、追求经典艺术与现代生活的完美结合。

    Jianchuang dedicates to the perfect combination between the classic art and modern life , to the researching of the new technics and materials .

  29. 艺术美与生活美的关系是美学史上的千古之谜,也是文艺创作和鉴赏实践中绕不开的难题。

    The relationship between the artistic beauty and the life beauty is a myth and a difficult problem for artistic creation and appreciation since the ancient times .

  30. 无意之中,老者将审美与粗俗,传统与现代,艺术与日常生活这些不同的领域联系在一起,道出了艺术家们的观念和愿望。

    Thus unintentionally associating different domains , such as the aesthetic and the vulgar , the traditional and the contemporary , art and ordinary life he expressed the artists'concept .