
yì shù biāo zhǔn
  • Artistic standards;artistic criterion;art criterion
  1. 但是任何阶级社会中的任何阶级,总是以政治标准放在第一位,以艺术标准放在第二位的。

    But all classes in all class societies invariably put the political criterion first and the artistic criterion second .

  2. 又是政治标准,又是艺术标准,这两者的关系怎么样呢?

    There is the political criterion and there is the artistic criterion ; what is the relationship between the two ?

  3. 这个作家已背弃了他原来的艺术标准,现在只是卖文为生。

    The writer has sold out his artistic standards and now just writes for a living .

  4. 他背叛了自己的艺术标准,现在只为钱而写作。

    He sold out his artistic standards and now writes for money .

  5. 他们正为一种新的诗歌形式和新的艺术标准而奋斗。

    They were striving toward a new verse form and new artistic standards .

  6. 恐怕已经很难用艺术标准来定义和衡量。

    It is hard to define and measure by using the art standard .

  7. 论信仰时代和理性时代艺术标准的异同

    The Comparison and Contrast Between the Times of Faith and the Times of Reason

  8. 这就导致两个时代不同的美学特征和艺术标准。

    This resulted in different aesthetic features and art criteria of their respective ages .

  9. 大量缺乏艺术标准的影像画面充斥于屏幕。

    A large number of images lacking of artistic standards are glutted on the screen .

  10. 水墨的非线性艺术标准

    Non-Linear Standard in Ink & Wash

  11. 这是一种新的叙事策略,意味着一种新的艺术标准的初步形成。

    This is a new kind of narrative tactic which suggests that a new sort of artistic criterion is established .

  12. 当今画坛呈现给我们的是一个绘画思想纷繁复杂、艺术标准多元互挠的局面。

    Today 's painting group presented us a complexion with complicated thought of painting and kinds of unclear artistical level .

  13. 不尽然,先抛开理论者的意图,这些理论已经不断地重构优秀的艺术标准,而不是要提供艺术的定义。

    Not at all : Instead of providing definitions of " art ," these theories have constantly reformulated criteria of artistic excellence , despite the intentions of their proponents .

  14. 西方伦理学史的分期不应依据政治标准,而应依据文化标准,应依据文化标准中的哲学标准而非科学标准、艺术标准或其他标准。

    The periodical division of western ethics history should follow not the criterion of politics but that of culture , and speaking further , follow herein the criterion of philosophy instead of that of science , or of art , or of any other subject .

  15. 敦煌石窟艺术元数据标准的设计及实现

    The Design and Realization of Metadata Standard for Dunhuang Grottoes Art

  16. 浅谈中学艺术课程标准改革

    A Brief of the Standard Innovation of Art Course in Middle School

  17. 游于艺,成于乐&孔子艺术审美标准论略

    Practise in Art , Succeed in Music & The Standards of Artistic Aesthetics of Confucius

  18. 并对其小说艺术成就标准和审美理想的提出产生影响。

    He put forward his standard for the achievement of fiction art and his aesthetic ideal .

  19. 我国义务教育《语文课程标准》与美国(麻萨诸塞州)《英语语言艺术课程标准纲要》的比较

    A Comparison between the Compulsory School Chinese Curriculum Standards and Massachusetts English Language Arts Curriculum Framework

  20. 艺术自主标准的确立及纯粹艺术的创造成为独立文学场生成的标志。

    The establishment of arts ' independent standard and the creation of pure arts are the sign of the independent literary field .

  21. 孔子的“兴观群怨”说和“中和之美”的艺术批评标准对后世产生极大影响,以冲突为本质特征的戏剧长期受到压抑,直到元代才出现戏剧大繁荣。

    Confucian standard of artistic criticism made great influence on the later generations , thus the drama was inhibited until Yuan Dynasty .

  22. 美国佐治亚州高中英语语言艺术课程标准与我国高中语文课程标准比较研究

    Comparison between the English Language Arts Standard of High School in Georgia America and the Chinese Language Arts Standard of High School in China

  23. 这个展览偏离了鲍豪斯通常呈现艺术的标准方式,我觉得这很是让人耳目一新。

    I think it 's refreshing that this particular exhibit departs from the standard ways in which art from the Bauhaus is often presented .

  24. 将定尺弹簧改成标准弹簧.关闭盲孔.游于艺,成于乐&孔子艺术审美标准论略

    Replace length cut springs to std. springs . Close blind holes . Practise in Art , Succeed in Music & The Standards of Artistic Aesthetics of Confucius

  25. 本文作者认为,评判艺术的标准,首要的因素是它是否有自身独特的艺术语言。

    The author of this thesis believes that , the first important factor of the standard which judging art is to determine whether it has unique , self-advertising artistic language .

  26. 这些研究达达主义的艺术家反对关于美、理性和进步的传统观点,这些自18世纪以来都是西方思想中的(艺术)标准。

    The artists who studied it were reacting against traditional notions of beauty , of reason , of progress , which had been standards of western thought since the 18th century .

  27. 随着教育部基础教育阶段艺术课程标准实验教材的推行,我国的舞蹈教育普及、整个国民舞蹈文化水平将有一个难得的发展际遇。

    Along with the extending application of the criteria of art courses in elementary education stipulated by the education ministry , the expansion of dance education and national dance culture will meet an important opportunity of development .

  28. 提出学习型多媒体课件的评价标准及其指标,即学习性标准及其指标,技术性标准及其指标,艺术性标准及其指标,实用性标准及其指标,并且对它们的内涵、意义进行了必要的分析。

    We also proposed the evaluation criteria and the target , namely educational standard and target , technical standard and target , artistic standard and target , usable standard and target , and made essential analysis on their connotation and significance .

  29. 艺术没有标准答案,每一位学生最有可能参与、被接受、而不被放弃。

    We can never give standard answers to the questions of art . It is only in the learning course of art that the learners could have the most possibilities to have the sense of participation as well as being accepted and never being abandoned .

  30. 政府基金,艺术的重要标准;

    Government funding , a measure of the importance of the arts ;