
zhènɡ zhì biāo zhǔn
  • political criteria
  1. 但是这六条政治标准对于任何科学艺术的活动也都是适用的。

    But these six political criteria are applicable to all activities in the arts and sciences .

  2. 同样明确的是,外管局至少有部分投资决策是依据政治标准做出的。

    It is also clear that safe is making at least some investment decisions based on political criteria .

  3. 地名标准化包括政治标准和语文标准。

    Toponym standardization should meet both political and literate standards .

  4. 试论检验党的执政能力的政治标准

    On the Political Standard to Verify the Party 's Governance

  5. 用人的政治标准是什么?

    What are the political requirements in selecting someone for a job ?

  6. 遵循特定政治标准

    to conform to certain political standards

  7. 但政治标准和道德标准的倾斜,又造成了她的某种偏见和失误。

    But the slanting on political and moral standard resulted in her certain bias and fault .

  8. 但是任何阶级社会中的任何阶级,总是以政治标准放在第一位,以艺术标准放在第二位的。

    But all classes in all class societies invariably put the political criterion first and the artistic criterion second .

  9. 又是政治标准,又是艺术标准,这两者的关系怎么样呢?

    There is the political criterion and there is the artistic criterion ; what is the relationship between the two ?

  10. 用人的政治标准关系到党和国家的前途命运。

    The political criteria for making proper use of personnel is concerned with the future and fate of our Party and nation .

  11. 最重要的有这么两点:强调政治标准,淡化道德标准;推崇刚健有为,鄙视碌碌无为。

    The most important two are as follows : He emphasis on political standard , but pays less attention to moral standard .

  12. 女性主义批评家高举政治标准第一的旗帜,以性政治为批评核心,揭露各种文化形态中隐藏的男性罗格斯中心。

    Upholding the banner of ″ political criterion comes first with the core of sex politics feminists expose male 's logic with various cultural background .

  13. 在我国这样的社会主义国家里,难道有什么有益的科学艺术活动会违反这几条政治标准的吗?

    In a socialist country like ours , can there possibly be any useful scientific or artistic activity which runs counter to these political criteria ?

  14. 对企业家的选拔偏重于政治标准,往往按照党政官员的标准进行;

    The selection criterions are inclined to emphasis politics dimensions , which makes the selecton of entrepreneurs be the same as that of the government and party officials .

  15. 社科期刊质量评价要遵循科学性、完整性、可比性、权威性四项原则和政治标准、业务标准、编辑标准、出版标准四项标准。

    The quality evaluation of the social science periodicals must follow the four principles , that is , science , integrity , comparison and authority ; and four standards .

  16. 为人民造福,为发展生产力、为社会主义事业作出积极贡献,这就是主要的政治标准。

    The major criterion is whether the person chosen can work for the good of the people and contribute to the development of the productive forces and to the socialist cause as a whole .

  17. 无产阶级取得政权后,人民物质生活日益丰富,精神上的需要就多样化了,艺术上的需求也随之多样化,势必出现纯粹娱乐性的文艺作品,这些作品很难以政治标准来评价其高下优劣。

    After the proletariat built the regime , the life is better and better , spiritual need is more diverse . Literature and art creation for pure amusement appears , which is difficult to evaluate with political standard .

  18. 按照政治标准来说,一切利于抗日和团结的,鼓励群众同心同德的,反对倒退、促成进步的东西,便都是好的;

    According to the political criterion , everything is good that is helpful to unity and resistance to japan , that encourages the masses to be of one heart and one mind , that opposes retrogression and promotes progress ;

  19. 西方伦理学史的分期不应依据政治标准,而应依据文化标准,应依据文化标准中的哲学标准而非科学标准、艺术标准或其他标准。

    The periodical division of western ethics history should follow not the criterion of politics but that of culture , and speaking further , follow herein the criterion of philosophy instead of that of science , or of art , or of any other subject .

  20. 国内受以往政治标准和阅读思维定式的影响,一直以来对鬼怪题材的小说没有给予充分的重视,可以说对中外此类小说的研究相当匮乏。

    Due to the influence from the old political criteria as well as the restriction in the mode of reading , less attention has been paid to ghost fictions in China and thus study books on ghost fictions both at home and abroad are very few .

  21. 第三在上述基础上,左派将政治判断标准和党派意志奉为文学实践的最高价值尺度,意识形态领导权的争夺,成为当时文艺思想领域的斗争焦点。

    They emphasized the literature 's counteraction and the ideological leadership , depending on the political criterion .

  22. 生产力的标准又是相对性的,因为社会的进步除了生产力标准,还有生产关系标准,社会精神文明和政治文明标准;

    The productivity standards are relative too because social progress not only lies in productivity standards but also standards of production relations and standards of social spiritual civilization and political civilization .

  23. 与1996年的高中思想政治课程标准相比较,新课程标准具有以下特色:高中思想政治课采取模块式的组织形态,课程内容分为必修和选修两部分,以满足学生对课程的不同需求。

    Compared with the 1996 the course standard , the arrangement of the politics textbooks includes some parts , a required course and elective course included , to meet the students demands .

  24. 当我们从政治伦理标准的角度出发,将目光凝聚到周代的选拔官吏政策上,则不难发现,其显然受德的影响。

    When we examine the policy of government official selection of the Zhou Dynasty in the perspective of political and moral principles , we can find out an impact of virtue on the policy .

  25. 《上海市中学思想品德和思想政治课程标准》明确提出积极开发课程资源,加强学校和教师的课程开发意识。

    " Shanghai Middle school Moral Quality Teaching Standard " ( 2004 edition ) explicitly proposed an active exploitation of the curriculum resources to enhance the awareness of schools and teachers regarding the curriculum Innovation .

  26. 自《普通高中思想政治课程标准(实验)》实施以来,我国对于高中思想政治课的课程进行了一系列的改革,其中就包括加强高中思想政治课教学的实践性这一问题。

    Since the " Ordinary High School Ideological and Political Curriculum Standards ( Experimental )" was implemented , we have carried out a series of reform for the high school ideological and political course , strengthen the teaching practical was included too .

  27. 《普通高中思想政治课程标准》在课程的基本理念、课程目标、内容的设置、教学方法和课程评价等方面都较以往有了重大创新与突破,呈现出新特点和新要求。

    Standard of Ideological and Political Course for Senior Middle Schools has significant breakthrough and innovation in the perspectives of basic concepts , the curriculum targets , content of courses , teaching methods and evaluation , etc , presenting new features and new requirements .

  28. 本文根据《中学思想政治课程标准》对教师教学方面的要求,调查在这次基础教育课程改革中,邯郸市中学政治教师的教学状况。

    This paper surveys the situation of the political science teachers ' teaching ability in Hand an middle schools when they are in the process of the basic education curriculum reform , according to the requirements of the teachers set by Standard for Middle School Political Science subject .

  29. 创新大学生思想政治教育评价标准的思考

    Thinking about the Innovating the Evaluation Criteria of Ideological and Political Education in College

  30. 他评判重要政治人物的标准是道德和他们是否忠于清王朝。

    He judged important political figures by morality and whether they were loyal to Qing Dynasty .