
  • 网络The Political model
  1. 中国政治模式对世界政治文明的贡献

    Political Model in China and Its Contribution to Global Political Civilization

  2. 第三部分:变革中国社会的政治模式。

    Part three : Transform the Political model of China 's society .

  3. 他声称如果Converse是对的,这并不符合我们期望的政治模式。

    Says that doesn 't follow patterns of political sophistication as we would expect if Converse is right .

  4. 伦理国家与道德城邦&孟子与柏拉图理想政治模式比较

    Ethical Country and Moral States & Comparison between Mencius and Plato 's Ideal Political Patterns

  5. 和很多现代企业一样,现代国家必须不断校正自己的经济和政治模式。

    Like modern businesses , modern nations must constantly recalibrate their economic and political models .

  6. 论汉初德政的历史必然性试论白马之盟与汉初政治模式的建立

    Trial Discussion about " Baima Covenant " and the Political Pattern Of the Early Han Dynasty

  7. 许多国家都效仿了美国的价值观念和政治模式。

    Many countries have borrowed the sense of value and political pattern from the United States .

  8. 不同的政治模式项下,两权的运行规律各不相同。

    The rules in motion between the two powers must be quiet different under different political models .

  9. 儒家政治模式论

    On the Confucian Political Mode

  10. 没有公平的观察能否定亚洲的经济和政治模式的发展是公平的。

    No impartial observer can deny that Asian models of economic and political development are proving successful .

  11. 但是,有关这两国将接受西方政治模式的希望,现在看来似乎不仅过时,而且也是太天真了。

    But hopes that the two countries would embrace the western political model now seem outdated and naive .

  12. 在反托拉斯立法大讨论中诞生的新自由观念和政治模式成为现代美国资本主义的标志。

    New idea of freedom and political mode of " Corporate Capitalism " from antitrust symbolize modern American Capitalism .

  13. 新加坡奇迹的缔造归功于其独特的威权政治模式。

    The emergence of the so called " Singapore Miracle " was attributed to its unique authority political system .

  14. 问题在于,法国人所说的欧洲架构并不符合现有政治模式。

    The trouble is that what the French call the construction of Europe does not conform to existing political models .

  15. 多数其他工党思想家则苦苦挣扎,试图调整工党20世纪90年代事事干涉的中左派政治模式,使之适应金融崩溃后的时代。

    Most other labour thinkers are struggling to adapt their 1990s , jam-for-all model of centre-left politics to the post-crunch era .

  16. 分析认为,在中国这一百多年的社会转型过程中,每一种政治模式都对应着一种媒介体制;

    The analysis shows that every kind of political model corresponds to a media system in one hundred years of social transformation .

  17. 我们也注意到在这种政治模式更新的过程中,北欧国家释放出了大量创意,成为了世界改革浪潮的领导。

    It will note that in doing so they have unleashed a huge amount of creativity and become world leaders in reform .

  18. 新经济、旧道德共处于同一种政治模式,势必影响社会文明发展的步伐。

    New economy and old morality , existing in the same political model , influence necessarily on the development step of social civilization .

  19. 他希望以和而不同的理性原则,以天下苍生为念的悲悯情怀,和以民为本的政治模式,构造一个生气勃勃的全新社会形态。

    Guided by the rational concept harmonious but different , he wanted to construct a completely new society with a people-oriented political model .

  20. 尽管麻烦缠身,但欧洲拥有一个让世界其他大部分地区艳羡不已的社会与政治模式。

    For all its troubles , Europe has a social and political model to be envied in much of the rest of the world .

  21. 延续半个多世纪的政坛格局、传统政治模式都在酝酿着和正在进行着有可能是脱胎换骨的变化。

    Both the political structure and the traditional political pattern have lasted for more than half a century . They are brewing complete transformation .

  22. 魏晋南朝时期,尽管门阀大族努力经营自己的政治模式,但皇权政治仍然是社会历史的主线。

    In the Wei-Jin-Southern dynasties , the rise or fall of the ninth-class official system has close connection with the polity of imperial power .

  23. 谈判协商是欧洲走上一体化道路的基石,它体现在欧盟的体制、政治模式和运行方式等诸多方面。

    Negotiation is the soul of European integration . It reflects the institutional , political mode and operation mode of EU , and so on .

  24. 巴列维王朝的覆灭,为伊朗现代政治模式走向成熟和民众的广泛政治参与开辟了道路。

    The destruction of Pahlavi Dynasty explores the road for the maturity of modern political model of Iran and the wide political participation of people .

  25. “第三条道路”政治模式是吉登斯此前建构和阐发的结构化理论及现代性思想与现实接轨的具体成果。

    The political pattern of " the third way " is a result of Giddens'combination of the structuration theory and modernity thought with social reality .

  26. 而在当前美欧俄三边关系互动中,虽然还存在地缘政治模式,但已出现地缘经济、国际机制、共赢等三种新的模式。

    Presently , however , in the interactions among the three parties , there have emerged three new modes , geo-economic , international mechanisms and win-win .

  27. 主要内容是:研究当代中国民族政治模式的形成,中国民族政治的理论体系、政策设计和制度安排,分析民族工作运行周转的制度平台。

    This chapter mainly studies the formation of the contemporary pattern of Chinese multi-ethnic politics , and its theory system , policy design and institutional arrangement .

  28. 在保证国家统一的前提下,在少数民族聚居区域推行因俗而治的政治模式,是我国古代各个中央王朝的统治特点。

    Under the premise of national unity , carrying political policies adapted to customs and rule is the characteristic of domination of each ancient dynasty in our country .

  29. 坚决抵制西方多党制和三权鼎立等政治模式的影响。

    We must resolutely resist the impact of Western political models such as the multi-party system or separation of powers among the executive , legislative and judicial branches .

  30. 他们开始重新思考西方的社会与政治模式是否适用于他们本国,他们是否应该建立起自己的社会与政治发展模式。

    They have begun to reconsider whether the Western social and political model is suitable to them and whether they should initiate their own social and political development models .