
zhènɡ zhì jī ɡuān
  • political organization
  1. 培养选拔医疗单位政治机关干部的思考

    Study on Training and Choosing Political Cadres in Hospital

  2. 整顿,还有一个恢复政治机关的职能、作用、威信的问题。

    Straightening things out also includes restoring the functions , position and prestige of the political organs of the army .

  3. 限制政客与政治机关的权力,加上独立监察与厉行有关措施,可说是有效的反贪策略。

    Limits on the power of politicians and political institutions combined with independent monitoring and enforcement can be potent anti-corruption strategies .

  4. 县政府是县级地方重要的政治机关,是县域经济发展的关键。

    County government is an important political organs at county level , and is the important key to the development of county-level economy .

  5. 这次会议之前,我又讲过,通过这次会议,要把政治机关的职能、作用、威信恢复起来,起码要起这个作用。

    Before this conference opened , I repeated that it should at least restore the functions , position and prestige of the political organs .

  6. 受送达人是军人的,通过其所在部队团以上单位的政治机关转交。

    When the addressee is a serviceman , the service shall be effected via the political organ of the unit at the regimental rank or above where he works .

  7. 不论整顿领导班子,整顿作风,整顿政治机关,没有一股子劲头不行。作为一个有机整体的社会。

    We have to take vigorous action to consolidate both the leading bodies and the political organs and rectify their style of work . society as an integrated whole .

  8. 政治机关制度规定,军队团级以上部队和单位设立政治部(处),全军设总政治部;

    The political organ system stipulates that a political department ( section ) shall be set up in a unit at or above the regiment level , and a general political department for the PLA ;

  9. 我们的传统历来是政治机关管干部,首长总要经过政治机关去考核、审查干部,这才符合组织原则。

    We have a long-standing tradition of placing officers ' affairs in the charge of the political departments . The leading comrades should assess and examine officers through the political departments ; that is the only procedure consistent with our organizational principles .

  10. 调整这两级班子时,要特别注意政治机关的干部部门,要选一些好同志,选作风正派、不信邪的人,敢于想问题、讲问题的人。

    In reorganizing the leading bodies at these two levels , we should take particular care with the cadre sections of the political departments , selecting good comrades who are honest and upright , who resist undesirable practices and who dare to think and to speak their minds .

  11. 组织上须逐渐地具备为一个正规兵团所必需的军事和政治的工作机关,军事和政治的工作人员,军事和政治的工作方法以及供给卫生等的经常制度。

    Organizationally , it is imperative gradually to fulfil all the requirements of a regular formation in the following respects & military and political organs , staff and working methods , a regular supply system , a medical service , etc.

  12. 改革开放后,传统政治体制中国家机关的弊端对经济发展的束缚和市场经济体制的逐步确立都对新时期的国家机关建设提出了更高层次的要求。

    After the reform and opening-up policy , the development of economy restricted by the drawback of state organs in the traditional political system , and the gradual establishment of market economic system called for the further requirement of our state organs .

  13. 不但对政治委员,而且对政治机关的工作人员都很尊重。

    He respected not only the political commissars but also the personnel of the political departments .

  14. 召开会议是完全的政治行为-丹尼尔·格曼;政治压力;政治集团;政府机关;政治方针。

    Calling a meeting is a political act in itself - Daniel Goleman ; political pressure ; a political machine ; political office ; political policy .