
  1. 上层建筑领域的革命包括政治上层建筑的革命与思想上层建筑的革命。

    Superstructure revolution included the revolutionary in political superstructure and ideal superstructure .

  2. 科学技术引起政治上层建筑变迁的历史轨迹

    Historical path to cause the changes of overtop structure of politics functioned by science-technology

  3. 文官考制度作为政治上层建筑,是政治制度的的重要组成部分。

    Civil service examination system as the political superstructure , the political system is an important part .

  4. 文化作为思想上层建筑,对政治上层建筑的发展起到深刻影响作用。

    Culture as an ideological superstructure , develops with relative independence , and its political superstructure , plays a profound influence on it .

  5. 选官制度作为政治上层建筑的重要组成部分,对于政权的维系和社会的发展有着重大的历史作用。

    Talents choose the system as the important component with superstructural politics , there are great historical actions in maintaining as to regime and development of the society .

  6. 经济基础决定政治上层建筑,人民问责权只能建立在政治解放基础上,而后者则只能建立在市场经济和市民社会充分发展基础上。

    The economic base determines the political superstructure . Democratic accountability activities can only be built on the political emancipation basis , while the latter can only be built in a full developed market economy and civil society .

  7. 社会主义核心价值体系作为当前的主流意识形态,具有维护和发展社会主义的经济基础和巩固政治上层建筑的重要精神作用,同时还能够引领和整合社会思潮。

    In addition , social thoughts also have great social influence , and it can affect the construction of harmonious society . As the mainstream ideology , the core of socialism has the important mental effects of preserving and developing the economic basis of socialism and consolidating political superstructure .

  8. 在社会系统中,政治是上层建筑,是调节社会诸系统关系的主要机制。

    Politics is the superstructure of the whole social system and the mainly mechanism of regulating the relationship among the society ` s offset systems .

  9. 马克思把社会形态这一大系统看作是由三个子系统构成的模型,这三个子系统就是经济基础、政治法律上层建筑和意识形态。

    He views the big system the social formation as a mode composed of three subsystems : economic foundation , superstructure like politics and law , and ideology .

  10. 它是政治和思想等上层建筑赖以存在的基础。

    It was the basis of the superstructure as politics , thought and so on for the existence .

  11. 按照历史唯物主义观点,政治制度作为社会上层建筑,归根到底是由该社会的生产力和生产方式决定的。

    According to the idea of historical materialism , political system , the social superstructure , is controlled by the mode of production and productive in the final analysis .

  12. 本论文认为干部选拔任用制度作为一种具体的政治制度属于政治上层建筑范畴,由社会经济基础所决定并为经济基础服务。同时,它与上层建筑中其它因素相互影响和制约。

    The dissertation argues that CSAS , as a specific political institution belonging to the category of political superstructure , serves and is decided by social economic basis , interacting with the other factors of political superstructure at the same time .