
  • 网络Propaganda;political propaganda
  1. 在反乌托邦电影《饥饿游戏》(HungerGames)的最新一部里,有个很聪明的片段,片中打破边界的男性气质女神凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩(KatnissEverdeen)出演一个政治宣传录像。

    There 's a clever bit in the latest " Hunger Games " in which Katniss Everdeen , the boundary-smashing butch goddess of dystopian cinema , acts in a propaganda video .

  2. RyooKihl-jae是位于首尔的庆南(Kyungnam)大学北韩问题研究所的负责人。他说,韩国最近的这些抗议对北韩的政治宣传来说可以说是大有用武之地。

    Ryoo Kihl-jae , a Dean at Kyungnam University of North Korean Studies in Seoul , says the protests are useful for the North 's propaganda .

  3. 此前,几乎是没有灾难具体信息的纯政治宣传报道。

    There was almost political propaganda without the specific desert information .

  4. 在战争年代里,媒介政治宣传观念得到了初步发展。

    In the war period , this conception had a rough development .

  5. 它甚至能影响政治宣传,有可能影响选举的结果。

    It 's powering political campaigns , and will help decide elections .

  6. 我很讨厌那种为了做推广或政治宣传而鼓动出来的感觉。

    I hate the kind of feeling stirred up by promotion or propaganda .

  7. 新时期思想政治宣传方法研究

    A Research of Approaches to Ideological and Political Promulgation in the New Age

  8. 而主流文化则使戏剧小品走上了正面歌颂、政治宣传的道路。

    Contrastively , the artery culture leads its way to tribute and political propaganda .

  9. 这需要政治宣传和形象掌控。

    The system requires propaganda and image control .

  10. 接下来是一个党派的政治宣传广播。

    There now follows a party political broadcast .

  11. 浅析新形势下思想政治宣传的领导

    Brief analysis on the Leading System for Thoughts and Politics Publicizing under the New Situation

  12. 电视经常播放政治宣传,候选人的室外广告很少。

    Televised political promotions are not frequent , and the candidates have little outdoor advertising .

  13. 它绝不会承认这点,但其政治宣传却进行得有条不紊。

    It would never acknowledge it , but its political campaign is going just fine .

  14. 鼓吹政府进行了大量的政治宣传。

    The government produced much political propaganda .

  15. 报业竞争与政治宣传的需要推动了副刊的发展。

    The competition of newspapers and the political propaganda carried the supplement a great step forward .

  16. 西方政治宣传理论引入我国后,出现水土不服的现象。

    Western political propaganda theory has been appeared the phenomenon of acclimatized since it is introduced into China .

  17. 时代周刊和新闻周刊都是一样的,他们都是政治宣传的窗口罢了。

    CNN , Time and Newsweek are just the same . It 's stuffed with the same propaganda .

  18. 思想政治宣传活动中宣传者与受动者的互动运行机理分析独立电动机传动独立电动机传动装置

    Analysis of Mutual Operation System between Senders and Receivers in Ideological and Political Propaganda ; independent motor drive

  19. 1980年的科幻电影《珊瑚岛上的死光》是一部做作、充满政治宣传的失败之作。

    A 1980 movie , " Death Ray on Coral Island , " was a campy , propagandistic flop .

  20. 《南风窗》走的是政治宣传与分权制衡之外的第三条路。

    The magazine Window of South Wind make the third road outside political propaganda and the separation of powers .

  21. 苏区文艺是战时情境中政治宣传和军事动员的文化工具。

    Chinese Soviet literature and art is the cultural tool for political propaganda and military mobilization in wartime situation .

  22. 就连用于政治宣传的电影也借鉴了好莱坞的手法,在艺术上有了创新,从而实现了更高的票房收入。

    Even the propaganda films have learned from Hollywood and are evolving artistically & and selling better as a consequence .

  23. 为了追求点击率,编辑、广告、娱乐以及政治宣传之间的界线变得完全模糊了。

    The lines between editorial , advertising , entertainment and political propaganda became entirely blurred in the quest for clicks .

  24. 最终,好莱坞将控制我们自己的市场,把中国人民变成美国政治宣传工具的傀儡。

    Ultimately , Hollywood will control our own market with the purpose of turning Chinese people into puppets of American propagandists .

  25. 因为我国政治宣传的主要目的是宣传党的思想、方针、政策,让更多的人心服口服,在行动中体现政治思想意识。

    Because our purpose of political propaganda is publicize ideology , principles , policies , and reflect political ideology in action .

  26. 梁启超之所以会从政治宣传转而提出并倡导生活的艺术化理论,一方面是因为他对政治现状的失望,这种失望的情绪促使梁启超无奈地退出了政坛而转向学术的研究与人生论的探讨;

    There are two reasons that Liang Qichao shifted from political publicity to literature and put forward the theory of artistic life .

  27. 这与过去以政治宣传为主的电视新闻节目形成了鲜明的对比。

    It was a sharp contrast when compared with the past years , when TV News Programs were exclusive for political propaganda .

  28. 思想政治宣传环境对思想政治宣传工作具有举足轻重的影响,宣传环境的好坏最终决定着宣传效果的优劣。

    Ideological politics propaganda environment plays a decisive role in the ideological politics propaganda work , the propaganda eventually determines the effect of propaganda .

  29. 标语口号是社会动员、政治宣传的重要工具之一,使用标语口号在各个国家都是一种常见的现象。

    Slogans are the tools often used in the social mobilization and political propaganda , using slogans in various countries are a common phenomenon .

  30. 第八件普及政治宣传乐:政治意义的宣化&先秦政治传播观念研究

    SPREADING POLITICAL PROPAGANDA " Yue ": Propaganda and Influence to Political Significance & A Study on the Notion of Political Communication in the Pre-Qin Period