
  • 网络Control lever;Levers of Control;Simons
  1. 酒后不要操作机器;控制杠杆。

    Do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol ; control the lever .

  2. 控制杠杆在财务战略实施中的应用

    Application of the Controls Lever in Financial Strategy implementation

  3. 根据该建议书中的监管措施,对冲、私募基金将要披露更多的信息、控制杠杆率,非欧盟基金将会有更多限制。

    Take that draft directive on hedge funds and private equity , a ragbag of measures requiring more disclosure , greater controls over leverage and tighter restrictions on non-EU funds .

  4. 研究发现,长期银行债务的使用与债务比率显著正相关,且在控制杠杆的其它决定因素下,这个结论是稳健的。

    Our study finds a positive relation between the ratio of debt and the use of long-term bank debt , which is robust to controlling for other determinants of capital structure .

  5. 由压缩机构控制杠杆组分捆机构,可保证在压缩活塞回程时落板,充分利用了允许的最大落板时间;

    Compression mechanism controls lever-group part-bundle mechanism , which ensures the falling of falling-board when compression piston reaches return position , thus the mechanism makes full use of permitted maximum falling-board time ;

  6. 参照控制杠杆理论,本文认为企业需要综合运用诊断控制系统、互动控制系统、边界系统、信念系统、内部控制系统来全面调控战略风险。

    The paper argues that diagnostic control system should be used in combination with interactive control system , boundary system , belief system and internal control in order to manage strategic risk systematically .

  7. 从巴塞尔协议的演变过程可以看出,银行监管的核心思想是通过资本充足率约束控制的杠杆作用,要求银行提高透明度和信息披露标准,发挥市场和利益相关者的监督作用。

    The Basel agreement from the evolution process of can see , banking supervision is the core ideas through capital adequacy ratio of restricted control leverage , require Banks to increase transparency and disclosure standards , and bring the market and stakeholder supervisory effect .

  8. 国有控制上市公司财务杠杆比率与公司价值负相关,民营控制上市公司财务杠杆比率与公司价值则正相关。

    The ratio of financial leverage correlates negatively to corporate value with state owned companies , while it correlates positively to private companies .

  9. 提出影响因素控制下的成本测定系统控制杠杆模型。

    Proposing control release lever model of cost estimation system by the effect factors .

  10. 采用PID控制策略以控制电机转矩,从而控制杠杆执行机构,改变主从动带轮的半径,实现传动比的精确控制。

    PID control strategy was used to control motor torque , in order to control lever actuator to change the radius of driving and driven pulley , then achieve precise control of transmission ratio .

  11. 第六章,战略评价与控制,利用平衡计分法对差异化战略进行评价,利用罗伯特·西蒙斯的管理控制杠杆对差异化战略进行控制。

    Chapter VI , evaluation and control of the strategy . Using a balanced scorecard to evaluate the differentiation strategy , using Robert Simmons management control levers to control the differentiation strategy .