
  • 网络Ethnic communities;national community
  1. 这些是合情合理,有必要的方式,可以解释亚裔美国人作为种族与民族社区是如何形成的。

    necessary ways of explaining the making of Asian-Americans as both a racial and national community .

  2. 企业社会责任所包含的内容不仅仅是股东、消费者、政府等,还与民族社区发展和各民族共同富裕相关联。

    Corporate social responsibility is not only shareholders , consumers , government , etc , but also with the national community development associated with national common prosperity .

  3. 同时,根据社区社会工作的基本原则,分析X回族社区工作的不足及原因,提出切实可行的对策建议,为西安少数民族社区工作提供经验借鉴。

    At the same time , according to the basic principles of community work , problems and reasons analysis of X Hui community work , put forward feasible suggestions , provide the experience to the Xi ' an minority community work .

  4. 农村某贫困民族社区居民初级卫生保健现状案例研究

    A Case Study of Primary Health Care in a Rural Ethnic Community

  5. 民族社区发展中的消费文化与新贫困

    The Consumption Culture and New Poverty in the Development of the Ethnic Community

  6. 燕晓哲是爱荷华多民族社区的主要发展驱动力。

    Sallow is a major driving force in Iowa 's diversified ethnic community .

  7. 云南少数民族社区居民健康相关行为研究

    Yunnan Minority Community Resident Health Related Behavior Research

  8. 民族社区及少数人问题工作组

    Ethnic and National Communities and Minorities Working Group

  9. 云南少数民族社区医学信仰中的二元性分析

    An analysis of the duality of medical belief in the minority communities of Yunnan

  10. 关于少数民族社区教育的思考

    Some Reflections on the Minority Community Education

  11. 城市中心的少数民族社区居民其本身带有独特的文化资源,是发展旅游业的核心吸引力。

    The unique cultural resource is the core attraction which is advantageous to tourism development .

  12. 这造成少数民族社区在旅游开发中的政治失权。

    This has resulted in minority communities in tourism development in the political loss of rights .

  13. 民族社区社会工作是指社区里的民族社会工作,也就是社会工作在民族社区中的应用。

    Ethnic community social work is just the applications of social work in the ethnic community .

  14. 参与式发展的迷思&云南省三个少数民族社区项目的个案研究

    The Myth of Participatory Development & Case Studies of Three Minority Community Projects of Yunnan Province

  15. 农村民族社区儿童上中学的涵化与心理适应研究

    On the Acculturation and Psychological Adaptation of Ethnic High Schoolers in China 's Rural Ethnic Communities

  16. 社区建设是转制民族社区发展的重要途径。

    And community construction is a good way to promote the development of the transitional ethnic communities .

  17. 同时,提出了壮乡少数民族社区参与旅游开发的战略与对策。

    Meanwhile , this part proposes the strategy and countermeasure of Wulong Autonomous community participation in tourism development .

  18. 分析了少数民族社区旅游发展的特殊性,并总结出现今少数民族社区参与的一般模式。

    Analyzed the particularity of tourism development in minority community and summed up existing models of community participation ;

  19. 在少数民族社区,大众传播对其文化具有解构与建构的作用。

    In the minority community , the mass media has the deconstruction and construction influence on rural culture .

  20. 一些少数民族社区可能会力求生存,但只会是那些对自己的文化根源深感自豪的社区。

    Some ethnic communities may survival , but only those who are most proud of their cultural roots .

  21. 而由于旅游资源的产权不清晰,少数民族社区居民不能得到相应的补偿。

    And because tourism is not clear property rights , minority community residents can not get appropriate compensation .

  22. 在政府主导开发的背景下,少数民族社区无法参与到当地的旅游规划、决策过程中。

    Government-led development in the context of minority communities not involved in the local tourism planning , decision-making process .

  23. 三江并流区少数民族社区土地利用变化驱动力分析

    An Analysis on Driving Force of Land Use Change in Nationality Community of Three Rivers in Northwest Yunnan Province

  24. 对于该问题的探讨,本文将研究对象锁定在城市多民族社区这一特殊的城市社区类型上。

    Since the study of government management in city multi-ethnic community have a special significance , both in theory and practical .

  25. 浅谈原生态少数民族社区文化旅游的适度开发&以贵州黔东南为例

    On the Appropriate Exploitation of Cultural Tourism in the Original Eco-minority Communities & Take Qiandongnan of Guizhou Province As an Example

  26. 土著民族社区赢得了26个奖项中的9个;半数获奖者来自拉美和加勒比地区。

    Communities of Indigenous Peoples win nine of26 awards ; half of the award winners are from Latin America and the Caribbean .

  27. 虽然我们的意见不尽相同,但是我的父母在讨论的时候总会强调民族社区发展的多样性。

    Although we don 't always agree , my parents have always stressed the importance of giving back to one 's community in various ways .

  28. 在进行横向比较时,发现山东省少数民族社区体育的发展,在诸多方面,都要好于汉族社区。

    During the horizontal comparison , found in Shandong Province sports development in minority communities , in many ways , are better than Han Chinese communities .

  29. 由于少数民族社区无法参与规划、决策过程,从而没有形成以社区为主体之一的利益分配机制。

    As minority communities can not participate in planning , decision-making process , which did not form one community of interest as the main distribution mechanism .

  30. 目前,社区参与已成为旅游研究的焦点,且取得了相当多的成果,但是有关少数民族社区参与的模式研究则显得单薄而稀少。

    Nowadays , community participation becomes the key on tourism research with amount of productions ; however , research about participation models in minority community seems inadequate .