
  • 网络the mainstream;mainstream society;dominant society
  1. 他的观点使他置身于英国主流社会之外。

    His views place him outside the mainstream of British society .

  2. 随着它的发展,它逐渐向主流社会靠拢。

    As it has grown , it has moved towards the mainstream .

  3. 特别法庭是为主流社会成员、而非个体设立的。

    The tribunals were established for the well-integrated members of society and not for marginal individuals

  4. 中国主流社会的精英人士,在经济社会发展以及时尚引领方面发挥关键作用。

    They are the elite society , playing significant roles in social economic development as well as in trendsetting .

  5. 中国融入WTO主流社会的过程中,教育起了非常关键作用,在WTO视野下,如何造就WTO世界的时代精英,已成为各国面对WTO教育改革的主攻方向。

    Digest : In the process of China 's entry into WTO main society , education plays a key role .

  6. 他们的歌曲通常批评主流社会,并提倡非裔美国人的文化。

    Their songs often criticized mainstream society while promoting African-American culture .

  7. 华尔街和美国主流社会不会欢迎这些变化。

    These changes will be unwelcome on Wall Street and main street .

  8. 孤独症儿童回归主流社会基本条件

    The examination of conditions affecting the mainstreaming of autistic children

  9. 十九世纪中后期美国爱尔兰移民与主流社会的冲突与适应

    The Conflict and Acculturation between Irish-Americans and Mainstream Society in Mid-late Nineteenth Century

  10. 谥法是中国古代特有的文化传统,历来受到主流社会的重视。

    Titling and posthumous titling was a special cultural tradition in old China .

  11. 他们并不把自己视为主流社会之外的那一部份。

    They do not see themselves as outside the mainstream of their society .

  12. 中国农村地区幅员辽阔,蕴藏着无限生机,理应成为主流社会的不可缺少的组成部分。

    The countryside of china is an indispensable part to the mainstream society .

  13. 他成名之后的遁世更是他异化于主流社会的行为体现。

    His reclusion can be regarded as the behavioral presentation of his alienation .

  14. 现在,舞狮表演在主流社会得到复兴。

    Now the dances are enjoying a mainstream revival .

  15. 追求各自的幸福在最近几年,名人的支持推动“卒婚”现象更加深入地进入了主流社会。

    In recent years , celebrity endorsement has pushed sotsukon deeper into the mainstream .

  16. 塞林格本身就是一个异化于主流社会的作家。他性格孤僻、不善与人交流;

    Salinger is an alienated writer , who alienates himself from the dominant society .

  17. 这些移民到达德国以后,并没有很好的融入到德国的主流社会里。

    These Muslim immigrants had not well integrated into the mainstream society of Germany .

  18. 她是美国人,可美国主流社会又不认可她,仍把她看成犹太人。

    She was an American , but not accepted by American main current society .

  19. 他们认为,移民会很快入乡随俗,向主流社会靠近。

    They assumed that immigrants would quickly adopt the mores of their host societies .

  20. 我的任务是渗透进入一个拉美国家的主流社会。

    I was assigned to assimilate into the mainstream society of a Latin American country .

  21. 凯鲁亚克在小说中创造一个颠覆了主流社会的狂欢化世界。

    Kerouac deliberately created a carnival world in the novel to subvert the mainstream values .

  22. 走进主流社会的中国太极拳文化

    Chinese Taijiquan Culture Melting into Mainstream Society

  23. 法律规范与社会信任&华人族群融入泰国主流社会的启示

    Law Standard and Social Confidence & Inspiration of the Integration of the Chinese into Thai Society

  24. 本文认为华裔美国历史是一段被主流社会埋没的历史。

    This thesis insists that Chinese American history is buried or neglected by the mainstream society .

  25. 民间作为一个与主流社会迥异不同的文化空间,主要表现在边缘性上。

    As mainstream society different culture space , display on the edge mainly among the people .

  26. 长期以来,同性恋者受到了来自主流社会的压力、歧视、甚至是迫害。

    Homosexuals have suffered pressure , discrimination , even persecution from mainstream society since a long time .

  27. 目的关于对自闭症的干预目标,最重要的一点就是看干预后的自闭症儿童能否回归主流社会[1],在什么样的条件下自闭症的儿童可以回归主流社会呢?

    The goal of intervention for autism is to help the autistic children integrate into the community .

  28. 他们的生活不复杂,而且绝少有亚米希人离家进入美国主流社会。

    Their lives are uncomplicated and few Amish leave their homes to enter the mainstream American society .

  29. 同性恋者被主流社会所忽略,未得到应有的社会地位和法律保障。

    Ignored by the mainstream , homosexuals do not receive the deserved social status and legal protection .

  30. 在这样一个主流社会里,别希望有什么人性、道德、良心。

    People could not hope humanity , or moral , or conscience exists in this main society .