
zhǔ wǒ
  • the subjective "I"
  1. 我答应主我永远不会说的。

    I have promised the Lord that I wiII never say anything .

  2. 我主我王怎样说,仆人必怎样行。

    Your servant will do as my lord the king has said .

  3. 妇人说,愿我主我王说。

    And the woman said , Let my lord the king now speak .

  4. 对于我是一个人的悲伤在第一份工作的主我。

    He was despised and rejected of men , a man of sorrows .

  5. 自我传播是指存在于一个人身上的主我与客我之间的信息交流活动。

    Ego transmission refers to the activity of information exchange between ego and self .

  6. 我主我王阿,他们不都是你的仆人么。

    My lord the king , are they not all my lord 's subjects ?

  7. 这是我主我上帝允许祂的儿女们所使用的唯一利器&为祂作见证。

    This is the only weapon that the King allows His redeemed ones to use .

  8. 在依恋未激活情况下,实验1和实验2均验证了主我分享对人际吸引的影响。

    Under inactive attachment condition , both two studies verified the effect to interpersonal attraction from subjective similarity .

  9. 阿珥楠对大卫说,你可以用这禾场,愿我主我王照你所喜悦的去行。

    Araunah said to David , 'Take it ! Let my lord the king do whatever pleases him .

  10. 我高举双手来尊崇你,我高声歌颂主我爱你。

    As I raise my hands to honor You , as I lift my voice to adore You .

  11. 在主我与宾我的相互协调下,逐步适应与社会的融合。

    In " Lord I " and " Bin I " mutual coordination , adaptation and social integration phase .

  12. 我来将这话告诉我主我王,是因百姓使我惧怕。

    And now I have come to say this to my lord the king because the people have made me afraid .

  13. 我听从了上主我的天主的话,全照你吩咐我的一切履行了。

    I have obeyed the voice of the Lord my God , and have done all things as thou hast commanded me .

  14. 妇人说,求我主我王容婢女再说一句话。

    Then the woman said , Let thine handmaid , I pray thee , speak one word unto my lord the king .

  15. 耶和华阿,我仰望你。主我的神阿,你必应允我。

    In you , o lord , is my hope : you will give me an answer , o lord , my god .

  16. 洗巴说:「我叩拜我主我王,愿我在你眼前蒙恩。」

    " And Ziba said ," I pay homage ; let me ever find favor in your sight , my lord the king .

  17. 建主我国刑事证据开示制度应由1.证据开示的主体、范围;

    To establish the system of presenting criminal evidence in our country , we should include the following three parts : 1.subject and scope .

  18. 以色列王回答说,我主我王阿,可以依着你的话,我与我所有的都归你。

    The king of Israel answered , 'Just as you say , my lord the king . I and all I have are yours . '

  19. 主我的神阿,我要一心称赞你。我要荣耀你的名,直到永远。

    I will give you praise , O Lord my God , with all my heart ; I will give glory to your name for ever .

  20. 基哈西说,我主我王,这就是那妇人,这是她的儿子,就是以利沙所救活的。

    And Gehazi said , My lord , O king , this is the woman , and this is her son , whom Elisha restored to life .

  21. 这里有王的仆人金罕,让他同我主我王过去,可以随意待他。

    But behold thy servant Chimham ; let him go over with my lord the king ; and do to him what shall seem good unto thee .

  22. 但是有研究发现主我分享可能受虚假一致性偏差的影响,即过高地估计与他态度一致的人的数量,进而会高估分享主观经验的程度。

    However , some studies indicated that I-shared people may be affected by false consensus bias to over estimate the quantity of other who was accordant with them .

  23. 米非波设对王说,我主我王既平平安安地回宫,就任凭洗巴都取了也可以。

    And Mephibosheth said unto the king , Yea , let him take all , forasmuch as my lord the king is come again in peace unto his own house .

  24. 33现在,我主我王,不要把这事放在心上,以为王的众子都死了,只有暗嫩一个人死了。

    Now therefore let not my lord the king take the thing to his heart , to think that all the king 's sons are dead : for Amnon only is dead .

  25. 这事果然出乎我主我王吗?王却没有告诉仆人们,在我主我王之后谁坐你的位。

    Has this thing been brought about by my lord the king and you have not told your servants who should sit on the throne of my lord the king after him ?

  26. 洗鲁雅的儿子亚比筛对王说,这死狗怎可咒骂我主我王呢?求你容我过去,取下他的头来。

    Then Abishai the son of Zeruiah said to the king , why should this dead dog curse my lord the king ? Let me go over and take off his head .

  27. 又在我主我王面前谗毁我。然而我主我王如同神的使者一般,你看怎样好,就怎样行吧。

    And he hath slandered thy servant unto my lord the king ; but my lord the king is as an angel of God : do therefore what is good in thine eyes .

  28. 自从仆人到你面前,直到今日,你查出我有什麽过错,使我不去攻击主我王的仇敌呢?

    What have you found in your servant from the day I entered your service until now , that I may not go and fight against the enemies of my lord the king ?

  29. 耶和华怎样与我主我王同在,愿他照样与所罗门同在,使他的国位比我主大卫王的国位更大。

    As the Lord has been with my lord the king , even so may he be with Solomon and make the seat of his authority greater than that of my lord king david .

  30. 古示人也来到、说、有信息报给我主我王.耶和华今日向一切兴起攻击你的人给你报仇了。

    And , behold , Cushi came ; and Cushi said , Tidings , my lord the king : for the LORD hath avenged thee this day of all them that rose up against thee .