
  1. IAC的股价从2004年最高80美元的价位跌至目前的不到20元,还是比迪勒先生主持工作前高些。

    Having peaked at over $ 80 in2004 , IAC shares now trade below $ 20 , though that is still higher than when Mr Diller took charge .

  2. 在欧盟前贸易专员卡洛•德古赫特(KarelDeGucht)主持工作期间,中国和欧盟之间关系紧张。德古赫特曾对有关中方倾销太阳能电池板的指控启动调查。

    China and the EU had prickly relations under Karel De Gucht , the previous EU trade commissioner , who launched an investigation into alleged dumping of Chinese solar panels .

  3. 但有一段时间,崔永元停止了他的主持工作。

    But for some time Cui stopped his show .

  4. 来自各个专业的同学参与到节目的采访,编辑和主持工作中。

    Students from different majors participate in the interviewing , editing and announcing .

  5. 大学期间积累了丰富的导游工作经验,现从事会务、营销、庆典等主持工作,中英皆可哦!

    I have accumulated rich experience of Tourist Guide job during my school time . I am the emcee of business , marketing , and other celebrations now .

  6. 他们的职责涵盖主持工作任务与职业能力分析会议,指导教师进行项目课程设计过程及对课程开发产品进行检验三个方面。

    Hosting conferences associated with post tasks and professional capabilities analysis , instructing teachers design project curriculum and checking the products of curriculum development are the main tasks of them .

  7. 据《综艺》报道,这名喜剧演员过去发布的恐同推文近日再次浮出水面,他没有选择致歉并挺过风暴,而是决定退出奥斯卡主持工作,这让学院陷入窘境,因为他们没有为这种情况制定应急方案。

    According to Variety , the comedian 's decision to step down from hosting the Oscars after his old homophobic tweets resurfaced -- instead of apologizing and weathering the storm -- has left the Academy in a tight spot , as there was no contingency plan for a situation like this .

  8. 他主持医院工作。

    He 's in charge of the hospital .

  9. 他主持医院工作。.

    He 's i n charge of the hospital .

  10. 也就是说,投资者的确认为管理层需要亲自主持日常工作。

    Investors clearly do think , then , that management needs to be hands-on .

  11. 身体健康且能亲自主持医疗工作;

    Being healthy , and being able to preside over the medical work personally ;

  12. 首席代表应当常驻代表处主持日常工作。

    A chief representative shall stay in the representative office to take charge of the daily routine .

  13. 主持监理工作会议、工地例会、签发监理项目部的文件和指令。

    Preside over supervision work meeting , regular site meeting , and issue documents and instructions of project supervision department ;

  14. 两年后,那时周因病不再主持政府工作,我在苏州又碰到同样的情景。

    Two years later when Chou had withdrawn from government because of illness , I encountered the same tableau in Soochow .

  15. 哈拉雷军方的消息人士星期四说,星期五在投票站主持投票工作的人是身穿便衣的安全部队人员。

    Military sources in Harare said Thursday that the people employed Friday to preside over the elections were security forces dressed in plain clothes .

  16. 主持检查工作的是奥列格.米特弗尔,他曾经负责调查荷兰皇家壳牌公司的萨哈林二号项目2006年污染环境事件。

    Leading the inspection will be Oleg Mitvol , who also investigated Royal Dutch Shell for its environmental violations in2006 on the site of its Sakhalin-2 project .

  17. 这位外交大臣表示,他希望英国加强在布鲁塞尔的影响力。他警告说,在欧盟关键机构内部缺失了一代主持日常工作的英国籍欧洲官员。

    The foreign secretary says he wants Britain to beef up its presence in Brussels , warning that there is a missing generation of British Eurocrats operating within the key institutions of the EU .

  18. 瞿秋白主持中央工作期间的领导艺术探微声乐艺术在电视节目主持人中的应用研究

    An Approach to QU Qiu-bai s Art of Leadership During the Period When He Was in Charge of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China ; Vocal Music Art in Television Program Director 's Applied Research

  19. 贝聿铭出生于中国,1930年代移居美国。1948年,在哈佛大学获得建筑学硕士学位后不久,他受聘于威廉·泽肯多夫(WilliamZeckendorf),在泽肯多夫的公司齐氏威奈(Webb&Knapp)主持建筑设计工作。

    Pei , who was born in China and moved to the United States in the 1930s , was hired by William Zeckendorf in 1948 , shortly after he received his graduate degree in architecture from Harvard , to oversee the design of buildings produced by Zeckendorf 's firm , Webb & Knapp .

  20. 第二十一条秘书长主持秘书处工作。

    Article 21 The Secretary-General shall supervise the activities of the Secretariat .

  21. 我是来告诉你我放弃了从事主持方面的工作了。

    I just came to tell you that I 've been a royal prick .

  22. 一九七五年我主持中央常务工作。

    In1975i began to take charge of the day-to-day work of the central committee .

  23. 主持会议的工作轮流做,但会议日程包括固定的一系列议题。

    The job of chairing the meeting rotates , but the agenda includes a fixed list of topics .

  24. 萨姆一直在按文森特?洛德提出的名单,寻找主持研究所工作的人选。

    Sam had been working his way through Vincent lord 's list of potential candidates to head the research institute .

  25. 通过有效的渠道发布招聘信息,组织实施内、外部招聘,组织、主持人员面试工作,选拔、及人员录用工作。

    Distributes recruitment advertisement through good channel , organizes internal & external recruitment activity , interview , selection and employment .

  26. 秘书处在会长领导下,由秘书长主持开展日常工作。

    Under the leadership of the president , the general secretary is in charge of the daily work in the secretariat .

  27. 做为一个教士,我在克里兰附近的教区工作,我们主持那里的工作……干得任劳任怨。

    As a clergic , I work in a parish beside Kilrea . We hold the place ... working my ass off .

  28. 主持面试的工作人员称之为“面试小组”,他们在面试之前要仔细审阅工作情况介绍,人员特长要求和应聘者的情况。

    The staffs conducting an interview together are called an " interview panel ", who , prior to the interview , carefully review the job description , personnel specification , and applicants .

  29. 本文提出了一种区秘书台系统解决方案,对智能小区秘书台等信息化建设有一定的指导作用。第二十一条秘书长主持秘书处工作。

    The paper proposed one solution for intelligent community secretary desk-top system , and it will construct the information construction . Article 21 The Secretary-General shall supervise the activities of the Secretariat .

  30. 此项工作经过爱尔兰MaryWhelan大使主持的政府间工作小组几次相当长的会议终于完成。

    This work culminated in several lengthy sessions of an Intergovernmental Working Group chaired by Ambassador Mary Whelan of Ireland .