
  • 网络sovereign democracy
  1. 他们甚至将这种路线命名为“主权民主”(sovereigndemocracy)。

    They have even given it a name - ' sovereign democracy . "

  2. 俄罗斯的领导人们把主权和拒绝民主标准的权利联系在一起,并邀请其他国家加入俄罗斯的行列,这给世界各地的政客壮了胆,让他们敢在民主需要“适应”当地条件的自利借口下施行各自的威权统治。

    By associating sovereignty with the right to reject democratic standards , and inviting other countries to join them , Russia 's leaders have emboldened politicians across the world to impose their own forms of autocratic rule with the self-serving pretext that democracy needs to be ' adapted " to local conditions .