
  • 网络dominant culture;dominate culture;main culture
  1. 而意义的建构会受到主导文化秩序的限制。

    And the construction of meaning will be restricted by the order created by the dominant culture .

  2. 美国的确是一个文化多元的社会,但它也有一个主导文化。

    The United States is certainly a culturally diverse society ; however , there is also a dominant culture .

  3. 浅析反文化对主导文化的建构与消解

    Simple Analysis of Constructing and Clearing up of Counterculture to Leading Culture

  4. 全球化背景下的大学主导文化建构

    On the Construction of University 's Predominant Culture under the Background of Globalization

  5. 构建面向21世纪的主导文化精神

    Construction of Leading Cultural Sentiment Towards 21 Century

  6. 在《所罗门之歌》中,海格尔是典型的白人主导文化的牺牲者。

    In Song of Solomon , Hagar becomes the victim of the dominant white culture .

  7. 现代西方文化的哲学反思与当前主导文化精神的确立

    On Reflection over Philosophy of Modern Western Culture and Establishment of the Current over Cultural Spirit

  8. 对乡土文化负面价值的批判已构成河南作家的主导文化品格。

    The criticism of the negative value of local culture by Henan writers has become their leading cultural character .

  9. 期望文化与现状文化差别大,主导文化强度大。

    The difference between expected culture and the status quo culture is great ; the leading culture intensity is big .

  10. 作为美国的主导文化,白种人文化是社会规范和组织的基础。

    As the dominant culture in the United States , white culture is the foundation of social norms and organizations .

  11. 电视剧作为文化产品之一,以表达主导文化为主的就被称为主旋律电视剧。

    TV as one type of cultural products , mainly to express the dominant culture is called " Official TV " .

  12. 文化产品转换的条件在根本上受制于主导文化价值体系的社会选择;

    The transformation of the culture product is basically controlled by the social choice of the dominant value system of culture .

  13. 最终,与消费主义、审美泛化有着千丝万缕的联系的视觉文化取代了语言成为主导文化形态。

    Finally , visual culture linked to the consumerism and aesthetic generalization substitutes for the language to become the leading culture shape .

  14. 本文就以近年热播东北农村题材电视剧为研究对象来探讨其中的主导文化与大众文化的融合。

    Based on popular northeast countryside drama during recent years , this essay discussed the integration of dominant culture and commercial culture .

  15. 论主导文化的艺术形态及其关于艺术的话语精神&以精神文明建设五个一工程评选中影视艺术获奖文本为例

    Artistic Forms of Dominant Culture and Some Related Linguistic Vitality : On the Rewarded Films and TV Programs in the Five-One Project

  16. 作为一种新兴的文化,大众文化用电影、电视等传媒载体在短时间内就获得了主导文化的地位,在中国也不例外。

    As a burgeoning culture , mass culture has become the leading culture in very short time utilizing movies , televisions and other media carriers .

  17. 在思想文化方面,首先,选文既要传播社会主导文化又要重视大众文化;

    On ideology and culture , first of all , the selected text should advocate the popular culture and stress the mass culture as well .

  18. 可以寻求一种介于两种文化之间的过渡型文化,称之为“第三种文化”,作为课堂主导文化。

    We can use " the third culture ", which is at the intersection of the two cultures , as the dominant culture in the classroom .

  19. 古代士大夫文化作为精英文化,占据了社会主导文化的位置,较好地维护了社会文化的稳定发展;

    Ancient scholar bureaucrat culture acts as essential culture that takes up the position of social leading culture to maintain the stable evolution of social culture effectively ;

  20. 有一个在欧洲的不满,法国等已在18世纪的主导文化讨论了所以很多部件。

    There was a lot of resentment in other parts of Europe that the French had been so dominant in much of the cultural debate of the18th century .

  21. 文化生态内部的主导文化、精英文化、大众文化是从折射于各种具体文化形式中话语内涵的不同而划分的。

    The dominant culture , the elite culture and the popular culture distinct from each other in the cultural ecology by their discourse connotation reflected in their specific forms .

  22. 对比实验结果表明:在大学英语课堂教学中以“第三种文化”作为主导文化的教学效果,优于以目的语文化为主导文化的教学。

    The result of the one-year comparative experiment among college students proves that using " the third culture " as the dominant culture in the class has a better effect .

  23. 大众文化不是突如其来的,而是吸取了主导文化、精英文化、民间文化的成分,以大众因素这个最活跃的因素改造而成。

    It assimilates some compositions from the dominant culture , the outstanding culture and the folk culture , and is rebuilt by the popular factor that is the most active factor .

  24. 本文把文化形态划分为大众文化、高雅文化和主导文化,划分的依据是文化的目的,是在审美文化的范围内的再次划分。

    According to the different aims of culture , the forms of culture are divided into mass culture , elegant culture and dominant culture , This is a subdivision in aesthetic culture .

  25. 为凸显大学生职业选择中的个人自我价值的实现与社会价值的统一,应加强制度因素、社会主导文化、就业政策与市场完善、学校与家庭教育诸方面的正确导向。

    Finally , it suggests that we give the students correct guidance by the system factors , the society 's dominant culture , the employment policy , school and family education , etc.

  26. 作动态的历时的发生学考察,中国式娱乐电影的文化内涵至少是主导文化、剩余文化和新生文化合流与互渗的动态生成。

    Lasted for dynamic occurring analysis , Chinese-style entertainment and cultural content of films is the dominant culture at least , the remaining culture and new cultural dynamic generation of convergence and Infiltration .

  27. 与中国传统文化的人性观不同,西方主导文化所持的人性恶论和理性主义,使得西方的制度伦理呈现出独特的景象。

    Different from the Chinese traditional human nature view , the Western leading culture regards the human nature as wicked and rationalistic , which makes the Western system ethics present its unique feature .

  28. 近年来,全球化与多元化、现代与传统、中国与西方、中心与边缘、主导文化与通俗文化等问题,成了中国文学批评理论界的热点论域。

    In recent years , some subjects became the focuses of Chinese literary criticism , such as globalization . and multi-cultures , modernity and tradition , center and margin , dominant culture and popular culture .

  29. 精英文化与大众文化的相互指责、主导文化与大众文化谁整编谁的斗争,实质上是文化形态的优劣问题;

    The Question of whether a culture form is good or bad is revealed in the reciprocal reproach between intellectual culture and mass culture , and in the conflict between dominant culture and mass culture .

  30. “耶”这一手势的普泛,其实是流行文化占据主导文化地位的显徵之一,它暗示了某种在各阶层之间趋同的文化心理。

    The popularity of the hand signal " yeah " is one of the features that pop culture occupies the guiding culture , which suggests the symmetry of cultural psychology among levels of all kinds .