
  • 网络essentialism;Substantialism
  1. 先验论、本质论长期困扰着美学研究,这使得美学研究常常脱离现实的审美活动。

    Apriorism and essentialism plagued the research on Aesthetics in long time , which makes the research on aesthetics often divorced from the reality of the aesthetic activity .

  2. 本文从戏剧的魅力、戏剧与儿童的关系出发,针对中西方儿童戏剧教育工具论取向与本质论取向分离的现状,试图建构一种通过戏剧的综合的教育&幼儿园戏剧综合活动。

    Starting with the irresistible charm of drama to children under six years old , this thesis , arguing the two opposite approaches of " Instrumentalism " and " Essentialism " in children 's drama education , is intended to introduce to preschools a drama-based comprehensive education model for children .

  3. 学校体育本质论

    Essence of School Physical Education New Discussion on Physical Education Essence

  4. 钱谦益的文学本质论

    A Study of Qian Qian-yi 's Theory of Literature Essence

  5. 商品化权本质论

    The Discussion on Merchandising Right On Nature of Merchandising Right

  6. 现代化和社会主义本质论的形成

    Modernization and Formation of the Theory of Essence of Socialism

  7. 论和谐发展观是社会主义本质论的新发展

    The Harmonious Development Concept is the New Development of Socialism Essence Theory

  8. 一体两翼的诗歌本质论

    On Poetry 's " One Main Part with Two Wings " Nature

  9. 宋代绘画本质论的变迁

    Development of Theories About Essence of Painting During Song Dynasty

  10. 第一章艺术本质论。

    The first part is the essence of art .

  11. 人的不同存在形态的本质论略

    On the Nature of Man 's Different Being Formations

  12. 吟咏情性&钟嵘诗歌本质论在《诗品》中的地位和作用

    The Role and Status of Zhong Rong 's Poetry Essentialism in Poetry Classified

  13. 大学核心竞争力本质论

    Core Competence of University : Nature and Key element

  14. 中西古典文艺本质论比较

    Comparison of the Essence of Classical Literature and Art between China and West

  15. 审美意识形态文学本质论浅析

    Analysis of the " Aesthetic ideology " Literary Essence

  16. 他们的哲学本体论是客体性的,其文学本质论因而也是客体性的。

    Such objective beginning of Western philosophy and literature is necessary and reasonable .

  17. 服装的本质论是服装学基础理论中的一个重要问题。

    The essence of clothing is the important problem of clothing basic theory .

  18. 关于社会主义本质论的探索与形成

    Exploration and Formation of the Theory of Socialist Nature

  19. 过失共同犯罪是探讨共犯本质论的应有话题,国内外刑法对其有否定说和肯定说之争论。

    The debate has negative theory and positive theory at home and abroad .

  20. 对受托责任本质论和契约本质论的选择

    On the Choice Between Accountability Theory and Contract Theory

  21. 关于马克思主义哲学价值本质论的思考

    On the Nature of the Value of Marxist Philosophy

  22. 从文化的本质论体育文化

    Discussion on Sports Culture from the Essence of Culture

  23. 第二,它提供了一种全新的艺术本质论。

    Secondly , it puts forword a whole new view of art essential .

  24. 所有权本质论

    On the Essence of the Right of Ownership

  25. 马克思人的本质论再认识

    Further Recognition of Marx'Theory of Man 's Essence

  26. 关于社会主义条件下的共同富裕的理论与实践日趋成熟。其中,社会主义本质论为共同富裕提供了理论依据;

    The Theoretic knowledge and practice of common wealth under socialism come to mature .

  27. 从社会主义本质论到三个代表重要思想

    From the Theory of Socialist Essence To the " Three Represent " Important Thinking

  28. 基于饮食美学本质论的餐饮企业人本化管理,为餐饮企业带来了新的商机。

    To food and beverage enterprises , this brings the new opportunities developing human-based management .

  29. 文艺鉴赏本质论&中国现代文艺鉴赏理论述评之一

    On the Nature of Literary Appreciation & Review of Modern Chinese Theories of Literary Appreciation

  30. 教育发展变革与教育本质论的演变

    On the Interaction between the Educational Development and the Evolution of the Educational Intrinsic Quality