
sòng dú
  • Recitation;read aloud;chant
诵读 [sòng dú]
  • (1) [read aloud]∶读出声音来

  • 诵读诗文

  • (2) [chant]∶唸

诵读[sòng dú]
  1. 凌晨3:32,去年4月6日致命地震袭击的时刻,拉奎拉中部比萨大教堂演奏了安魂曲,并大声诵读了所有308名遇难者的名字。

    At 3.32 a.m. , the time the deadly quake struck last April 6 , a requiem was played in L'Aquila 's central Piazza Duomo . The names of all 308 victims were read aloud .

  2. 孩子出生一周后,将在一个雪松制成的木盆里由一位大臣为其洗礼,同时会有人大声诵读以传统的中国文体写成的保佑孩子平安健康的祷文。

    A week later , the baby will be ritually bathed in a cedar tub by a courtier while auspicious texts , written in classic Chinese literary style and wishing it good health and fortune , are read aloud .

  3. 很难估计有多少孩子有诵读困难。

    It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia .

  4. 他患诵读困难症。

    He 's dyslexic .

  5. 诵读困难症一直没有引起太多的注意,这种情形直到最近才有所改观。

    Until comparatively recently , dyslexia remained largely unrecognised .

  6. 患有诵读困难症并不意味着智力低下。两者相差甚远。

    Being dyslexic does not mean that one is unintelligent . Far from it .

  7. 诵读困难的一个影响就是过分注意细节,至少对我来说是如此。

    One of the effects of dyslexia , in my case at least , is that you pay tremendous attention to detail

  8. 现在我们来听听学生们诵读他们的诗作,从汤姆开始吧。

    We will now hear the students read their poems , beginning with tom .

  9. EFL学习者英语诵读的停顿型式

    Pause Patterns in EFL Learners ' Oral Reading

  10. 1.dyslexian.阅读障碍诵读困难和羞怯具有很大的先天性。

    Dyslexia and shyness both have a large innate component ;

  11. 无人注意到Jesse的诵读困难

    they barely even noticed that Jesse was dyslexic .

  12. 在1987年,桑德斯以民谣和诵读专辑《我们终将克服困难》(WeShallOvercome)开启了一段(非常)短暂的歌唱生涯。

    In 1987 , Mr. Sanders set off on a ( very ) brief singing career , with " We Shall Overcome , " an album of folk music and spoken word .

  13. 《康复杂志》(JournalofRehabilitation)的研究表明,左撇子更有可能患上语言障碍、自闭症、诵读困难、精神分裂症、癫痫发作和创伤后精神失调等。

    According to the Journal of Rehabilitation , research shows that left-handers are more likely to suffer from language disorders , autism , dyslexia , schizotypal behaviour patterns , seizures and post-traumatic stress disorder .

  14. 为探索儿童诵读困难(readingdisabilityRD)的发生情况及原因,采用普查与重点调查相结合的方法,对洛阳玻璃厂区1117名6~14岁全部在校儿童进行了调查。

    Investigation have been made for 1117 of 6-14 year-old school children in Luoyang Glass Plant by means of combination of general and emphatic survey , in order to study the morbidity and caues of children suffered reading disability ( RD ) .

  15. Kathy的父亲是一位众多标准化智商测试方面的倡导者。可Kathy有严重的天生诵读障碍。这意味着这个明显聪明的小孩无法按一般方法来学习。

    Kathy 's father pioneered many standardized intelligence tests , but Kathy was born with severe dyslexia , which meant that this obviously bright little girl didn 't learn in a typical way .

  16. 我指的不仅仅是诵读效忠誓言(PledgeofAllegiance),不仅仅是学校热烈庆祝感恩节的活动,也不仅仅是7月4日盛放的烟火,不论这些场景多么激动人心。

    I 'm not just talking about the recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance or the Thanksgiving pageants at school or the fireworks on the Fourth of July , as wonderful as those things may be .

  17. Behan等人(1985)认为大部分金发碧眼的人有诵读困难症(他们很多是左撇子)。

    Behan et al . ( 1985 ) suggest a higher rate of blue-eyed blonds in the dyslexic population ( they were also more likely to be left-handed ) .

  18. 中学语文诵读教学新探

    A New Probe on the Chinese Chant Teaching in Middle School

  19. 我们上个星期已经讨论了说话障碍,即诵读障碍。

    We talked last week about a reading disorder , dyslexia .

  20. 慢慢诵读,梦忆从前你双眸

    And slowly read , and dream of the soft look ,

  21. 第三部份:诵读教学现状分析。

    The third part analyzes the current situation of the teaching method .

  22. 洛阳玻璃厂区儿童诵读困难的调查

    Investigation of children reading disability in the Luoyang Glass Plant

  23. 试析诵读古诗文对学生的积极影响

    Discuss on the influence of reading ancient poems on students

  24. 诵读在语言学习中的作用

    Recite and Reading : The Basic Way to Learn Language

  25. 答:他当然可以,但他患有诵读困难症。

    A : He surely can , though he suffers from dyslexia .

  26. 在诵读中,细细品尝,反复玩味。

    In reading , the small taste of them , repeatedly pondering .

  27. 这次别在责怪诵读困难了。

    Can 't blame it on the dyslexia this time .

  28. 人们相信诵读这些曼特拉能够产生魔音

    The reciting of the mantras is believed to create a magical sound

  29. 很难估计有多少孩子有诵读困难。

    It is hard to estimate how many children suffr from dyslexia .

  30. 他不能朗读,老师们都说他是诵读困难者。

    He couldn 't read , and teachers said he was dyslexic .
