
  • 网络simulacrum;simulacre
  1. 在HSK词表大纲中,有一类像熊猫雪花人参地球红领巾骨肉等通过修辞手法构词的词语。对于这类词语的研究,学术界已经发表了不少的文章。

    In the outline of HSK Vocabulary , there is a kind of words like Panda , snow , ginseng , earth , red scarf and so an , they are made up of rhetoric word-formation . academic interests have published many articles with regard to the issue .

  2. 德国人当时觉得犬类像人一样聪慧,以致竖坐了特地狄妆犬黉舍去教它们“发言”。

    The Germans thought dogs were almost as smart as humans and even set up a special dog school to teach them to talk .

  3. 其中最主要的一个催化剂就是在大脑的镜像神经元发现了类像是作用于社会影响的生理机制。

    A major catalyst for this has been the discovery of what seems to be a physiological mechanism for social interaction , located in the brain 's " mirror neurons " .

  4. 选择、挪用图像、文字是当代艺术中一个重要的手段,并触及到追求原创性问题,标志当代社会已经进入一个“类像”的时代。

    Choosing and shifting images and words are significant devices , as well as involved in the question of originality , this marks that the contemporary is already going into a " similar image " time .

  5. 有些爬虫类,像蛇和蜥蜴,移动得非常快。v.发出沙沙声

    Some reptiles , such as snakes or lizards , move very fast .

  6. 容器类,像迭代器(Iterators),被组织成层次的概念。

    Container classes , like iterators , are organized into a hierarchy of concepts .

  7. 用乳化降粘开采稠油的关键是选择合适的乳化剂,一类是像Na2CO3、NaOH等碱类;第二类是表面活性剂,分为三类,分别是阳离子型、阴离子型、非离子型。

    The key to exploitation of heavy oil emulsification and viscosity reduction is to choose the suitable emulsifier . the one is the alkali like Na2CO3 、 NaOH ; the second is the surfactant , cationic , anionic , nonionic .

  8. 这个新类应该像清单9这样。

    The new class should look like that in Listing 9 .

  9. 羊齿类很像波士顿热门音乐。

    The ferns very definitely like the Boston pops .

  10. 可穿戴设备通常分为三大类:像健身追踪器这样的复杂设备;

    Wearables typically fall into three categories : complex devices such as fitness trackers ;

  11. 过度捕捞一些特定的鱼类和贝壳类,像是鲷鱼、梭鱼,甚至是龙虾……

    Overfishing certain species of fish and shellfish like snappers , barracudas and even lobsters ...

  12. 犬类也像人类一样,有着复杂的认知策略,其脑部结构较其它许多动物为复杂。

    Like humans , dogs have in complex cognitive strategies and have a more complicated brain structure than many other animals .

  13. 由于超类不会像子类那样被频繁引用,对子类的命名就不必考虑太多简洁的因素。

    Because a superclass is not referenced as frequently as a sublcass the names do not have to be as concise .

  14. 一旦在部分类中像如下这样添加了的话,这些验证方法将会在应用程序中更新数据模型时自动的触发。

    Once defined in partial classes like below , these validation methods will automatically be enforced anytime we write code to update our data model objects in an application .

  15. 当然,Book类应该有像set和get这样的访问程序。

    Of course , a Book class should really have accessors like set and get .

  16. 方铅矿中类质同像银的研究及EPR分析

    EPR Analysis and Study on Isomorphic Silver in Galena

  17. 把GroovyShell对象嵌入普通Java类,可以像类加载器所做的那样动态执行Groovy脚本。

    Embedding the GroovyShell object in your normal Java classes lets you dynamically execute Groovy scripts just as the classloader does .

  18. 经进一步的分析表明大家对潮湿这类相关词汇像潮湿的(damp)和湿(wet)这些词也有反感倾向,进一步大家反感是这个含义而不是发音。

    Further analysis showed that moist-averse people also tend to dislike related words , such as damp and wet , showing further support for the idea that its the meaning , not the sound .

  19. 为了创建接口和默认实现类,可以像下一小节描述的那样使用pureQuery的ORM过程。

    To create the interface and the default implementation file , you can use pureQuery 's ORM process , shown in the next section .

  20. 然而,在运行时也可以使用多个类加载器;像Jetty和Tomcat这样的Web应用引擎都是使用多个类加载器,以便支持应用热部署。

    However , it 's possible to use multiple classloaders at runtime ; web application engines like Jetty and Tomcat frequently use this in order to support hot ( re ) deployment of applications .

  21. 如果这还不够复杂的话,那么最毒的金融产品中还有一些其实是合成式CDO,华尔街炮制出这类表现得像债券一样的CDO。

    If that isn 't complicated enough , some of the most toxic financial products were actually ' synthetic ' CDOs , in which Wall Street concocted securities that behaved like bonds .

  22. 相山破火山口内中低温热液铀矿床的铀钍类质同像研究

    The study of uranium and thorium isomorphism in EPI-MESOTHERMAL uranium deposits of Xiangshan caldera

  23. 矿床中银主要以银矿物存在,次为类质同像。

    Silver exists mainly in silver minerals .

  24. 喜欢,可是我比较喜欢看非小说的散文类作品,像是励志或传记。

    A : Yes , but I prefer non-fiction , like self-help books or biography .

  25. 后一类人则像愚笨的红嘴山鸦,它之喜欢偷钱,仅仅是为了将钱藏起来而已。

    The second is like the foolish chough , which loves to steal money only to hide it .

  26. 但匪类都必像荆棘被丢弃。人不敢用手拿它。

    But evil men are all to be cast aside like thorns , which are not gathered with the hand .

  27. As以毒砂形式存在,部分以类质同像形式存在于黄铁矿、雌黄铁矿、白铁矿和黝铜矿中;

    Element As occurs in arsenopyrite , partly in pyrite , pyrrhotite , marcasite and tetrahedrite in the form of isomorphous admixture ;

  28. 这种巨大的柑橘类水果很像大个头的西柚,但与其他柚子不同的是,它们的味道十分甜美,果肉粒粒分明。

    These huge citrus fruits are like gigantic grapefruits , but unlike pamplemousse , they are very sweet and the fruit sacs separate easily .

  29. 用有色对称的理论解释了晶体结构中的有序-无序和某些类质同像替换等现象。

    The author attempts to illustrate that the order-disorder of crystal structure , and the isomorphism may be explained by the conception of colour symmetry .

  30. 研究表明,石榴石环带及其非均质性不仅与石榴石类质同像端员分子百分比组成有关,而且与石榴石的生成条件有关。

    Studies show that the zonation and nonhomogeneity of garnets are related not only to their isomorphic molecule percentage , but to their formation environment as well .