
lèi shù
  • class number
类数[lèi shù]
  1. 一类数的整除特征

    The Characteristic of A Class Number

  2. 结果:“催化剂”分割算法可有效地对待分割图像进行正确的类数判断。

    Results Image segmentation based on " catalyst " segmentation method could judge the right class number for segmented images .

  3. 有限循环群的Fuzzy子群的等价类数

    On the Number of Equivalent Classes of Fuzzy Subgroups of a Finite Cycle Group

  4. 有限可解群的Fuzzy子群的阶数及其等价类数

    On the Number of Equivalent Classes of Fuzzy Subgroups of a Finite Solvable Group

  5. 有限Abel群的Fuzzy子群的等价分类及其类数

    Equivalent Classes and Its Number of Fuzzy Subgroups of a Finite Abel Group

  6. 引入模糊C均值聚类算法进行连续属性模糊化,通过聚类有效性分析来确定最佳分类数目,克服了属性模糊化方法需要人为确定划分类数的缺点。

    Fuzzy C means clustering is introduced to fuzzify the continuous attribute , and the best minute class number is obtained by the valid analysis of clustering .

  7. 在模糊C均值聚类算法中引入了有效性函数的概念,从而部分克服了模糊C均值聚类算法局部最优和无法确定聚类的类数的问题;

    As for fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm , we introduced the concept of validity function to solve problems about partial optimization and how to decide the cluster number .

  8. 模糊C均值聚类算法的关键问题之一就是聚类类数和初始聚类中心的确定。

    With respected to determining the cluster number and cluster centers in using of the fuzzy c-means algorithm , the mean shift algorithm is introduced to estimate the cluster number .

  9. 虚二次数域上类数与Ono不变量的关系

    On the Ono Invariants of Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields

  10. 相比K-means算法,我们提出的算法还具有能处理类数未知的数据集的能力。

    Also , compared with the K-means algorithm , our proposed algorithm has ability to partition any dataset when not knowing the number of clusters .

  11. 给出了实二次域Q(p)当类数等于1时,除去有限个以外,素数p≡1(mod4)的一般表达式。

    Except for a few prime numbers , this paper presents a general expression for primes satisfying p ≡ 1 ( mod 4 ) on condition that class number of the real quadratic field Q ( p ) equals to 1 .

  12. 定义Fuzzy子群的两种等价关系,给出了有限Abel群的Fuzzy子群在这两种等价关系下的等价类数的求解公式。

    In this paper , two equivalence relationships on fuzzy subgroups of a group are defined , and the formulas to find the numbers of equivalent classes of fuzzy subgroups of a finite Abel group in two equivalence relationship are given .

  13. 重组核酸疫苗免疫小鼠后,用流式细胞仪测定CD4+、CD8+淋巴细胞亚类数,用HIV-2抗体ELISA检测试剂盒检测免疫鼠血清中抗HIV-2抗体。

    The CD4 + and CD8 + cells in spleens of mice immunized with the recombinant DNA vaccine were counted using Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter , and the HIV - 2 antibodies in the sera of them were detected by ELISA kit .

  14. 设Fq是一个q元域,用Fq上仿射辛空间中的全部超平面构作了类数为3的结合方案,并计算了参数。

    Let be the finite field with elements , ASG be the - dimensional affine - symplectic space . Taking the set of all hyper-planes ASG as the set of treatments , we construct association scheme of class 3 , and compute their parameters .

  15. 容积的典型量度包括LOC、SLOC、ELOC、语句、分号、方法数、类数和文件数。

    Typical measure for volumes include LOCs , source LOCs ( SLOCs ), effective LOCs ( ELOCs ), statements , semicolons , method count , class count , and file count .

  16. 在AIC准则思想的启发下,将应该同属于一个分类的数据看作是在某一分布中抽取的样本,从而通过求Kullback-Leibler信息量的渐近无偏估计而达到确定类数与数据分类的目的。

    Enlightened by the idea of AIC , this paper treats the data of the same group as samples of certain distribution . In this way , it determines the number of groups by seeking the asymptotically unbiased estimate of Kullback-Leibler information .

  17. 基质酸化过程中的一类数模求解

    The Solution of a Sort of Mathematical Model during Matrix Acidizing

  18. 一类数的超越性判定

    On a criterion of the transcendence of a class of numbers

  19. 总的类数动态生成;

    The total number of the clusters is created dynamically ;

  20. 幂零群中非正规循环子群的共轭类数

    The Number of Conjugacy Classes of Nonnormal Cyclic Subgroups in Nilpotent Groups

  21. 几类数的平方和问题

    The problem of quadratic sum of some classes of numbers

  22. 关于有限幂零群共轭类数的一个注记

    A Note on the Number of Conjugacy Classes in a Finite Nilpotent Group

  23. 关于群的阶与群的共轭类数的商

    On the Quotient of the Group Order and the Number of Conjugacy Classes

  24. 正定埃尔米特型的类数

    On the class number of positive definite Hermitian forms

  25. 类数为1的二次域上线性分组码的构造

    Codes from Quadratic Number Fields of Class Number One

  26. 许多聚类有效性指标已经被提出用来估计类数。

    Many clustering validity indices have been proposed to estimate the number of clusters .

  27. 从字面上理解,取名“有理数”可能是说,这类数的存在是合理合法的。

    Literally , it seems possible to say that the existence of rational number is reasonable .

  28. 本文中求出所有类数为2的二次代数复数体的毕氏数。

    In this paper , we find all Pythagorean numbers in the complex quadratic field with class-number two .

  29. 给出了具有相同特征多项式的矩阵的相似类数和计算方法。

    The equiform class number of matrix with similar characteristic polynomial is presented , and its computation method also given in this paper .

  30. 当该准则达到最小时对应的类数就是图像正确分割所要求的分类数。准则中各参数由期望最大法和最大伪似然法来估计。

    The correct NOC of different images can be obtained by minimizing the ATEC and the parameters in the criterion are estimated by expectation maximization algorithm and maximum pseudo-likelihood method .