
  • 网络Organoids;organoid
  1. 目的采用机械分离和酶消化相结合的方法分离小肠上皮类器官单位(IOUs),并进行形态及功能鉴定,建立稳定的分离培养技术。

    Objective To establish a method on isolating intestinal epithelium organoid units ( IOUs ) and identify the morphological integrity and viability .

  2. 目的采用改良方法分离大鼠小肠上皮类器官单位(IOUs),鉴定IOUs裸鼠体内发育能力。

    Objective To isolate the rat intestinal epithelial organoid units ( IOUs ) by modified methods and to identify the viability of IOUs in vivo of nude mouse .

  3. 大鼠小肠上皮类器官单位的分离培养鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of Intestinal Epithelium Organoid Units of Rat

  4. 舒宾辩称,所有的哺乳类器官都可以溯源到这些鱼类的类似器官。

    All mammalian organs , he argues , can be traced back to their fishy equivalents .

  5. 不同细胞因子在小肠类器官片断体外培养中的作用研究

    Role of the IGF / HGF / Gln on the culture of the intestinal organoid in vitro

  6. 间接性害虫造成的作物的某类器官或组织的损失率小于产量损失率。

    The percentage reduction in yield is lower than that in organ or tissue consumed by indirect pests .

  7. 利用小肠上皮类器官单位构建大鼠小肠的初步研究

    The preliminary study on fabricating tissue engineered intestine of rat with intestinal epithelial organoid units seeded into cylinder polymer scaffold

  8. 因为基因工程能确保身体接受所需的器官或移植物,所以有一天克隆技术会让那些迫切需要这类器官或移植物的人们实现他们的夙愿。

    Because genetic engineering will insure acceptance by the body , those in desperate need of organ and other transplants will one-day have their prayers answered by cloning .

  9. 主要是运用认知语言学里的隐喻和转喻理论来考察牙齿类器官词的衍生演变。

    It studies the derivation and evolution of organ words in " Ya " and " Chi " category mainly through theories of metaphor and metonymy in cognitive linguistics .

  10. 但致力于保存这类器官的研究工作正在进行,森德兰大学的研究显示,快速冷却肾脏可将器官破坏减至最低。

    But work to preserve these organs is taking place at Sunderland where research has shown that by rapidly cooling the kidneys you minimise the damage and preserve organs .

  11. 其最终目的是在体外经过人工的方法培育成有正常代谢功能的肝组织或类器官,体内移植后对肝功能受损患者的肝脏进行修补、恢复、重建直至完全替代。

    The ultimate goal is through artificial means in vitro cultivation as a normal metabolic function of liver tissue or organ type , in vivo transplantation in patients with impaired liver function after liver repair , rehabilitation , reconstruction until the full replacement .

  12. 部分鲇形目鱼类嗅觉器官的研究

    Studies on the Olfactory Organs of Siluriformes Fishes of a Part

  13. 但是音乐仅仅只能依靠耳朵和嘴巴这类感觉器官来接收音乐进而表现音乐吗?

    However , can we receive music only rely on our sense organ such as ears and mouth ?

  14. 星体躯体并没有这类的器官,它只是一个意识点。

    The astral body does not have any organs as such , it is a point of consciousness only .

  15. 叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官,在植物发育中具有重要地位。

    Leaf is the first lateral organ produced by the activity of the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) .

  16. 具维管组织的植物在分类学上都归属为一个单独的维管植物门。叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官,在植物发育中具有重要地位。

    The vascular plants may be grouped into a single division , the Tracheophyta . Leaf is the first lateral organ produced by the activity of the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) .

  17. 种子萌发时,胚合成的赤霉素(GA)刺激糊粉层合成并分泌各种水解酶类至胚乳贮藏器官,将其降解为小分子的营养物供胚生长,进而发育成整个植株。

    During the germination of the seed , the gibberellic acid ( GA ) synthesized by embryonic secreted to endosperm storage organ , and promoted endosperm develop into whole plants .

  18. 几乎所有这类雄性老鼠生殖器官都有缺陷。

    Almost all the male mice in this group had genital defects .

  19. 管状分子在类叶升麻不同器官的分布也不同。

    The distribution of the vessels in different organs of Actaea is difference .

  20. 不同类型甘草总黄酮含量的季节变化规律类似,在8月都出现总黄酮含量下降以及9月含量升高的现象,这可能与甘草的繁殖过程或黄酮类物质在各器官中的累积与运输有关。

    The seasonal variation resembled in three genetic liquorice , the decreasing in August and the increasing in September were associated with the propagation and the transportation of flavonoids in different organs .

  21. 同时探讨了不同类型管状分子在类叶升麻不同器官的分布与其生理功能和生态环境的关系,同时将该植物作为毛茛科的代表类群,与其它基部类群植物导管分子进行了比较。

    In addition , the paper discusses the distributions of different types of tracheary elements and the relations of their physiological functions with ecological environments , and compares the tracheids of other basal taxa using this plant as the representative of Ranunculaceae .

  22. 鳐类和银鲛类嗅觉器官的研究

    A study on the olfactory organ of skates , rays and chimaeras

  23. 在他们的摘要中,他们说这类猿类的发声器官没法产生精美地调整及控制的声音。

    In their summary , they state that this ape 's vocal organ is not capable of producing delicately modulated or controlled sounds .

  24. 文章介绍了原生动物、腔肠动物、软体动物、节肢动物、鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类和哺乳类动物的呼吸器官及呼吸方式。

    This article has introduced the respiratory apparatus and breathing ways of protozoan , coelenterates , mollusks , arthropods , fish , amphibians , reptiles , birds and mammals .