
  • 网络West Indian manatee
  1. 其中包括佛罗里达美洲豹,美洲鳄和西印度海牛。

    They include the Florida panther , the American crocodile and the West Indian manatee .

  2. 北弗罗里达的泉水常年保持72华氏度(22摄氏度)的恒温,西印度海牛常去那片水域过冬.这张惹人注目的剪影照片显现出一头走向一棵树准备午后小憩的猎豹的矫健的身影。

    This West Indian manatee is wintering in a North Florida spring , attracted by the region 's constant 72 degrees Fahrenheit ( 22 degrees Celsius ) waters . Photograph by Chris Johns A striking silhouette shows off the lithe form of a cheetah approaching a tree for a late afternoon slumber .