
xī hú ɡōnɡ yuán
  • West Lake Park
  1. 3结合西湖公园景观设计实例,应用多维传感法进行叙事性景观设计实践。

    Combined with the projection of West Lake Park landscape , multi-dimensional sensing method has been used for narrative landscape design practice .

  2. 生境系统的保护、再造与利用&以银川大西湖湿地公园规划为例

    Living Environment System : Conservation , Reconstruction Utilization Yinchuan West Lake Wetland Park as an Example

  3. 公园中人工湿地植物选择与应用初探&以杭州西湖周边公园为例

    Study on the Selection and Application of Wetland Plant in the Park & A Case of Parks surround the Hangzhou West Lake

  4. 广东惠州西湖东坡主题公园建设中的文化设计

    Cultural Design in the Construction of the West Lake Dongpo Theme Park in Guangdong Huizhou

  5. 抚州西湖是抚州市公园内的风景旅游湖泊,由于近些年工农业生产的发展和人类各种干扰的增加,湖水富营养化程度严重。

    Fuzhou West Lake is a scenic city park lakes , as recent industrial and agricultural production and human interaction that increase in magnitude of lake eutrophication .