
  • 网络Tropical
  1. 我想你会喜欢热带风情。

    I thought you might appreciate the tropical ambience .

  2. 现在,这处著名旅游胜地正以独特的热带风情来迎接旅游旺季的到来。

    Now the noted resort is welcoming the holiday season with tropical zeal .

  3. 原来为了宣传南非的设计师,并帮助他们得到世界的认可,杂志方通过PS让凯特王妃穿上了南非时装,大展热带风情。

    Unlike other Duchess Kate photoshop missteps , Marie Claire SA 's cover was expressly designed to look as if the future Queen of England had struck a pose for the mag while rocking threads by famed South African designer Clive Rundle .

  4. 库克群岛是南太平洋充满热带风情与世隔绝的典范。

    The Cook Islands are the epitome of the South Seas tropical hideaway .

  5. 何时去:由于它有着田园诗般的热带风情,夏威夷是一个全年都热门的目的。

    When to go : Thanks to its idyllic tropical setting , Hawaii is a popular destination year-round .

  6. 注重住区景观,重塑热带风情&汕头第一城规划设计探讨

    The Scenery of the Residential District and the Tropical Climate : Introducing the Planning of Shantou Di Yi Cheng

  7. 例如红色光的灯笼造型景观灯为广场带来一片喜庆气氛,绿色椰树灯在池边立出一派热带风情。

    Red lantern lights increase festival atmosphere for square ; green coconut tree lights make environment full of tropical style .

  8. 当1985年这个岛再次被卖掉时,新主人决定把它变成一个热带风情的乐园。

    When the island was sold in 1985 , the new owners decided to turn it into a tropical getaway .

  9. 位于海南三亚亚龙湾的红树林度假酒店是中国唯一具巴厘岛热带风情的度假酒店。

    The Yalong Bay Mangrove Tree Resort is the only luxury resort in China designed in truly " Balinese style " .

  10. 中跟鞋或低跟凉鞋也是女士的最爱。帆布鞋和凉拖也是夏季的百搭鞋品,尤其是搭配热带风情的裙子效果最好。

    Try ladylike kitten heels or low-heeled slides . Espadrilles and mules are other summertime footwear favorites and work well with tropical-themed dresses .

  11. 为配合热带风情的设计,整个场地将密集种植棕榈树、蕨类植物、灌木、开花植物,营造林荫步道的效果。

    In order to match the tropical style design , palms , ferns , shrubs , flowering trees will be planted densely all over the development so as to create the effect of shaded pathways .

  12. 巴拉望西部的群岛,甚至菲律宾人也把它描述为这个国家的最后处女地,充满了不可思议的异域和热带的风情。

    The western island group of Palawan , which even Filipinos describe as their country 's last frontier , is inconceivably exotic and tropical .

  13. 五是西双版纳热带雨林和傣族风情游。

    The fifth route is for Xishuangbanna tropical rain forest and Dai ethnic folklore .