
  • 网络Pak Sha Wan;White Sand Bay;Sandy Bay
  1. 工程项目的地点位于西贡白沙湾的西岸。

    The project site is located on the western shore of Pak Sha wan , Sai kung .

  2. 其中建造坪洲和小榄避风塘及重建白沙湾公众码头的初步可行性报告也已完成。

    Preliminary project feasibility studies for the Peng Chau and Siu Lam typhoon shelters and the reconstruction of the public pier at Pak Sha Wan were completed .

  3. 近日其中一单比较有趣的工作,是帮一位英藉客人于西页白沙湾的新居设计家具。

    One of my interesting jobs recently is to design a series of furniture for a British lady 's new house at Pak Sha Wan , Sai Kung .

  4. 该署又策划重建5个位于青山、喜灵洲、白沙湾、大榄涌和东龙洲的码头。

    It also planned the reconstruction of five existing piers at Castle Peak , Hei Ling Chau , Pak Shan Wan , Tai Lam Chung and Tung Lung Chau .