
  • 网络PaRK;Ecological park
  1. 顾村,天赋一方美丽的生态公园;

    Gucun , is a picturesque ecological park created by God ;

  2. 城市生态公园的发展及其概念之探讨

    Discussion on the Development and Conception of the Urban Ecological Park

  3. 景观生态学视野下的城市生态公园设计

    Urban Ecological Park Design from the Viewpoint of Landscape Ecology

  4. 城市人工湿地生态公园建设及其效益分析

    Building of constructed wetland ecological park in city and its benefit analysis

  5. 烟台市福山区夹河生态公园开发的必要性和规划原则

    The Necessity and Planning Principle of Jiahe Ecological Park in Fushan District

  6. 珠海万山群岛海上生态公园建设规划构想

    A conception of constructing the marine ecological park in Wanshan islands , Zhuhai

  7. 关于建立恐龙湖竹林生态公园的探讨

    Discussion on Establishment of Dinosaur Lake Ecological Bamboos Garden

  8. 秋天去丰乐生态公园,走进大自然,收获快乐;

    Autumn has come , go to Fengle Eco Parks into nature , harvest .

  9. 新市镇开发模式与静湖生态公园可行性研究

    Studies on Newtown Exploitation Pattern and Investment Feasibility of the Jing Lake Ecotypic Park

  10. 城市生态公园设计方法探析

    Exploration on the urban ecological park design method

  11. 北戴河生态公园的可行性研究

    Feasibility Research on Zoology Park in Beidaihe

  12. 他来到马鞍山市的一个生态公园及一家钢铁公司。

    He made stops at an ecological park and a steel company in the city of Ma'anshan .

  13. 城市生态公园旅游规划方法研究&以温州生态园为例

    Research on Tourism Planning Strategy for Urban Ecological Park : A Case Study of Wenzhou Ecological Park

  14. 城市生态公园建设的启示&以天津紫云公园建设为例

    The enlightenment of urban ecology landscape construction & Take the Tianjin Zi Yun park construction as the example

  15. 如果是在香港,那里可以成为一个郊野公园,一片非常美丽的森林或是一个原生态公园。

    In Hong Kong , that would be a country park , a very nice forest or wilderness park .

  16. 生态公园是近自然园林在公园绿地建设中的具体应用,近自然园林是现代园林和城市林业的共同追求。

    Ecological Parks result from NALA . NALA is a common pursuit of modern landscape architecture and urban forestry .

  17. 经大量广告宣传的“生态公园”就像在水族馆里潜水一样——相当怪异。

    The much-advertised " eco parks " are like snorkeling in an aquarium -- pretty , but pretty weird .

  18. 城市绿化带雨洪利用的蓄滞作用分析&以宝鸡市北坡生态公园为例

    Analysis of rainwater retarding practices in the city virescence belt & The north slope ecology park of Baoji exemplified

  19. 本文从植物景观规划设计入手,对山地生态公园进行景观分析与功能定位。

    This article from the plant landscape planning and design of mountainous ecological park , landscape analysis and functional orientation .

  20. 城市生态公园营建中存在水资源短缺问题,还可能造成严重的城市水土流失。

    The construction of urban eco-park may cause both the shortage of water resources and serious water and soil loss problems in the city .

  21. 城市生态公园是城市的重要组成部分,也是城市人接触大自然的一个最近的场所。

    City Park is an important part of the city , city people in touch with nature is one of the most recent place .

  22. 从学术标准、人工设施条件、资金、客源等方面分析了生态公园建设的可行性;

    Also it analyzes the feasibility of zoology park constructing from the respects of learning standard , artificial facility conditions , funds and guest source , etc.

  23. 充分利用两岸滩地和地形条件,进行绿化景观设计,合理配置植物,建设画河生态公园。

    We should making full use of beaches and terrain conditions , the greening landscape design , rational distribution of plants , building painting River ecological park .

  24. 总体规划将场地与邻近社区的绿道,运河,湿地联系起来形成一个强大的,多样化的生态公园。

    The master plan reconnects the site and the adjacent community to a more ecologically robust and diverse regional network of parks , greenways , canals and remnant wetlands .

  25. 结合国内外城市生态公园和植被恢复的案例分析,归纳了城市生态公园和植被恢复中存在的主要问题及发展趋势。

    Combined with the vegetation recovery case studies and kinds of urban ecological park , it summarizes the main problems and trends of urban ecological park and vegetation recovery .

  26. 本文对城市生态公园的发展、内涵、特征、功能和构建途径等进行了探讨,并提出现有公园改造成生态公园的途径。

    In this paper , the development , concept , characteristics , function and construction were discussed , and the approaches for redevelop existed parks into ecological parks were also put forward .

  27. 菲律宾巴那万省的居民及专业捕鱼人活捉了一条重达一吨的咸水鳄。周一,一名官员宣称,他们将把这条鳄鱼“包装”为菲律宾南部一个生态公园的动物明星。

    Villagers and veteran hunters have captured a one-ton saltwater crocodile which they plan to make the star of a planned ecotourism park in a southern Philippine town , an official said Monday .

  28. 为林业调查规划(勘察设计)院编制森林公园、自然公园、湿地生态公园、风景名胜区、城市公园、城市绿地系统、高速公路景观、旅游概念规划等提供参考。

    Conceptual plan offers references for compositions of forest park , natural park , ecological wet land park , scenic spot , urban park , urban green land , landscape of highway and conceptual plan of tourism , and etc.

  29. 本文以天津紫云公园的规划建设为例,阐述了城市生态公园的概念、设计思路和对现阶段我国生态园林建设的启示。

    This article take the Tianjin Zi Yun park plan construction as an example , elaborated the urban ecology landscape concept , the designing thought and the enlightenment of construction of ecology landscape in our country at the present stage .

  30. 城市生态公园建设的是否成功植被恢复的营造起了至关重要的作用,因此开展该方面理论的研究是十分必要和有意义的。

    Vegetation recovery plays a crucial role in the construction of urban ecological park . So some theories studying in this field is quite necessary and meaningful . First , this essay proposes the strong practical significance of the research based on the background and the object of this study .