
hǎi bīn ɡōnɡ yuán
  • waterfront park
  1. 最近在台场海滨公园,一些球迷观看了铁人三项比赛。

    At Odaiba Marine Park , some fans recently watched the triathlon .

  2. 我们现在是在香港大埔的海滨公园。

    We 're now at the Seaside Park in Tai Po , Hong Kong .

  3. 这是环岛公路沿线的海滨公园。

    These are some of the seaside parks .

  4. 目前在沿海部份地区设为海滨公园。

    Park was set up along the coast .

  5. 在海滨公园有一个操场,非常漂亮的一个沙箱。

    In Haibin park there is a playground , very nice , with a sandbox .

  6. 参加者于青衣海滨公园检查站考察人的活动及休憩空间。

    Participants studied the human activities and leisure space at the Tsing Yi sea front .

  7. 请在6启2日周六下午1点,带上您的家人和朋友到佛特海滨公园来。

    Bring your families and friends to Fort Beach Park on Saturday , June 2nd at 1 p.m.

  8. 沿湖有海滨公园、新沙滩、月亮湾度假村、东郊公园游览点。

    Alongside the lake are waterfront parks , the New Sand Beach , The Moon Bay Resort and the East Suburban Park .

  9. 原油袭击彭沙科拉沙滩时,人员和设备均已布置妥当。此外,海湾岛国家海滨公园也位于此处。

    Crews and equipment were ready when oil hit Pensacola Beach , which includes the national park grounds of Gulf Islands Seashore .

  10. 在佛罗里达海滨公园的男厕所里,墙上装了一个给孩子换尿片用的塑料小桌。

    While in the men 's room at a beach park in Florida , I noticed they had a plastic baby-changing table installed on the wall .

  11. 世界杯开幕前的最后一个星期日,各个家庭,海滩游客及健身爱好者们漫步在著名的科帕卡巴纳海滨公园。

    Copacabana beach , on the last Sunday before the World Cup . Families , beachgoers and fitness lovers are strolling Copacabana 's famous seaside promenade .

  12. 尽管这里的公共运输远近驰名,遍布赫尔辛基的自行车道,使在城市和海滨公园骑车驰骋,成为一件轻松惬意的事。

    While the city 's public transportation system is renowned , Helsinki 's extensive bicycle trails make riding around the city and its seaside parks a breeze .

  13. 用途:适用于道路照明、机场、车站码头、广场、停车场照明及海滨、公园照明。

    Application : Lighting of road , square , aer-port , dock , station and beach , park .

  14. 因此,在20世纪50年代末,海滨、公园司建成、经营了十几个服务区。

    As a result , a dozen rest areas were built and operated by the Division of Beaches and Parks in the late1950s .

  15. 海滨步道和公园融入紧绷的都市生活。

    promenades and parks integrated with intense urban life .

  16. 鲁南海滨国家森林公园旅游开发的初步设想

    Preliminary plot for the tourist development of National Forest Park of South Shandong Seashore

  17. 风景园林视角下的城市湿地恢复与利用&以秦皇岛海滨国家森林公园湿地园为例

    The Restoration and Utilization of Wetland from the Perspective of Landscape Planning Landscape Planning Design of Wetland Park in National Seashore Forest Park , Qinhuangdao

  18. 基于立体思维的滨海新城规划以浙江海盐滨海新城发展规划为例风景园林视角下的城市湿地恢复与利用以秦皇岛海滨国家森林公园湿地园为例

    Coastal Newtown Development Program According to Stereoscopic Thinking : the Case of Haiyan Coastal Newtown Conceptual Development Program The Restoration and Utilization of Wetland from the Perspective of Landscape Planning Landscape Planning Design of Wetland Park in National Seashore Forest Park , Qinhuangdao

  19. Pancom团队为准备工作花费了数月时间。他们多次到香港考察,最终选址于中环海滨和添马公园。

    The Pancom team spent months in preparation and visited Hong Kong several times before eventually settling on the Central Promenade and Tamar Park areas .

  20. 主办方韩国创意团队Pancom将举行玫瑰灯海世界巡回展,他们把首站选在了香港的中环海滨和添马公园。

    The organisers , creative agency Pancom , chose Hong Kong 's Central Promenade and Tamar Park , as the first destinations for the garden as it begins a tour of the world .

  21. 花园的布置也因地制宜。中环海滨和添马公园的玫瑰花灯高度根据环境有所调整,分别为70厘米和80厘米。花朵闪亮,群星点点,创造出夺目的视觉效果。

    The flowers ' layout is based around the landscape and environment of the promenade and Tamar Park with two different heights - 70cm and 80cm - of roses being used to create the stunning visuals .