- 网络Marine protected areas;MPA;MPAs;marine reserve

The new marine reserve , now the largest in the Pacific , will permit no fishing or mining .
On the Pacific side , the hot destination is Isla coiba , an isolated marine reserve that was a notorious prison colony until the last inmate was released in 2005 .
Senator Hokkons Baules , lead sponsor of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary Act , said the sanctuary will " help build a allocate future for the Palauan people by honoring the conservation traditions of our past " .
South Korea , which operates state-of – the-art bases here , is increasing its fishing of krill , found in abundance in the Southern Ocean , while Russia recently frustrated efforts to create one of the world 's largest ocean sanctuaries here .
To avoid that , Stevens has proposed turning the bay into a marine sanctuary .
Mark Epstein , a delegate from the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition , said it was clear from the meetings that the vast majority of delegates supported marine reserves .
There have been substantive conversations around how marine protected areas should function .
Recreational scuba diving in Caribbean marine protected areas : do the users pay ?
The second major part is about marine reserves classification and domestic and international developments and features .
Undisturbed species like Sandager 's wrasse attract sport divers from around the globe to Poor Knights reserve .
It opened last month and offers nine villas , set on an otherwise uninhabited 86-acre Island , surrounded by a marine sanctuary .
The worst of the rubbish the dive team found was about 15 miles off the coast of Roatan heading towards the Cayos Cochinos Marine Reserve .
Instead , he 's been watching areas pinpointed by experts at Pew , such as new or proposed marine reserves , and places frequented by pirate fishing vessels .
In it , he pooled data from areas where fishing had been banned , either becausestocks had collapsed or because the space had been designated as aMarine reserve .
Delegates from 24 countries and regions and the European Union have agreed that the Ross Sea in Antarctica will become the world 's largest marine protected area ( MPA ) .
The three new marine monuments together equal an area roughly the size of Spain and are made up islands , reefs , atolls and underwater mountain ranges that are home to countless species .
In the1970 's , when few protected area existed in any ocean , human population was significantly smaller and the demands on natural resources far less than at present & or in the future .
The new marine protected area in the Ross Sea was created by a unanimous decision of the international body that oversees the waters around Antarctica - the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources - and was announced at the commission 's annual meeting in Tasmania last Friday .
The Pacific island nation of Palau has become home to the sixth largest marine world .
Design and management of island marine protected areas ( impa ): a theoretical and case study
The 45-year-old hopes that his swims will persuade the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources ( CCAMLR ) to set aside a marine protection area the size of UK , Germany and France in the Ross Sea .
The Research on Ecological Compensation for Marine Reserves Based on Environmental Risk Analysis
Sustainable Development and Study on Legal System of Special Protection Area of Ocean
Study on China s Oceanic Natural Reserve System
The sustainable development of marine reserves should harmonize ecology , society and economy benefit .
U.S.National Marine Sanctuaries monitoring and enlightenment
Application of the fuzzy set on the present comprehensive assessment of marine conservation places in Liaoning
The UK government has created the world 's largest marine reserve around the Chagos Islands .
As the best way of sustainable tourism , eco-tourism is an effective approach to sustainable development .
The designation of special marine reserves and marine sanctuaries shall be subject to the State Council for approval .