
  • 网络Ecological adaptation;ecological adaption;ecological adaptability
  1. 植物的DNAC-值在不同的分类群和生活型之间存在巨大差异,这种差异与地理分布、生态适应、植物的入侵能力等有一定的相关性。

    A huge difference exist in the DNA C-values of different plant taxa and life forms , which is in relation to their geographic distribution , ecological adaptation , and invasive ability and so on .

  2. 为揭示多态叶发育的生态适应机制,本文选择锯齿卵圆形(A)、卵圆形(B)和披针形(C)三种典型叶进行气孔以及光合生理生态方面的研究。

    In order to discover the ecological adaptation mechanism of the varied typical leaves , the lanceolate ( A ), broad-ovate ( B ) and dentate broad-ovate ( C ) leaves were chosen to investigate their Properties of Photosynthetic Ecology and Physiology .

  3. Captan、PEG和KNO3等常用的预处理措施均不能提高巴西盾柱木种子在不同干旱胁强下的萌发率,这也表明其对不规律干旱逆境已经形成固有的生态适应即生态进化。

    Neither priming in Captan nor in PEG and in KNO_3 do no good in P . dubium seed germination under different drought stress , which shows it has adapted ecologically to the not regular drought stress as its inherent ecological adaptation , that is , ecological evolution .

  4. 内蒙古典型草原几种优势植物生态适应对策研究

    Ecological Adaptation Strategies of Dominant Species in Inner Mongolia Typical Steppe

  5. 这些系统对于潮湿热带地区表现良好的生态适应。

    These systems appear ecologically well adapted to the humid tropics .

  6. 树锦鸡儿的分布式样及其生态适应

    The distribution pattern and ecological adaptation of Caragana sibirica Fabr

  7. 这种差异正是建昌马对不同地域的生态适应。

    This difference is ecological adaptation for Jianchang Horses to different areas .

  8. 从旱生植物叶结构探讨其生态适应的多样性

    A study on leaf structure and the diversity of xerophytes ecology adaptation

  9. 白枕鹤的呼吸系统及其生态适应

    The respiratory system of White-naped Crane and its ecological adaptation

  10. 内蒙古典型草原禾本科牧草生态适应综合评价

    The Comprehensive Evaluation of Ecological Adaptability of Grasses in Inner Mongolia Steppe

  11. 另外,超亲性状的生态适应意义尚不清楚。

    In addition , the ecological adaptations of these transgressive characters remain unknown .

  12. 荒漠区一年生植物层片的组织格局与生态适应模式

    The Organization Patterns and Ecological Adaptive Modes of Annual Plant Synusia in Desert Regions

  13. 分子生态学与生态适应是当前生态学的研究热点。

    Molecular ecology and ecological adaptation are research focus of ecology in recent years .

  14. 生态适应与生存策略分析

    Analysis on Ecological Adaptation and Survival Strategy

  15. 但前人基本上是就文化的生态适应而展开研究。

    However , the former research was unfolded mainly on the ecological adaption of culture .

  16. 不同立地类型大果沙棘生长及生态适应对策差异

    Difference in Growth Status and Ecological Adaptability Strategy of Large-Fruit Seabuckthorn under Different Site Conditions

  17. 广西弄拉几种适生药材叶片对岩溶环境的生态适应。

    The ecological adaptation of several medicinal materials to the karst environment in Guangxi Nongla .

  18. 浙江天童常绿阔叶林香港黄檀的生态适应特征和行为

    Adaptive characteristics and behavior of Dalbergia millettii liana in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest of eastern China

  19. 昆虫种群的生态适应

    The ecological adaptation of insect population

  20. 岩溶峰丛洼地不同地貌部位扶芳藤的生理生态适应特征

    Research on Ecophysiological Adaptability of Euonymus Fortunei in Different Geomorphological Positions of Karst Peak-cluster Billabong Area

  21. 植被恢复树种在不同实验光环境下叶片气体交换的生态适应特点

    Ecological adaptation of leaf gas exchange of trees used for re-vegetation under different experimental light regimes

  22. 细胞程序性死亡与生态适应

    Programmed cell death and adaptability

  23. 地上生物量与地下生物量分配与云南松生态适应对策有关,在幼苗期生物量优先向地下分配。

    The distribution of aboveground and underground biomass is related to the adaptation strategies of Pinus yunnanensis .

  24. 不同纬度来源的野生大豆拟种群动态参数及其生态适应意义

    Parameters of metapopulation dynamics of wild soybean originated from different latitudes and their significance of ecological adaptation

  25. 主分量分析能很好地反映4种光环境下的四川大头茶幼苗生长差异及其生态适应策略。

    Principal Component Analysis provided a good explanation for the growth difference and ecological adaptation strategies of G.

  26. 在进化过程中,植物可能形成了各种有效利用环境异质性的生态适应对策。

    In the evolutionary process , plants may have constituted various adaptive strategies to cope with environmental heterogeneity .

  27. 红树植物地上根根端的发育、结构与生态适应

    The studies on the development , structure and ecological adaptation of aboveground root apices of the mangrove plants

  28. 武术文化是一种适应,且表现为技术层次的自然生态适应和文化层次的社会适应;

    Wushu culture is an adaptation and manifests the ecology adaptation from technology and social adaptation from culture .

  29. 探讨了萌发孢子型与藓类植物系统分类、进化、生态适应、生殖策略的关系。

    Discussing the relationship between the sporeling-type and system classification , evolution ecology adaption and reproduction countermeasure of moss .

  30. 不同种群羊草幼苗保护酶系统对干旱的反应及其生理生态适应

    Responses of Protective Enzyme System of Leymus Chinensis Populations from Differently Geographic Areas to Osmotic Stress and Their Physio-Ecological Adaptability