
  • 网络Fertility policy;family planning policy;birth policy;one-child policy
  1. 计划生育政策在中国已施行30年之久。

    The one-child policy has been in place for three decades .

  2. 中国在20世纪70年代末推出了计划生育政策。

    China introduced its so-called one-child policy in the late 1970s .

  3. 他们积极拥护计划生育政策。

    They are very aggressive in pursuing the policy of birth control .

  4. 事实上,就至少一个目标而言,在世界上的某些地方我们已经取得了巨大的进步——实施计划生育政策以及相应地向小型家庭过渡。

    Indeed , we have made substantial progress in some parts of the world on at least one of these —— the distribution of family-planning services and the associated shift to smaller families .

  5. 计划生育政策实施30多年来,广大计划生育家庭为国家降低人口数量、节约社会抚养费用、提高人均GDP等做出了巨大的贡献。

    Family planning policy have brought into effect in China about 30 years , a lot of families which practice family planning have made a great contribution to reduce population , save social alimony and improve GDP per person .

  6. 关于调整中国生育政策需要解决的几个基本认识问题

    On Some Basic Ideological Issues in Adjusting China 's Fertility Policy

  7. 进一步重视文化教育和计划生育政策的实施。

    Pay more attention to implement of education and family plan .

  8. 为什么中国急需改变计划生育政策?

    Why China urgently needs to change its birth control policy .

  9. 中国的计划生育政策与都市独生女的赋权

    China 's One-Child Policy and the Empowerment of Urban Daughters

  10. 人口与生育政策变动对代际关系的影响

    The Effects of Population and Family Planning Policy Changes on Intergenerational Relations

  11. 由于多年实施计划生育政策,中国的人口结构严重失衡。

    Years of one-child policies have left the Chinese population nastily unbalanced .

  12. 计划生育政策是我国社会经济政策体系中的重要组成部分。

    Birth control policy is essential to our social and economic system .

  13. 我国70年代初以来的人口生育政策在短短的20年里取得了很好的效果。

    Our population bearing policy has acquired good effect during 20 years .

  14. 后人口转变时期我国计划生育政策取向初探

    Exploration on Family Planning Policy in Post Demographic Transition Period in China

  15. 严格执行计划生育政策。

    To strictly carry out the policy of family planning .

  16. 中国计划生育政策50年评估及未来方向

    Assessment of Chinese Birth Control Policies and Their Future Orientations

  17. 而这种现象的背后,很大的一个原因是计划生育政策。

    The one child policy is largely to blame .

  18. 胎次-激化双重效应:中国生育政策与出生性别比关系的理论构建与实证研究

    Parity-Intensification Effect : Birth Planning Policy and Sex Ratio at Birth in China

  19. 中国现行生育政策的形成及对其未来调整方向的思考

    The Formation of Chinese Present Fertility Policy and the Consideration about Its Amendment

  20. 但是随着时间的推移,计划生育政策也有所放宽。

    But the policy has been loosened over time .

  21. 你如何看待计划生育政策?

    What do you reckon the birth control policy ?

  22. 当时,政府正尽力贯彻计划生育政策。

    The government was trying to carry out the policy of family planning .

  23. 中国自1971年全面实行计划生育政策至今,已有34年的历史。

    China has enforced family planning comprehensively for thirty four years since 1971 .

  24. 孝亲敬老负有极其重要的家庭-在中国计划生育政策。

    Respecting senior citizens bears vital importance to the family-planning policy in China .

  25. 我国现行的生育政策是什么?

    What is our country 's active birth policy ?

  26. 婚前所生子女也是违反计划生育政策的。

    Children born before marriage also violate the policy .

  27. 现行生育政策研究

    A Study on the Chinese Family Planning Policy

  28. 中国未来人口发展与生育政策研究

    Future Population Development and Fertility Policy in China

  29. 中国生育政策调整问题研究

    On the Adjustment of Fertility Policy in China

  30. 中国人口生育政策的演变历程

    Evolution of Chinese Fertility Regulation Policies since 1949