
  1. 祝你和你的宝宝健康,快乐!

    I wish you and your baby healthy and happy life !

  2. 温和弱酸性,符合宝宝健康皮肤的标准。

    Week acidic , meets healthy skin standard of baby .

  3. 你尽一切可能作为一种新的母公司保持您的宝宝健康快乐。

    You do everything possible as a new parent to keep your baby healthy and happy .

  4. 这些营养物质能辅助和竖立宝宝健康成长的杰出基础。

    These nutrients help support and establish the very foundation , fo your childs structural growth and integrity .

  5. 在最关键的第一年让我们的宝宝健康快乐意味着让他们一生远离不幸和疾病。

    Making our babies happy and healthy in these critical first years of life will give them life-long protection against unhappiness and ill health .

  6. 如果您的宝宝健康,状态良好,就没有必要在最初几个月为宝宝增加维生素,铁,或其他补充剂。

    If your baby is healthy and doing well , there is no need for vitamins , iron , or other supplements in the early months .

  7. 世界卫生组织声称母乳喂养是最好的喂养方法使宝宝健康成长,提供宝宝所需的营养,保护宝宝抵抗传染病。

    The World Health Organization says that breastfeeding is the best way to provide babies with the nutrients and protection against infection they need to be healthy .

  8. 他们的虚拟宝宝健康,漂亮,开心而他们真实的娃娃却被活活饿死!

    How ironic it is that their imaginary baby was healthy , happy and beautiful while their real baby , who deserved careful care , died from hunger !

  9. 根据最新研究发现,Omega-3不饱和脂肪酸的摄取,对一个健康的宝宝和健康的妈妈是一样的重要。

    Among the most recent developments in this field , is the importance of omega-3 fatty acids in both the development of a healthy baby and in the health of the mother .

  10. 芙优朵(FOYODO)源自法国的品牌,专属贵族宝宝的健康护理产品。

    About the brand : FOYODO is a brand of France origin , and a special noble baby healthcare product brand .

  11. Karicare山羊公式的一切需要,宝宝的健康成长和发展,一直是谁设计的婴儿可能会遇到的困难,消化标准公式。

    Karicare Goat Formula has everything your baby needs for healthy growth and development and has been designed for infants who may be experiencing difficulties in digesting standard formulas .

  12. 正确的饮食有助于你和你的宝宝保持健康。

    Eating right will help you and your growing baby stay healthy .

  13. 宝宝非常健康漂亮,当然了

    She 's stunning . Beautiful baby . Absolutely .

  14. 很高兴,埃林的企图没有得逞,并且贝亚的宝宝很健康。

    Thankfully , Erin failed in his attempts and Bella has a healthy child .

  15. 赵艺桐说,她的丈夫一直非常关心宝宝的健康状况。

    Zhao said that her husband actually cared a lot about the baby 's health .

  16. 你的宝宝很健康

    Your baby sounds just fine .

  17. 如果您的宝宝是健康的和不断增长和增加体重,不必担心。

    If your baby is healthy and growing and gaining weight , don 't worry about it .

  18. 现在我唯一的心愿就是宝宝是健康的。最近我的背也不痛了。

    Now my only wish is that the baby is in good healthy . Recently , my back doesn 't ache .

  19. 但即使孕妇只是减少吸烟量,也能大大改善宝宝的健康。

    But even if a pregnant woman just reduces the number of cigarettes she smokes , she can improve her baby 's health a lot .

  20. 若经常使用,为了您宝宝的健康,建议奶嘴每4至6周更新一次

    " Under frequent use , we strongly suggest you change your nipple every 4 or 6 months so as to ensure the health of your baby . "

  21. 为了给猫妈妈绝育,也为了四个小宝宝能够健康成长,群护人员把他们母子五个接回了场所,但群护人员都挂了彩。

    In order to finish sterilization for the cat mother and ensure the four babies live healthily , we brought them to recovery place and we all got hurt .

  22. 虽然医学科技的进步已经最大程度保证了乙肝女性和她们宝宝的健康,但是却没有以同样幅度改变乙肝女性的生育体验。

    Although the development of medicine has ensured the health of women with hepatitis B and their babies to the most degree , the experience of female reproduction has not been improved as much as the growth of medical science .

  23. 大多数怀孕女性知道,无论是正确的蛋白质,过多咖啡因,或者是某种鱼类,她们摄入(或者不摄入)体内的物质对宝宝的健康很重要。

    Most pregnant women know that what they put ( or don 't put ) in their bodies is important to the well-being of their growing baby , whether it 's the right kind of protein , too much caffeine , or certain types of fish .

  24. 对五胞胎来说,每一个宝宝存活和健康的几率都很低。

    The chance all babies would survive and be healthy was incredibly low .

  25. 但是,并没有任何报告说明足月的健康的宝宝会产生健康问题。

    However , there are no reported health problems in healthy , full-term babies through the transmission of CMV through another mother 's milk .

  26. 你的宝宝很好,健康,正常。

    Your baby is fine . she 's healthy , she 's normal .

  27. 结构化和自由游戏都有正向的影响你的宝宝的成长和健康,宝宝玩的每一天。

    Both structured and free play have a positive impact on your baby 's growth and wellbeing , and time should be allotted for both types of play each day .

  28. 虽然给小宝宝喂食的时候夫妻俩还是遇到点问题,但米勒先生说,医生们都认为小宝宝非常健康。当他们得知他早产了15周时,都不敢相信。

    Although the little boy still has some feeding issues , Mr Miller said that doctors are in disbelief when they find out his healthy son was born 15 weeks premature .