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  • 网络Pauline;Po Lam
  1. 我经过博盖塞宫,许多名人曾住过此地,包括拿破仑恶名远播的妹妹宝琳(Pauline),她不知让多少情人住过这里。

    I pass the Palazzo Borghese , a building that has known many famous tenants , including Pauline , Napoleon 's scandalous sister , who kept untold numbers of lovers there .

  2. 宝琳修女,你在刚果多少年了?

    Sister pauline , how long were you in the congo ?

  3. 宝琳和席非走在白色教堂里。

    Po Lam and I walk in the non-white church .

  4. 宝琳说我不会利用机会。

    Pauline said that I failed to take advantage of the situation .

  5. 我是“宝琳·弗罗默旅游指南”系列的创作者宝琳·弗罗默。

    I 'm PaulineFrommer , the creator of the Pauline Frommer guidebooks .

  6. 乘客可以转乘往坑口或宝琳列车。

    Interchange station for Hang Hau or Po Lam .

  7. 宝琳修女已经来找过我了。

    Sister Pauline has already come to me .

  8. 伍德太太65岁的女儿宝琳•罗拒绝谈论这件事。

    Mrs Wood 's daughter Pauline Rowe , 65 , refused to discuss the split .

  9. 宝琳:可是,在公园内玩耶,这样不是有点怪怪吗?

    Pauline : But , in a park ? Isn 't that a little strange , though ?

  10. 我的母亲叫约翰娜第一代表亲宝琳的孙女也是新罗的侄女新罗就是我的外祖母

    My mother is Johanna , first cousin , twice removed from Pauline , niece of Sheila AKA.Grams ?

  11. 今天,宝琳·马华前往事故现场仔细查看了烧焦的废墟,并严厉批评了世界铁路公司的管理层,称他们回应受害者的需求耗费了太长时间。

    Pauline Marois , got in a close look at the charred debris today , and strongly criticized Rail World 's management for taking too long to respond the victims ' needs .

  12. 1983年妙小姐也被制作成一档电视节目,由约翰·阿德顿和宝琳·柯林斯分别配音奇先生和妙小姐。

    It , too , was made into a television series in1983 , which was narrated by John Alderton , who , with Pauline Collins , voiced the Men and Misses , respectively .

  13. 这个月,因为预算有限,我们请来了《纽约市:少花钱玩更多》旅游指南的作者宝琳·弗罗默来告诉我们早上、中午和晚上该在纽约做些什么事。

    This month , since we 're ona budget , we 've asked Pauline Frommer , the author of the New York City : SpendLess See More guide to show us what to do in the Big Apple from morning , noonand night .

  14. 玛戈特(妮可•基德曼饰)带着儿子一同前往参加妹妹宝琳(詹妮弗•杰森•李饰)的婚礼。

    At the center of the drama are two sisters played by Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Jason Leigh . Kidman plays Margot who travels up to her sister Pauline -- that 's Jennifer Jason Leigh 's -- wedding . Margot brings her son -- a teenager named Claude -- played by a wonderful young actor named Zane Pais .