
  • 网络Baoxing;Bo Hng
  1. 雅安是中国大熊猫的主要生长地之一。法国博物学家ArmandDavid在144年前就记录下了他在宝兴县发现的这一稀有物种——大熊猫,他是第一位记录下熊猫生活的欧洲人。

    Ya'an is home to the Giant Panda . French natural historian , Armand David , was the first European to write his observations on the rare species found at Baoxing County , 144 years ago .

  2. PEG(6000)处理贮藏1年的宝兴鸭茅种子活力有所提高,PEG浓度、处理时间和温度表现出交互效应,最适宜的处理条件组合为温度15℃,浓度15%,时间48h。

    The vigour of orchardgrass seeds with one-year storage improved noticeable which were treated with PEG-6000 . There were interactions among PEG concentration , operating time and temperature . Optimal PEG soaking condition combination was 15 ℃, 15 % and 48h .

  3. 2宝兴当地最佳播期为10月1日,其种子实际产量、千粒重均最高,分别为285kg/hm~2、0.606g/1000粒。该播期下,鸭茅种子的电导率较低,为230μs。

    In trials in Bao xing , the best time for sowing cocksfoot was Oct. 1st . Sowed on that day , the actual output and weight / 1000 were the highest , respectively , 285kg / hm2 and 0.606g/1000 and the conductive were low , namely , 230 M s.

  4. 瓦房复背斜水文地质条件及找水方向初论宝兴复背斜的构造侵位

    A first discussion on the tectonic emplacement of Baoxing anticlinorium , sichuan

  5. 宝兴鸭茅种子生产关键技术研究及质量评价

    Studies on Seed Production Technology and Evaluation of Seed Quality in Orchardgrass

  6. 宝兴综合生态系统管理功能分区与生态农业建设

    Functional Division of Integrated Ecosystem Management in Baoxing and Its Eco-agriculture Construction

  7. 四川省宝兴&芦山地区大理石石材产出地质特征及质量

    The quality and geological characteristics of the marble in baoxing-lushan region , sichuan Province

  8. 飞来峰的母体为宝兴杂岩体及其盖层,其成因为重力滑覆,形成时期为喜马拉雅期。

    It formed in Himalayan stage and the cause of its formation is gravity gliding .

  9. 四川宝兴虎耳草活性部位的筛选及其初步药效学研究

    Screening Active Section of Saxifraga in Baoxing , Sichuan Province and Preliminary Study on Pharmacodynamics

  10. 宝兴厂矿区地质构造复杂,成矿条件有利。

    The geological structure of Baoxingchang orefield is complicated and the metallogenetic condition is advantageous .

  11. 四川省芦山&宝兴地区花岗石石材产出地质特征及其品质

    The quality and geological characteristics of dimension stone of granites in Lushan Baoxing region , sichuan Province

  12. 四川宝兴县综合生态管理示范区替代生计发展途径与对策研究

    Development Approach and Strategy of Alternative Livelihood in the Integrated Ecosystem Management Demo Area of Sichuan Baoxing

  13. 宝兴水电站引水隧洞为深埋特长隧洞,涌水塌方问题突出。

    The problems of tunnel gushing and earthfall in Baoxing deep buried large hydraulic tunnel are obvious .

  14. 宝兴县位处四川生态旅游大环线上的重要连接点,具有特殊的区位优势。

    Baoxing covers special location for its outstanding junction function of ecotourism larger loop in Sichuan province .

  15. 宝兴“蜀白玉”大理石享有“天下第一白”的美誉。

    The Shubaiyu Marble of Baoxing bore the fine repute of the most white marble in the world .

  16. 新元古代宝兴杂岩的岩石成因及其对扬子西缘构造环境的制约

    Petrogenesis of the Neoproterozoic Baoxing Complex and its constraint on the tectonic environment in western margin of Yangtze Craton

  17. 受连续余震的影响,宝兴县210省道一路段发生两处塌方。

    A section of the provincial highway 210 in Baoxing county has seen two collapses triggered by continuous aftershocks .

  18. 目的:对四川宝兴虎耳草在兽医药物领域的开发和应用进行探索。

    Object : Explore the exploitation and application In the field of Veterinary Medicine of Saxifraga of Sichuan Bao-xing .

  19. 其中,耕地相对变化率超过全市平均水平的有名山县、汉源县、芦山县、宝兴县,耕地利用相对变化率大致分布的空间格局是:北部和南部相对变化大,中部相对变化小;

    These counties that comparative rate of plowland change had exceeded average are Mingshan , Hanyuan , Lushan , Baoxing .

  20. 在1∶25万宝兴县幅填图过程中,有28%的实测剖面实现了数字化成图。

    During 1 ∶ 250,000 geological mapping in the Baoxing quadrangle , digital mapping accounts for 28 % of measured sections .

  21. 邵阳宝兴化工设备有限公司是集开发、生产、贸易于一体的全方位现代化管理企业。

    Baoxing Shaoyang chemical plant is set development , production , trade in one of the all-round modernization of the management of enterprises .

  22. 熊猫方方在四川省宝兴县的竹林里度过六年之后于1972年到北京动物园。

    Fang Fang came to the Beijing Zoo in1972 after spending six years in the bamboo forests of Baoxing County , Sichuan Province .

  23. 更妙的是,西方世界对这一物种越来越着迷,这在很大程度上要归功于在宝兴周边发现的大熊猫。

    Better still , the west had become increasingly obsessed with the species , thanks largely to animals collected in the vicinity of Baoxing .

  24. 但宝兴值得特别关注,因为这座小城上方陡峭的竹林坡地是世界上保存最完好的大熊猫栖息地的一部分。

    But Baoxing deserves special attention , for the steep , bamboo-clad slopes above the town are part of the best-preserved panda habitat on earth .

  25. 根带是北川一宝兴断裂带,该断裂带挤压强烈,多期活动,在喜山期再度活动形成推覆构造。

    The Beichuan-Baoxing fault , which is supposed to be the root zone of the nappe , is characterised in strong compression and multistage activation .

  26. 尽管,至今并未发现宝兴大熊猫有伤亡情况,但是它们受到了巨大的惊吓。

    Although no deaths or injuries have been reported among the Baoxing panda population so far , they 've been badly frightened by the earthquake .

  27. 宝兴水电站引水隧洞涌水塌方段涌水塌方机制及围岩稳定性研究

    The Research on Tunnel Gushing and Collapse Mechanism and Stability of Surrounding Rock in the Gushing and Collapse Section of Hydraulic Tunnel of Baoxing Hydropower Station

  28. 研究结果表明宝兴百合种内分化比较剧烈,横断山区可能是该种的起源中心和分化中心。

    As a result , there is high intraspecific differentiation in Lilium duchartrei and we asume that Hengduan Mountain area is its origin and differentiation center .

  29. 宝兴县土地利用方式大多为林地、草地等,农地面积比例相对较低,且道路、居民点等因地形和经济发展限制相对稀少,因此整体受人为干扰不强烈。

    Also , due to the terrain and economic development constraints , roads and settlements were relatively sparse . So the overall human disturbance is not strong .

  30. 生命探测设备、工具、帐篷以及雨衣等救援物资已由两架军用直升飞机运往“孤岛”宝兴县。

    Rescue and relief supplies such as life detection equipment , tools , tents and raincoats have been transported to the isolated county by two military helicopters .