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ēn zé
  • Enze;bounties bestowed by a monarch or an official;bounty,benefit received from above
恩泽 [ēn zé]
  • [bounty,benefit received from above] 君主恩赐惠及臣民,如雨泽润物

  • 是以愚臣徘徊于恩泽,而不敢自弃者也。--曹植《上责躬应诏诗表》

  • 普施恩泽

恩泽[ēn zé]
  1. 愿朱庇特神赐给你恩泽绵绵!

    May Jupiter continue to give you his gifts without end !

  2. 希望丘比特继续把他那慷慨无尽的恩泽倾注于你!

    May Jupiter continue to pour on thee his bounteous gifts !

  3. 不,是赞美诗253篇“爱的恩泽”。

    Nope , hymn 253 , His Eyes Are On The Sparrow !

  4. 上帝炯炯的目光全部融入温柔的恩泽。

    And all the flashing of God 's gaze merged into soft beneficence .

  5. 今天早上,愿那些我们所尊敬的人信任并常常领略您的恩泽。

    May those we honor this morning always turn to it in trust .

  6. 慈善的行为,施恩泽于玛格丽特善于成为焦点。

    A beneficent act And good at getting attention .

  7. 她是个宽厚、慈善的女人。慈善的行为,施恩泽于

    She was a benevolent , charitable , good woman . a beneficent act

  8. 所以,我必须竭尽我的所能,回报我所接受到的并且还在源源而来的恩泽。

    So I must try to repay whatever I have received and am receiving .

  9. 这太阳并不想从主的恩泽中获取王冠或法袍。

    This Sun doesn 't want a crown or robe from God 's grace .

  10. 珍惜你得到的恩泽.做一个“健忘”的人:释怀过去。

    Count your blessings . Resolve to have a bad memory : release the past .

  11. 不,是赞美诗253篇“爱的恩泽”

    No ," hymn " 253 : " his eyes are on the sparrow . "

  12. 他沐浴在她的恩泽。

    He basked in her favor .

  13. 但这一技术在恩泽人类,带给人们莫大的福祉的同时,也产生了一系列的问题。

    However the technology bring great gospel to people , but also produced lots of problems .

  14. 他生活在幸运的微笑之中,承受着伟人的恩泽。

    He lived in the smiles of fortune and basked in the favor of the great .

  15. 学会把所受的伤害写在沙子上,把所得的恩泽刻在石头上。

    Learn to write what you endured on the sand , and what you get on the stone .

  16. 受尽永恒女皇恩泽的僧侣被认为是娜迦帝国的核心与思想。

    Monks of the Eternal Empress are said to be the heart and mind of the Naga Empire .

  17. 爱意识到自己受到他的恩泽实在太多了,便去问另一位老者知识,“是谁帮助了我啊?”

    Love realized how much he owed the elder and asked Knowlege , another elder ," Who helped me ?"

  18. 所以恩泽及于民众,贤人就会归向他;

    Therefore , if the ruler 's beneficence extends to the people , the Capable will give their allegiance .

  19. 我们绝对不会知道自己将何时成为恩泽的接收者&那本身就是奇迹的一部分。

    We never know when we will be the recipients of such grace – that is part of the wonder .

  20. 你应该想到,上帝的恩泽,实普降举世各国,不仅是苏格兰。

    You ought to recollect that the same divine will dispenses its streams to other kingdom as well as to Scotland .

  21. 纵观这些民族的建国神话,天是造物主,是神,是宇宙万物的创造者,宇宙万物得以生存都是因为天的恩泽。

    Among these myths , sky is the creator , the supreme beings , and also the maker of the universe .

  22. 消除你生活中的压力,接受那松弛的恩泽,使你的身体和灵魂得到慰藉,获得平静。

    Give up the stresses of your life and receive the gift of relaxation to soothe and calm your body and mind .

  23. 无线传感器网络中恶意软件传播研究愿龙王的恩泽远播广传以利益更多的有情!

    Investigating Malware Propagation over Wireless Sensor Networks May the grace of Dragon King spread far and wide to benefit more beings !

  24. 愿你给他人带来的祝福在新的一年里恩泽在你和你的家人身上,直到永远!

    For all the blessings you bring to others , may you and your family be blessed in the new year and always .

  25. 现代家居的发展不应割断自然恩泽的历史。

    Therefore , the development of modern family residences should not be garbled out of the historical context of the bounty of nature .

  26. 盗版商只是将他们的非法活动移到了管辖宽松的地方,例如瑞典&它仍然受到基于美国的搜索引擎和支付体系的恩泽。

    The pirates just moved their illegal activity to looser jurisdictions , such as Sweden & while still benefiting from American-based search engines and payment systems .

  27. 确保我们及仰承国家福惠的后代子孙最大限度地拥有这一无比珍贵的恩泽。

    and to secure the full measure of its priceless benefits to us and to those who will succeed to the blessings of our national life .

  28. 她的遗骨会安息在恩泽之庙中,一百根蜡烛会日夜不停的燃烧以纪念她。

    Her bones shall be laid to rest in the Temple of the Graces , and a hundred candles shall burn day and night in her memory .

  29. 一切花朵、蓓蕾和鸟雀都感到了生命和欢乐而抖动起来;上帝的凝视汇合成温柔的恩泽。

    every flower , and bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them ; and all the flashing of God 's gaze merged into soft beneficence .

  30. 网络作为高科技信息库,在给人们带来无限恩泽和财富的同时,伴随着网络信息的激增,它也成为了信息垃圾的生产源。

    As hi-tech bank , network brings people limitless benefits and fortune , but with the sharp increase of net information it becomes the source of rubbish information .